New Mini-Game Map idea: Guardians

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Viet Honor, Nov 2, 2009.

  1. Viet Honor

    Viet Honor Ancient
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    Gametype: Infection
    Map: Sandbox

    I have made earlier stages of the map, but with the new no-clip glitch, I couldn't resist coming back and redoing this map.

    You know those Guardian Towers on Sandbox? I thought it would be cool to make a map based off the Guardian Towers(Zombies=Guardians) Bare with me, it'll start to make sense. The zombies Spawn in the Guardian towers with Splasers(The towers are blocked, so no escaping, just a nice view of Sandbox) If i'm correct, there are 2 towers that cannot be accessed due to "falling to your death" when you get near them, but any other towers will be used(so like a maximum of 6 zombies at once, I guess)

    Humans would spawn on the main layer of Sandbox(blocked off, so no committing suicide by running for the dunes) I am going to add a few bubbleshields to spawn but not that often. The towers are pretty far away so lasering someone isn't very easy.

    I'm not done with this map And i need some input:
    I don't like games that only let one side win, so when 2 min are reached without dying, I think the humans should be awarded for there efforts by getting to kill the zombies. Here's where I need help, Be creative, I could do a custom power up spawn & sniper. But thats a little to common. What else could I do?

    Also do you think this could work as a minigame? If nobody likes it, then there's no point in working on it.

    EDIT: So I've heard many great ideas, the one that I really like are seperate VIP teams and a distination that can be reached over time. I also like Given To Fly's Idea of the Infected getting killed by The guardian towers. Many also still like the custom power up idea, so I might stick with that, it's hard to choose!
    #1 Viet Honor, Nov 2, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2009
  2. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
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    Cool spam bro.

    I had this idea before the maps were even out to the public, and when they did come out I trashed the idea because the gameplay was rather slow. Maybe you can make it work. But I do think you're onto something when you say basing a map around a guardian tower. *Cough*How did you know I was...never mind*Cough*
  3. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    Definitely 3 minutes. That'll make for better gameplay.
  4. Belly391

    Belly391 Ancient
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    you could make so that any survivors get points for well... surviving.
  5. Viet Honor

    Viet Honor Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well last man standing can get points, but other then that, they can only get points for killing the zombies.
  6. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    I started a map like this but never finished due to the playability complications. Should humans be on geese, and what not.
  7. Viet Honor

    Viet Honor Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well I was thinking they'd have to dodge them on foot, but now that you say mongeese, I might add some.
  8. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Sounds good, but even a sniper scope is strained to get a hit from a tower to center sandbox, lasers would be nearly impossible. Only the tower on the teleporter side has the killing, this is the one with the laser warning symbol just below the laser.
  9. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    Those towers are EXTREMILY far away from sandbox's middle area, your zombies will just be shooting randomly whilst sitting an inch from their monitor. Unless you have some great idea to prove me wrong, I don't really think this game would work that well.
  10. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    I have an idea dude, we should forge sometime, but like the containment area of zombies should be a tube merged slightly into the tower with a Slit wall over it like on my map, but have the back of the container be the gun of the tower or something and if humans survive long enough then they can take a teleporter to the outside of the map so that the towers shoot at them and instantly kill the zombies. Something like that would work maybe, but it would basically be a RR map. I don't know.

    Also the targets aren't rediculasly hard to hit, I think it would be a challenge but still fun.
    I looked at it
  11. Viet Honor

    Viet Honor Ancient
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    Your a smart one aren't you? I would love to forge with you, and your idea isn't half bad. Though the humans don't earn points, it's still a dramatic way to die... But it does oppose a problem: Glare from the tower light can potentially ruin your view.

    And once again, your correct, targets aren't that hard to hit from the towers, plus with multiple zombies, someone's bound to hit there intended target.
    #11 Viet Honor, Nov 3, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2009
  12. alextrer

    alextrer Ancient
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    you could make a floating platform where humans get on some warthogs and start dogging the spartan lasers tha woul be cool.and some kill ball so they dont frow themselves from the plataform.if you wnat i could help you this a great idea you had my gt is alextrer.

    edit:hey maybe theres another mechanism for humans getting a point imagine when 3 minutes after hard survival of spartan lasers,a bridge coud appear leading you to a teleporter that makes you go on a platform wheres a custom powerup and some snipers i think i dont need to give more information right?(im spanish so please people dont reply by saying improve your grammar retard)
    #12 alextrer, Nov 4, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2009
  13. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
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    I have an idea for the custom powerup the humans recieve after a certain amount of time alive. Make it just like a camoflauge, eccept make it last longer. Also have snipers spawn at this time so the humans can pick one up. If the zombies even blink then they'll lose sight of the humans. Next thing you know, BAM!....the zombie's head gets shot off!
  14. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    You could make it VIP, one sided, with destinations, so that the attackers can score points.
    That way, the defending team could spawn in the outside towers, yet the attackers spawn inside the map.

    The attackers could have snipers and lasers, and for distance use, it should play somewhat like a more horizontal 'run/duck for cover' on 'Zeus'. (If you've played that)
    But instead of having random destinations, have a set route, and you could even somewhat limit the player (loosely) to this route.

    So in short, It would play like Insane54's cave freaks, but instead of the 'zombies' being swords and close range based, it would be more distance based, and somewhat of a sharpshooting challenge.

    But don't let me talk you through your own map for you, I'm just throwing ideas around.

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