My Case Against Conquest

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Furious D 18, Mar 23, 2008.

  1. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    80 and 85 percent damage rates are not an option. However, when we made the original version 90 percent was tested. It was found to be close enough to 100 percent damage that it didn't matter anyways.

    The spirit of conquest was meant to have longer drawn out battles, be more epic in a sense. Well the original settings work perfectly in The Cellars, but because of foundry and new map design these settings are less compatible. So, I agree that there should be a change.

    However, the spirit of conquest was meant to be drawn out and I don't think that the custom power-up traits you suggested are the 'right' settings. To give a player more damage sort of ruins the spirit. It does this because it drastically shortens the length of the main center battle. Also having the power-up with those traits does not ensure your survival to be the BAMF that goes and kicks some butt. Imagine if I were to pick up the trait and be up against four opponents, it would not do me a lick of good, I would get pownzored.

    So, what to do? Instead lower the damage of the power-up to 75% damage, but make the player invinceable for 10 seconds. Why? Well for starters if a player does pick up the power-up he will not so easily dispense with other players, due to damage which draws out the battle longer even though the other player will die. The 10 seconds is there to ensure the capture of the territory, if the player stays in it. The player picks up the power-up and can now capture the territory without being killed by long-range fire potentially ending never-ending stalemates. But, if he decides to move on, he wastes precious seconds. So, if he spends five seconds in one territory and then moves on to the next he will most likely not be able to capture it because he in the last five seconds to capture the territory he will most likely die.

    As for the gravity, I do not agree with you. Conquest is meant to be a team orientented game and by giving a player on one team the ability to get to another advantage over the other team is very lopsided. I understand you would like to open up more ideas for map design, but the gravity boost could cause many maps to feature significant advantages for one team and not the other. Also if you are able to jump higher, there is more of a tendancy to jump over other players and assassinate them. I know I would exploit this fact just to win.

    Overall the change is good, but the power-up needs some work.
    #41 rusty eagle, Apr 16, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2008
  2. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    80% damage = 90% damage, 90% damage resistance
    85% damage = 110% damage, 125% damage resistance

    I'll post more once I read your reply.
  3. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Shock, I never thought of using combos like that.

    Rusty, you make a good point about the gravity thing. It is a team game so people shouldn't split up a lot. But I like the idea of giving the map maker options. Consider a teleporter box like on Faction but you need to jump into a high teleporter to get there. A custom powerup with reduced gravity could make it so only one person could enter the teleporter and only once every 30 seconds (or whatever time the respawn happens to be set to). In the end, I think it is up to the map designer to make sure that the map plays well and has a Conquest feel.

    And I don't think it would be easy to jump over someone and assassinate them unless it's 2 on 1. Otherwise they could easily spin around and back away. But if it's 2 on 1 then you can get an assassination easily enough or they're probably gonna die anyway.

    But I definitely agree with your post about the custom powerup damage increase. I like your idea better: less damage but invulnerable. You made a very good case for a change and I agree with you. I'll update it soon.

    Also, I've been wanting to add a waypoint above the head of the custom powerup guy. I'm not sure I put one in before, but it's a good way to tell everyone in the game that someone has the powerup. It'll especially be helpful if the guy is invulnerable. "Hmmm, there's a waypoint around the corner. I think I'll wait a few seconds for that thing to disappear."

    But I still say the default player damage needs to be normal. I like the idea of longer drawn out fights, but if there is little or no room to maneuver then players end up running at each other and punching over and over until someone dies. Imagine Duel of the Fates played in a long narrow hallway.

    I'll make the changes to the powerup. By the way, what do you think about near-invincibility instead? Like immunity to headshots and 500% damage resistance? So that people have a chance to kill him if it's 4 on 1. Besides, by the time they get through all that damage resistance the powerup is probably gonna be expired. Maybe 1000% D.R.? Let me know.
  4. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    The changes to the powerup sound like good ones, but I don't know if a waypoint is necessary. The forced color is gold, and that seems like enough of a 'stay away' beacon to me. Chances are I know where he'll be going anyway-the center territory-so a waypoint seems unneeded.
  5. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Hmmm... I like the fact that you can gain information by it, and plan your strategy accordingly. Other opinions on the waypoint or other changes?
  6. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Waypoint can be confusing for newbies as they'll think it has some special significance, might be a consideration. I like the invincibility, or perhaps put in something similar to the MLG custom powerup/overshield replacement.

