So I totally think that Forgehub should start working on a "Forgehub App" for the iTouch/iPhone. An app that basically brings you to a mobile version of Forgehub. THAT WOULD EPICALLY CONVENIENT! ________________________________________________________________ Also... possibly an app that could be a Sandbox simulation type thing, where you can put down objects wherever you want on sandbox. It would need to have: -The same list of items available on sandbox -3 dimensional viewing/placement of objects -...and other things... If you agree, you should help out and petition for it too!
There was discussion of an iPhone/iPod Touch Forge Hub icon to replace the default one you get when placing it as a link on your menu. Don't know what happened to the idea, I'll look in to it since it's come up again. The key difference between this and the first idea is that it requires someone to write a program for the mobile OS X. It's not like adding a forum or a prefix or something, it'd require someone to code an entire program, and I know of no one in the Staff at least who are able to do that. If a community member did produce such a thing, I know I'd get it for one (I'm getting my iPhone in a few days ), and I'm sure the higher ups would be willing to draw attention to it in all the official places. But it's a pretty tall order by all accounts, for something that's potentially based largely around novelty. I can't see it being anything close to as good as sketchup, more like a slightly cooler version of Foundry Designer.
1. You must've recently gotten an iTouch, since you talk about it as if it was the only device ever created. 2. To do something like this would require a great deal of programming. We're forgers, not app developers. This would also need to be approved by Apple, because releasing a program like this for a device with closed or locked programming would require jailbrealing the device, which I'm sure Forgehub wouldn't want to promote. 3. This type of thread would need to be in Customer Service. Please ask a moderator to move it.
its not that much of a great deal as you say, but it would take work to actually make it well but why do we need it when you can have web browser to see real forgehub?
Gonna do this backwards, simply because it's fun. 3. It seems like he's making more of a general appeal to the community to do this, though if that's true then the idea of a petition doesn't make much sense. You can't petition people at large. If this is a customer service style suggestion to the Staff, then what I said above applies much more, and programming an entire iPhone app is not the kind of request we are in a position to fulfil. Not by any stretch of the imagination. 2. I definitely can't see the admins agreeing to anything jailbreak related as officially related to FH, it'd just be a stupid move on FH's part. Though your point about the problem of Apple approval for the App Store is very true. I think the idea of a Forging App in any Forge Hub related sense is out of the window, though the thing being brought up again about an FH iPhone/iPod button, it'd be a nice touch imo. 1. I'm about to get an iPhone, so I can identify with that 'just got something cool, wana use it/do stuff related to it' etc. attitude. But common sense should dictate some reign over this, and expecting an App to just happen is pretty outlandish. On the other hand, as I said before, the suggestion of an iPhone/iPod menu button for FH is much more reasonable, and seeing as it's come up before it's worth looking back in to.
Meh, takes up space. Spoiler I can understand how he was expressing the idea to the community, not explicitly to the staff. I guess I just misinterpreted it the first run-thru. I just want some clarification - when you say an FH iPhone/iTouch button, do you mean a button at the bottom of the page that changes the format of Forgehub to fit a mobile device? In essence, a mobile mode for FH? Because if so, it has been considered before, and I was sure someone would refer backto it soon; that's why I didn't talk about it. I was mainly addressing the iPhone app part he was talking about in OP.
I remember discussion between Staff from a while back about simply a button image that would replace the default one if you save FH as a link on your iPhone/iPod menu, kinda like an equivalent of a favicon as I understood it. I do also vaguely recall some discussion of a mobile skin as a possibility, though that would require much more work than a simple button addition.
Ohhh, like a button that links you through the web browser to Forgehub from the main screen? I never thought of that...
Yeah, you can add bookmarks to the home screen. If the site doesn't have full icon sized favicon saved then you it'll use a screenshot of the part of the page you're currently viewing. Here's a screenshot of a bookmark I just added. BBC iPlayer does have a favicon which can be displayed where as Forge Hub does not, so I zoomed in on the logo at the top. ForgeHub doesn't really need an app but a mobile friendly layout option would be nice. Most forums are tricky to navigate on the iPod Touch/iPhone.
I'm glad that people are taking strongly to this. I never thought for an instance that the product would be released instantly after I posted the thread. I knew very much so that it would take some work to have any kind of results. I would be happy to help make the program, but I wouldn't do it if no one helped me, I'm not mr. supercomputer-brain person. I've had my iTouch for almost 2 years now, I have gotten it jailbroken once, and I'm saying anything about it being the once device ever created. I'm only pointing out that 1. there isn't a mobile friendly version of Forgehub (not everyone has a laptop that they bring with them everywhere) and 2. There's no "sketchup" or "foundry designer" as an app for any device. I'm just saying that it would be nice to have something like either of those. ...This isn't a "DO IT OR I'LL KILL YOU" type situation. I'm merely proposing something that could be cool/convenient. -I guess I shouldn't have used the word petition. Maybe rally up...?
For those who are interested, Shock has implemented a Forge Hub favicon for iPhone/iPod Touch so you don't have to effectively create your own like DMM White suggested. Hope you like it guys.