I tried remaking backwash as well. I loved the map. But what I ended up with was my origonal Sandstone.
Thanks! If you do decide to make it, please send my gamertag HLG Amber CIad a friend request, as i love Backwash and i could help give suggestions. To Atik, I guess i'll check out Sandstone.
It seems odd that this thread would only be for foundry remakes. Especially because the title leaves that important point out. There are a lot of good remakes on Sandbox and excluding that map seems arrogant. I would suggest adding Hang 'Em High / Tombstone to the list, along with the other Forgotten Treasures runner ups and remakes. That is at the very least, otherwise this thread will seem increasingly old, outdated, and in need of a replacement. I hope you at least consider this.
My halo remakes. I haven't seen any better -Turf- -ASCENSION- -Boarding Jump- (Boarding Action) -Warlock- Download them HERE. Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Share Thanks, J0 JO
Jo Jo, I hate to say it, but I have seen better Turf, Ascension, and Boarding Actionmaps. Your Warlock remake looks good though.
I know these are not so much forgeing remakes perse but I have seen a large number of people searching for discontinued matchmaking maps, as well as current ones. Could this thread or another include these maps, such as SWAT, Heavy, and covies (not sure how to spell that).
Why hasn't anyone made a District or Uplift remake? I really would love to see a remake of ether one of those two or atleast one of my Halo 2 favorites, Relic...that would be awsome
Uplift as in the map from Halo 2 vista? I made a loose remake of that, its 'Eternity Vale' in my sig.
I have a Gemini remake, I called it "Hierarchy". It has all the weapon placements that Halo 2's version had, I just added a Bubble Shield and a Power Drain on the map for fun. Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details