100% random teleporters

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by cory21, Nov 3, 2009.

  1. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    I've got quite a bit of a problem here. I'll try to explain as best I can what I need. There are 2 teams of two. They both spawn in their own small box on top of each other, so they can't shoot or see the other team. What I need is a method where there are 4 random areas, where both teams are randomly sent to the same area.

    My method is having four teleporters for each team (8 total). They are stacked on top of each other and each correspond to opposite sides of an area. 3 of them are blocked randomly. I did this by blocking all of them with a wooden bridge and setting each bridge to Place @ Start: No. They all have a run time minimum of 3, so three of them are automatically forced spawned, leaving one of them open.

    However, it seems like everytime I test this, the 3rd one is the only one to be unblocked. Every single time. Out of 15 rounds (these were checked every time I started a new round during my forge progress), the 3rd one was left open 14 times.

    Is this method truly random, or do you guys know of a better method where I can send two teams to the same area with 2 different teleporters? Its kind of disappointing right now.
  2. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    To my knowledge, randomizing objects only works in large numbers. Try spawning at least twelve bridges.
    #2 Seaboro Kibbles, Nov 3, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2009
  3. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    Okay, but how will I ensure that one of the four teleporters are still open?
  4. Viet Honor

    Viet Honor Ancient
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    Im not completely sure, but don't immovable objects ONLY spawn random on the first round?
  5. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    Have four objects placed over the teleporters, set them not to spawn, and set the minimum to 3. Then have more of the same objects somewhere else, and I'm not sure of those should be set to spawn or not, but it shouldn't be hard to test.

    Not to my knowledge.
  6. Orange

    Orange Ancient
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    I am going with make 4 reciever nodes unblocked, wouldn't that be random?
  7. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I think its a remake of the halo CE map . You know the one with a lot of teleport ! But your idea are cool . I caint wait !
  8. apesap0

    apesap0 Ancient
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    If I were you, I would test the randomness in custom, and not in forge, since forge is a bit glitched.
  9. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
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    Allow each team to have only 1 sender node. Then put 4 different reciever nodes in four different locations on your map. Next, make the channel for each of them the same. Example: 2 sender nodes(one for each team) to channel 9. 4 reciever nodes to channel 9. By doing this the location in which they teleport to will be random.
  10. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
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    a better way.. increase the amounts of exits, decrease the number of channels in each area and at the same time increase the number of randomized covered areas. like...

    [ 11 22 ] [ 33 44 ] [ 55 66 ] [ 77 88 ]

    O r

    [ 11 11 ] [ 22 22 ] [ 34 56 ] [ 78 90 ]
    this side recievers this side with two
    attached to 4 way nodes
    #10 Aranore, Nov 4, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2009
  11. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    rather than randomness, if placed correctly only one teleporte will be active. If merged with a block in different directions, and the sender placed on it's side, the recievers would work depending on the direction of entry.
  12. XxSpix

    XxSpix Ancient
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    You want all the people to come out the same area, or different?

    If not

    [Battlefield or central area]


    Everyone will be sent out different exits
  13. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    I appreciate the help you guys are giving me, but there are 4 separate areas, or battlefields. I need the two teams to all go to one of randomly selected areas, and when they go through the teleporter for that round, both teams are sent to the same area, using different sender nodes.

    Seaboro: I tried what you did with the extra objects, and nothing noticeable happened. I might try it in Custom Games, if you guys say Forge and CG work differently.
  14. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    All the bridges are set not to spawn, the run time mimimum is three, and theres like, twenty bridges? I have no idea why it's not working for you..

    Four areas, four teleporters each. The only way to have 16 reciever nodes is if you use two-way nodes, or do you have some other plan?

    And, customs and forge are generally the same, same physics. There are some small differences, but the effects of randomization is not one of them.
  15. Orange

    Orange Ancient
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    well here is a complicated way. make the four areas with two recievers per. then have all of team 1's on channel 0 and team 2's as channel 1. then there is the hard part. cover up all 8 recievers with explosives and connect all the explosives in each area. finally make a spinning grav lift and have a fusion coil spawn above it and wherever area the fusion coil falls into via spinning grav lift will be unblocked


    send me message if you need help making spinning grav lift.
    EDIT:i forgot to put explosives in diagram, well they would be on the recievers and connecting the recievers so one falling fusion coil will unblock both. red=fusion coil
    #15 Orange, Nov 5, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2009
  16. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    orange: This will work in the same way every time eleminating the randomness. I have no idea how you plan to make a spinning gravlift, please explain since this sounds usefull.

    There is actually a serious difference in customs and forge. Forge has a highly increased lag, for two people even higher than a big team social match. This is why overloading works, and many items that interact with a player's movement (gravlifts, boundaries, guardians, teleporters) will have an entirely different reaction in customs versus forge. Always test things in customs.
  17. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    put as many teleporters down as possible and set as many of the blockers down as possible. The more numbers should equal more random.
  18. Orange

    Orange Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It may work and be different every time, but what I would do is make the grav lift not spawn for 10s and haveit instant respawn as it wil be milliseconds different from the last thus effecting it to be random

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