From your own source... No where do they state that this IS the link. I would also like to bring to your attention that they found 49 fossils of other species... There is to much contradicting this for me to believe it.
Do you want me to find the second oldest human remains because its still older than any religion. Oldest known human remains in the world? - Yahoo! Answers its a crude link I did not give much effort finding it. Either way there are animals and their remains predating religions creation. We created religion not the other way around.
That supports me... "The 160,000-year-old fossils, the oldest ever **** sapiens and excavated in a remote region of Ethiopia, appear to prove that the continent was the cradle of humanity, the scientists said." From your link again...
????? oldest religion dates back to 60,00 years that leaves a 100,000 years with out religion on this species of humans. You have taken math right? Plus if you scroll down someone updated and added the 4.5 million year old remains. This one^ in the second or 3rd paragraph tell of 300,000 and 100,000 year old remains as well.
Dawn of human race uncovered - life - 11 June 2003 - New Scientist I find you distasteful to debate with. I have yet to insult you or your intelligence and you go of and say. Please, grow up, you might be smart but you are not mature. You do realize I just stated why the 4.5 million one is flawed... That's the one you used for evidence. The source says " but from then back to 300,000 years ago the remains are either highly fragmented, poorly dated or both."
Well I was pointing out that you disregarded the dates between religions creation and human creation. 4.5 million years to 60,000 years . Theres an obvious difference in time that is constantly ignored. The " cleaning" of the skull could mean a countless things maybe a predator killed the human and stripped the skull clean. Also anouther human could have did this it could have been done for any amount of reasons. It very well could have been the start of rituals as they suggested. But gods were not called gods until 60to 70 thousand years ago which is just yesterday in the human species time clock. and its kind of obvious that a shattered skull is hard to date and place into the right order. fossils are once living material which has turned to stone. If you miss test the wrong part then you will be off a bit. Theres plenty of variables for the condition of such and old skull. Its a surprise it survived for this long. John Lennon Put it the best way. Listen to the lyrics closely it talks about all the things people fight over. YouTube - Imagine - John Lennon (Lyrics)
**** means human. As in **** "X" was discovered 180,000 years ago but **** "Y" was discovered 4.2 million years ago therefore **** is 4.2 million years old. It doesn't matter. 160,000 is plenty older than 6,600 which is what creationism proposes.
Horrible Song, Religion has nothing to do with. -Formation of Countries -Racialism -Greed -Poverty -World Hunger Even if everyone were to become an Athiest we would still have the same problems of Violence, Rape, Adultery, Racialism, Sexism, Elitism, Wars, Poverty, Hunger. So point is don't ever use that song to prove a point because it does not.
Its a great song! Its from the freaking Beatles woman one of the greatest band known to man lol. Find me one Human on Earth who hasn't heard of them. ;] John Lennon was a genius. Seems like you missed the message of peace and happiness. How doesn't it ? Countries were founded on beliefs some religious some political. The church was/is greedy for land power and control as shown by its conquest during midieval times and modern day scandals . Poverty ,world hunger, and racialism are just anouther part of the song. I could connect them to religion but it would come off more opinion based and not fact.[believe how many people could have been fed if the church didn't spend the money on Cathedrals ] If everyone was athiest yeah there would still be these things but much less of it but adultery because no religion = no maraige so not cheating. Most conflict is based on beliefs , land , or power this is in the teachings of Sun Tzu's "Art of War" All wars are based on these 3 things. If humans only had land /power and some differing beliefs to fight over then thats not bad. At least people would be fighting and dieing over real things not some belief that they believe makes them better. Religion is just anouther way for people to sepperate themselves from one anouther and thats the opposite of its orriginal purpose. People fight over differing beliefs and who is right and look how that has gone. Just think if everyone did get allong how much better Earth would be. To bad we have tons of invisiable barriers preventing that. To bad we don't have a "religion Ronald Reagan" so we can tear down the walls of our society. I like the Beatles I can't believe you don't like it , goes to show kids just like emo music and vulgar rap songs now a days ;]. What ever happened to songs about peace?
LOL! I'm sorry to poke in here again, but religion was not the main point of that song, which to be honest is completely unrealistic and more "Shangri-La"-ish than true freedoms. Which is the point of the song, it's completely impossible... Anyway, the religion thing fits into the belief that everyone has everything they want, nobody has differing beliefs, etc. That's why it's "and no religion, too". It's a part of his mindset, without it it would have a differing belief which would give people some element of freedom to fight over. Freedom=violence. I'd rather have that than total peace and no freedoms at all. And this is way off bad. I just hate it when people take that song as an "anti religious" song.
I know religion was not the main part but thats what I choose to focus on. I just interpreted the song just like people interpret the bible. So I guess we are both right because it is about freedom but it also gives good points that people fight over beliefs. Religion = beliefs so thats a reason for people to fight and they do. So no religion would mean no fightion over that particular thing but of course there would still be fighting. If everyone thought alike then there would be no fighting but that would be freaking weird and is impossible. This doesn't mean we shouldn't learn other peoples views and try to connect just that we need to stop fighting over dumb crap. So I agree with the "Freedom=violence. I'd rather have that than total peace and no freedoms at all." comment because its true. "I just hate it when people take that song as an "anti religious" song" It just gets interpreted differently and should not be taken litterally . I think you said something like that before.
Correct. Who have come in here to piss people off, then run away. Personaly Im surprised this hast been locked at some point. Yes, it is a debate, but I believe every single view possible has been expressed in here, and past smart posts, it comes down to who can flame one another the best.
God is an abstract concept created by philosophers who find the deadly truth in life and strive to create some imaginary being to give purpose to life thereby forever saving their names in history. Furthermore, rulers promote the concept of got to force a level of morality on people beyond the law thus maintaining a stable society. Although god does not exist nor does heaven, these keep the world running.
look who's a tad tardy to the party. You see this thread has all but died. I'll respond because maybe just maybe you'll actually care and want to have a good debate(although highly unlikely). Isn't ironic that you use the highly esteemed word of "philosopher" to describe the people you and many others probably classify as unsophisticated desert nomads? I know I would call them that. And yes I'm sure when Moses was delivering his people out of slavery all he could think about was what your opinion of him would be. Well there is that but there is also the reason of He's real, which is also a rather good reason for rulers to promote God or any religion. When you combine the two, a ruler would have to be crazy not to. Blah blah blah opinions opinions opinions nothing besides correlations really, and rather stretched ones at that.
Nothing you'd probably interested in. Personal experiences mostly, to which you would respond along the lines of "Blah blah blah opinions opinions opinions nothing besides correlations really, and rather stretched ones at that."