i agree with Phreakie, dont get me wrong, it is forged very very well, im not saying it isnt or anything, but the overall layout is very average.
I think it was worth it. Its really awesome. Some maps may be more beautiful, but when you play it, you see that they don't play quite well as you thought. This one have an awesome gameplay.
I don't think you guys understand what a feature represents. A feature is a map that has been chosen by the staff with the help from the community ("Want to see a map featured?"). In their eyes, the map is worth a front page post on the site which is ran by them. Coincidentally, the map may not be seen as great by some members, but that is evident with anything. Not everyone likes the same things. First of all, the map is deserving. The layout may not be the most original design, but it works. That's what counts. In my opinion, the design is not at all played out and is accredited to the unique gameplay that this map offers.
Nicely said good sir. A very solid map in my opinion. We played a 2v2 on it,and it went well. Gameplay reminded me of Cold Storage, with some Guardian essence. Overall, I agree with a feature, but I do see a certain map out there has been waiting for a feature for a long time.
This map really does deserve to be on the front page, and its no coincidence that Zombievillan has quite a few features. The asymmetrical roomy layout is fun and unique, and as always the forging and aesthetics are top notch. I love playing 1v1s on Alizarin, and like MickRaider said, I love the use of the windows throughout. Even though you may be across the map from the other player you might catch a glimpse of them through a window. Nice work and congrats Zombievillan, maybe I will be up there with you one of these days.
Just to keep things straight, Zombie doesn't have connections to the moderators. The moderators have connections with him. 'Nuff said.
I honestly don't get how people are calling the design of this map boring or nothing new, have you guys played it at all? The SINGLE thing which struck me most when playing this map was the incredibly strong sense of a unique gameplay experience, honed in very detailed ways. The dynamic of 1 on 1 battles changes massively when fighting between and inside the outer room areas, in to something characterised by a few very defined height differentials. If I'm honest, this didn't always do it for me, especially in Slayer. But that's a personal preference of gameplay, and tbh it did strike me as the kind of map that, once you've got the layout and key paths down in your mind, is that bit more rewarding to play because of it's such carefully steered gameplay mechanic that still allows for very solid competitive play in appreciated terms. I think people need to stop being so hasty in connecting the dots of 'I don't like it' and 'it's a bad map map/design'. When it came to Ball, the layout of this map came in to play much more - it's objective after all - and it really did it for me. Overall side to side balance was engaging and seamless, and the circulatory nature of the design really allowed for some great ball play. The nods toward Guardian are not unfounded in certain key design senses, and tbh that's enough praise in itself.
Well said. The people here, for the most part, are defining features by their own standards. What do you guys (Meaning those who don't feel this is deserving) define features as? Because most of that crowd said that this map doesn't stand out, isn't original, or is "just another 1v1 map." Features are the maps that the staff feel are the highest quality this website has to offer. There is no creativity requirement, and nobody is saying that this is an intensely creative map. That being said, the map is far from bland, and the red light and slit wall theme really adds style to the map. It's pretty clear that, ever since Impound and its blue theme, many people (including myself) have gone for the whole single-color atmosphere rather than "blue base, middle, red base." I certainly agree with this map being a feature, because it is of some of the highest quality on this website. That being said, I would like to see more varied styles of maps on the front page. I'm about out of quota for 1v1 to 3v3 Skybox layout maps which have held the majority of features since even before the 1v1 tournament. When was the last featured map suiting big teams? Anyways, congrats Zombievillain on the feature.
Tehehe in actuality, the single color theme came from Diadem, which was built long before rusty moved impound to sandbox. You guys just got to see single color scheme on impound first.
Oh contraire, Adyless used gold and I didn't. I hate gold, he uses it like crack. No offense, Ady, but that is just a difference in our styles. Anyways, Impound is the oldest design, but the newest built. Congrats to you Zombie, I loved it!
Did someone say gold? >_> Laughs aside, i was skeptical of this map at first but as I was tricked into playing games on it I learned to like and enjoy this map. Its has such a different feeling than any other sky bubble map. I love the room to room combat this map gives but at the same time it allows for mid range BR battles which I also like in a map. PS: I told you it would happen chrst rofl. xD
When I play this map, I will talk ****. But I specifically said at one point that this map deserves a feature. See? Jenkins, I kind of agree. YOUR MAPS DO DESERVE MORE ATTENTION!!! Sometimes though, good maps must be ignored for the greater good? Well, I will be back later. I have some homework to catch up to...
Well, this is rather funny... to be featured that is. Oh, and shall I quote something from the original post? I think I shall... Anywho, I'm glad this was featured and Zombie got another map towards his Arc' rank. Zombie truly made the best out of the map and put a lot of heart into. I thank him for that and thank for all those who dl'd it and liked it. But don't bother about me... I'm just a simple friend who gave Zombie some fuel to build this map.
The map itself Is really awesome for gameplay, but it's sortof breakable. You could easily gain the lead and grenade jump over one of the shorter walls, walk along the edges, and find little places to stand on outside of the map. These spots I found most helpful when playing noobish friends... Anyways, I am glad it got featured, it is definantly one of the better maps on this site, If only there weren't those hiding spots. I give the map a 4.5/5, and keep up the good work Zombie!
He removed parts of the walls in the overview pictures to better show the map. This would be known had you not judged based on the pictures lol
As for BTB maps, it is seen less because it is simply more difficult to build one. Whether you like it or not, Halo 3 is geared the most toward 4v4 style gameplay. Due to this, a 4v4 map can be created easier because Halo 3 will make up for small gameplay errors. On Guardian, 4 players can set up. Imagine an 8 player set up. It would be ridiculous. More has to be taken into account. Personally, I have not seen a BTB map that deserves a feature lately.
Oh, lol. Well, my mistake. I'll check it out though, and see if it is breakable. That is for some reason one of my pet peeves about maps.
Indeed. Almost all people that to make a BTB fail, and this is because they uderestimate how much effort and knowledge you need in order to make a successful BTB map.