    I know what you mean with not messing with people's unconscious memory of when someone should die, particularly with sniper headshots. So in that sense 100% damage is a good thing, but I wonder if 90% damage would negate the assault rifle fire ever so slightly and still enable BR 4 shots and Sniper 1 shots?
  7. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    These new suggestions are sounding like Army of Two's overkill mode to me. (Good game. But it's just a rental.)

    I like the nearly invincible damage resistance. But I say no Immunity to Headshots. Snipes are a hard thing to come by in any Conquest game. So if you miraculously happen to headshot the Rambo, then I think you should be rewarded with his death, instead of "WTF? I headshot him!"

    Since the damage will be reduced, I would also like to see infinite ammo and no weapon pickup. So whichever weapons you have when you pick up the powerup, you're stuck with but you don't have to worry about running out of ammo. This is an idea from AoT's overkill mode.

    I like the forced color gold. ------ Yes.
    I don't like the waypoint idea. ------ No.
    I like the player gravity. ------ Yes.

    Oh, and I'm interested in what 90% damage does. That should be tested. I will be there when you want to test this. Unless it's tomorrow. I won't be on till late tomorrow.
  8. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Not for some people. Consider the alternative. You pick up the powerup and are about to "get your kill on" when some camper waits until you pick it up to headshot you. "WTF, I got robbed!" I think if we're gonna make the powerup guy really powerful, the player should get to experience that power.

    I like the strategy that your idea would involve. Like if you see someone rushing the powerup you have to fall back and give your sniper a chance to take the guy out. But I think it would ultimately end up taking away some of the fun of being the "golden boy".
    With a 10 second duration, will it matter that much? I could go for the infinite ammo, but I don't like the idea of no weapon pickup. If a player doesn't know that they will be unable to pick up a weapon (and they probably won't know ahead of time) it will be frustrating for the player when they try to. You don't want to waste half the duration staring at the ground wondering why you can't pick up that brute shot. I think the more intuitive it is, the better.
  9. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Ah Crap! You're right. Damn!
    Ok, ax the 'no weapon pickup.'
    and I forgot the 10 second thing when I mentioned unlimited ammo, but I still think it'd be good to have. Imagine if you were lucky enough to be the Golden Boy while you have rockets. That could be amazing.

    The sniper thing could go both ways I guess. It would really depend on the map's design, so I'm still not sure where I stand on that issue.
  10. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Rockets for Conquest? Gahhhh!!! ;-)

    With the ability to assassinate someone with a powerup, 'near invincibility' is all you can hope to achieve, so I'd say leave in the immunity to headshots. People would just blame it on lag anyway. It's all going to come down to placement of the CPU with the mapmaker to determine the 'strategery' that Golden Boy can provide for a team, and I'm really liking having the ability to add it into a Conquest map. I'm really glad I haven't released the one I've created since the final tweaks have yet to be made. I'll be happy to do any further testing if I can swing it with my schedule.
  11. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Rockets might be do-able. I dunno. I think it might be cool. But what about a sentinel beam? Oh yeah, baby. That'll be even sweeter than rockets.
  12. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It seems like we might need another testing session sometime soon-ish.
  13. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    If so, I've got a great map for it. You've even played it once or twice, Shock.
  14. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Oh really? Sounds slightly cryptic...


    Is it Iron Tusk's Aqueduct based conquest map? Or am I way off here.
  15. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    No, it was the one on Standoff where the central meet-up is the deployed launch pad.

  16. swooshz56

    swooshz56 Ancient
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    Man conquest matches sound fun when they're set up right. If you guys actually do have another testing session I'd be happy to help.
  17. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    Wow. You're really digging for that info! Ya I have never been a huge fan of Conquest. It's fun but all the maps feel the same to me.

    EDIT: OMG I just noticed the Ranks are back!

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