the witch is evil i saw one over a fence and i thought to myself i should kill her now while shes on the other side itll take her forever to get over here, bad mistake she can climb fences now and also is faster then you if you use adrenaline also she walks around the level
Uhh.. How are you guys so lucky. Every time I've played so far, I've had a tank. And not just that, he's come after me. And only me. Last weekends, I think I played like 10 games too. That's alot of "HOLY ****. TANK! TANK! TANK! TANK!" running.
Some people have other methods of obtaining games... Anyway, I didn't play the first one much, but this one seems pretty similar. Fun with friends, but boring otherwise.
thats how i thought you got it. wasnt sure if pc got a free demo too. its still a good deal though its cheaper and a free bill hat for all classes
The demo sucked in my opinion. I don't know about the game. The demo had glitches all over the place. Small ones, but so many it added up. For example, I'd go to heal myself, and the animation would get stuck. I would try to get the people inside the room, and they wouldn't go in. Zombies spawned behind me, and when the game realized that there was a wall between me and them, they just disappeared into thin air. Plus, I have a good connection, and the frame rate just like, DIED when I played with friends. So, I tried playing with my little bro who is in the same room. Thinking maybe one of them had a bad connection. Nope. It was the demo.
i am getting it for xbox because my PC can barley run it and other people are constantly using the computer
What game setting did you play on? Dedicated Server, the second option, or LAN? Dedicated server had barely any lag at all.
really? i played it on dedicated server and it lagged. it was probably due to the amount of people playing it at 1ce also if you want a fun easter egg go play around with the jukebox for a while till something comes on that you may recognize
This was a triumph. I'm making a note here. HUGE SUCCESS. It's hard to over state My satisfaction. Aperture Science. We do what we must, because we can. For the good of all of us, except the ones who are dead. Good Song. Nice Easter egg. Gotta love Valve.
ya i knew there was something up with that jukebox 1st time i saw it i knew it was useable and had to have some secret song