Important Message of the Time. I STILL NEED A NAME! AND READ THE POST! I AM NOW CONSIDERING PARTNERS, SEE POSSIBLE JOBS AT THE BOTTOM! I WANT STRICTLY FORGE RELATED NAMES. IF I BRANCH INTO OTHER GAMES THEY GET INDIVIDUAL SHOWS In about a month's time I will be having a birthday. With presents. Including an HD Capture Card. So I've decided the first machinima I'll make will be a weekly news presentation. A presentation, on forge. The basis of the machinima will be around showing off several maps that I've seen and played on within the week with other people. I will choose three maps a week. A second thing within the machinima will be the players choice. The week prior I will choose three maps to put up. The winner gets special mention the following week. Write in's allowed. A third, experimental section, will be random category of the week. Every week I will choose a random category to use as a tag for searching. The map with the most of that tag gets a review. I will then announce next week's tag, and tell people to get tagging. The fourth section will be a random, none forge related section. It will be different each week. Maybe a tutorial on capture cards one week, a community montage the next, maybe the coolest video I could find. A fifth section will be a random forge related section. A forge tutorial, contest, or interview. Sections have no set order, however the fourth mentioned will also be somewhere in the middle, going by the name, "Forge Break" or something relatively similair in meaning. Suggestions open. This machinima will be done by me, and with the possibility of guest stars from time to time. I have the presentation and map reviews planned out. So don't worry about it ending up anything bad, like a show that does not give credit where due, AKA the unmentionable of FH. Don't worry about that. Now's where I need your help ForgeHub. I need some suggestions. Ideas. For sections. Those that would fit in sections four and five. I also need a name. Also, if anyone has spare time, once I settle on a name, would anyone like to make an opening sequence for it? I can only do picture openings, or recorded with overlays. I can't do anything fancy. So I'll try my best, but if you want to fiddle around or something, be my guest. I most certainly will not say no. : ) So any ideas ForgeHub? Here's my current list: Interview a prominent member of the forge community. Do a teaser for a map. Bonus map review. Contest. Special News. Pic of the Week. Clip of the Week. Community Montage. Forge Tutorial. Camera Tutorial. Address new Halo information. I also need music. So far I'm going with newgrounds, seeing as I do not want to worry about copyright issues, but if any of you made any music and wanted to submit it, I'll take a listen and see if I can fit it. This machinima will try and be as community made as possible. Also, any specific maps you guys want to nominate for the first episode? I'm open to suggestions, but unlike the machinima attempted with Diger44 in the past, will not just take every one of them in order, and not every one suggested will be done. I will take the first one without looking as long as it is not anything at all like a joke. It needs to be worth at least three stars out of five, including decimals. I'll update this post later with the style of video. It will not be like the forge video I attempted with Diger44. Thanks for reading this far if you have. Alright, a typical episode probably consists of the following in this order: 1. Opening 2. Map Review 1 3. Player's Choice 4. Forge Break 1 5. Map Review 2 6. Random Category of the Week 7. Forge Break 2 8. Map Review 3 9. Random Forge Topic 10.Conclusion Possible Speaking Jobs: NEEDED jobs, as in if you prove reliable you have the job, but I can do this without you, so don't think you're off the hook. Second Reviewer: A background voice that gives a second opinion on each map. So that way each map gets two ratings. MLG Spokes(wo)man: A person that gives reviews whenever I pick an MLG map. I can tell that my reviews of those would suck HIGHLY, seeing as I don't play any MLG whatsoever normally. Maybe jobs, only if you prove to make it better than it already is: Top Clips/Videos/W/e: Read Random Top Clips The (You're Name Here) Corner: You get to talk about something. Anything. As long as it is Halo Related. Possible You're Name gets in the credits saying what you did but your voice isn't in the video jobs. Multiple people can share a job, and you can join and quit any time. You're only in the videos you helped though: Reporter: Get's me Halo News. Not that difficult. Proving able to get MLG news is more prefered. Artist: Get me cool artwork for an opening sequence. Or make a cool opening scene. Musician: Make music for the show. This is per show, so if someone, let's say Zander, makes a really awesome starting song, and it becomes permanent, you're in every episode. Same for artist. If you could be the same person however, that would make timing art to video much easier. Considering you're the one doing it.
So this will be like Forge News? Is it going to be like official'y and tidy, or something primarily for humour? And i'd recommend you get some good practice at effective ways of capturing, and some practice with editing, and also get some good software like Sony Vegas. Is your capture card internal or external? Because internal are heavy on your computer.
I can help but I really don't know in which way I can. I has teh bomb-est music ever. Bands such as: Metallica The Beatles Nirvana AC/DC Mudhoney Motley Crue Green Day Avenged Sevenfold Boston Breaking Benjamin Daughtry Disturbed Dragonforce The Eagles Guns N' Roses Led Zeplin Megadeath Queen R.E.M. Rage Against the Machine Rush System of a Down Tenacious D Van Halen
I need non-copyright problem music. Ever. So like, there's no possible threat 100%. So that means that you need to have actually made and published the music. Or the music needs to be usable for everyone for free under law. Sorry Klay. It's going to be serious, with some light jokes on the side. Think Inside Gaming, but forge. And a slightly different take on things. Matty, external, specifically the Hauppage 1212, official and tidy, and I'm going to try and see if my current video editing device works well enough to produce serious results.
I would love to help! I recently finished a map for Team Snipers, and you could do some gameplay videos in your machinima. Also, I could do almost anything you asked if you needed.
Ill do it, I could do any body acting (voice acting would need to be recorded from anywhere except my xbox...) I would also forge a detailed news building and have it seem almost as if it were a real newscast- Do a weather segment every episode on all of the maps on Halo (and eventually modify them)
Guys, sorry, but I don't need anyone for a partner. I need suggestions. And thanks for the offer for a news set, but I have that covered. For every episode I'm going to spend 30 minutes maximum making a quick forge set. Sounds like not enough time to make something nice, but trust me, the sets are coming along great.
I used to write video game music back in the day when I was into multimedia fusion. I play guitar, bass, drums, piano, all that stuff. Have my own recording studio. If you ever would like me to write something for an intro or something, let me know. I submitted one for sxephil that wasn't used . I would gladly be IN the machinima as well if you need that. On the other note, it doesn't matter if the map HAS been featured or not. I mean, it would probably be easy to pick one of your groups favorite features and just play around on it, talk about, make the machinima on that. Even if you want to have maps that haven't been featured, it'd probably be easy to start out with one that has.
Does anyone ever bother to read the message at the top? I NEED A NAME FOR IT!!! Thanks for the offer Zander. I used to use MMF too. If you could make some background music or something that would be great. I'd ask for an opening song, but seeing as that would require either you or me making the synched video, I'm not going to. Unless someone else would like to make a video for Zander to put music to? BTW Zander, Credit music would also be nice. Whatever floats your boat. If you don't feel like doing it, then by all means stop. Credit mentioned of course. Ok, I've considered doing a partner, due to the requests. Maybe I'll try something out. Right now if I need a partner it's going to be my little brother. For the obvious point of lowering weapons. And that's unlikely. If I hire anyone for a partner, be prepared to realise you won't actually have any recorded movement. You'll just be a background voice. So I'm updating the post with people I NEED and people that I may consider. You'd have to be proven in the community to be reliable and good for the job. So anyone that just sits around trying to get into a machinima, and have posted like maybe 50 times, you need not apply.
Rich boy. But yeah, I left you an offer on your page. My group has an extensive collection of royalty free music, effects, etc. As well as experience, so you'll never know.