Introduction SMG Reporting In

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SMGstrings, Nov 3, 2009.

  1. SMGstrings

    SMGstrings Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey everybody SMGstrings here. If the name sounds familiar then you've probably seen me around the Bnet forums as I'm a regular poster there, or you've caught me on Live and heard my mindless discussions about chocolate milk. Moving on...

    You can call me SMG or use the name I commonly use out in that scary place with all the sunlight, Mike. I'm 20 years old from Indiana, and I am currently in college working toward a Chemical Lab Tech degree. I am a fairly competitive gamer, and a dedicated follower of MLG (Instinct FTW.) I also enjoy reading sci-fi, participating in intelligent debate, playing guitar, and as of late I've come back to the world of Forging.

    I've been playing Halo since '02, and currently play Halo 3 every chance I get. I got into forging a little over a year ago, but due to school and gamebattles team commitments I had to put that little side hobby on hold. I've made 4 maps that I actually consider full maps, and with each one I'm quickly relearning and teaching myself new tricks to forging quality maps.

    I joined the site because in my experience more specialized Halo forums tend to have more enjoyable forums with more quality information being shared between members. They also tend to have less random interaction and more potential for forming friendships that go beyond just the occasional forum reply. I hope that in my time here I can read over some of the information made available on the subject of forging. I also hope to try out some of the maps made by members here, have some fun customs, get feedback on my maps, and maybe even make friends to play Halo with or even work on maps together.
    #1 SMGstrings, Nov 3, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2009
  2. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    'Fraid I've never seen your name, but then I venture on to the forums about once in a blue moon, so go figure :p. But chocolate milk eh? I always preferred banana :).

    Sounds like a tough degree, but I loves me a bit of science :). Got it in the blood, my dad's been a physics teacher for years, but I went and took a literature degree instead, find myself missing science all too often...
    As for your interests, your list makes me happy face. Sci-fi is epic, I can't wait for the time that the trashy surface image isn't so dominant and it's seen as the genre it really is, with the potential to make such drastic social commentary via such far removed situations. Debate = win, guitar = win (I've recently had my guitar buddy hassling me cause I don't play as much as I used to, though I think most of it is him getting annoyed that I have an ENGL Powerball and it just sits in my room lately).

    As for MLG, well let's just say that we might have a couple of things to talk about now and again. I'm personally psyched as anything for Anaheim this weekend, me and a few of the other MLG freaks around here generally sit in the LOLBox during the stream so we can chat about it while it happens. Would be great to see you there if you're around at the time. As for Instinct, are you liking the new 5K-esque lineup?

    Long term dedication to a project, going back to stuff and knowing it can be tweaked, is the kind of thing that's possibly most neglected when considering Forge in the wider sense, so good on ya. Look forward to seeing your stuff around, do you by any chance Forge MLG maps? Few things tempt me on to the box more than a good 'un :).

    I know what you mean about significant interaction and forming more longstanding friendships, and FH has certainly done that for me (though, tbh, I'd never really delved in to the world of forums properly before FH). On the subject of useful information, are you familiar with the latest discovery to come from within these pages: Ghost merging? I'd guess it's got on to the forums by now, but if you haven't come across it already then have a browse over this thread some time.

    I hope you enjoy our fine forums dude, let me or any other Staff member know if there's anything you need help with (red, blue and yellow guys). And, of course, welcome :)
    #2 Pegasi, Nov 3, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2009
  3. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Many, many words...*dazed face*

    Nice intro. Your views on MLG are totally wrong, Instinct sucks, and you should die in a fi--nah, I kid, lol. Not an Instinct fan ;)

    But yeah, hope to see you around. The actual amount of guys that play competitive MLG (don't have to be really good, but just around to talk or play some customs) is too little around here...<3
  4. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
    Senior Member

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    Awesome to see someone who actually knows MLG joining.
    We definately need more MLG players around here..the MLG forum kinda only consist of like 10 people.

    Well, welcome to Forgehub bro, INSTINCT FAN!?
    Ahhh man....
    Well, they're like my 3rd fave, but that's cool.
    Imma Str8 boy.

    Just make sure to read the rules and such.
    Have fun.
  5. SMGstrings

    SMGstrings Ancient
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    It does appear I've walked right into very unfriendly territory for Instnct fans :p
  6. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Dw dude, AmercanPsycho will turn up soon, he got yo back :p. It's not that I don't love every single player on it (I've loved FiS since the classic tD days, despite the lack of attention he gets), but the team itself just doesn't feel right to me. They were so close with Walshy, but it seems like they're slipping backwards right now. It makes me sad tbh, but I just can't love the team as it stands.
  7. iRaynne

    iRaynne Ancient
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    Instinct & TD all the way!
    Str8 Losing FTL.

    Welcome to the forums, hope you enjoy your stay!

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