To start not sure if this is where I post this but here it goes Counter Merging Callouts By: Short Bizzle In this tutorial I will be explaining how to use a few different forge techniques such as ghost merging to produce a result similar to this effect: note: In this photo you will notice there is a overshield and a teleporter pushed through the wall for callouts. Also on the other side of the wall is a weapon holder for the brute shot. -I use this technique for power-ups because it is more reliable than other techniques. -I used two controllers on my xbox to preform this technique -I will be using a series of photos to help explain the process 1.)Here we have all the objects I will be using. 2.)Use the double blocks to get you and the objects you want pushed through the map. To do this set the the respawn time to 180sec and spawn at start no. Start a new round and place all the objects where the double boxes will spawn. The power-ups are a little tricky and you must use ghost merging[SUP]1[/SUP] to pick it up from the other side of the map. You ghost merge a power-up the same way as any other object... with a twist. a.) Dummy: b.) Here's the twist.... use the other controller to move player "two" over and pick up the spawn "never" one while you are holding the unchanged one. c.) Now place it with the other objects note: You may be wondering why you cant just ghost merge the power-up into the wall... well you can only merge it half way and therefore it can still be picked up by a player. 3.) Now stand over the center of the tear drop of one of the double boxes. and have player "two" set the run time min. for the double boxes equal to its max. When the object is around you move slightly until you fall through the map then turn into monitor mode. note: You may just want to set the respawn time of the double boxes to a smaller amount say 20sec and wait for it to respawn, so you do not need player "two" to preform this part. 4.) Once trough the map interact with the objects tear drops to pull them through. Grab one of the "stone bridge" through the map. 5.) This is going to be your platform. Go to one of the edges of the map at the height you want the call out to be. Push it up to the wall then do a save quit[SUP]2[/SUP]. note: Use this same technique for the weapon holders to mount weapons on the wall. -These next steps are for the power up. skip to step 10 for the teleporter. -You may also use counter merging[SUP]3[/SUP] once you have the power up pushed through the floor. This is more accurate because you can use player "two" to make sure the location is perfect. 6.) Return to the map. Push yourself through the map as before. Now grab another stone bridge. Place it as shown. This will be used to push the power-up back into the map. Set the respawn to 180sec and spawn start no. 7.) Now start a new round, get pushed back through the map, and grab the power-up. 8.) Place it on top of your platform and respawn the 2nd stone bridge. 9.) Tap A twice quickly on the power-up to get it pushed through the wall. Here is the result from the other side note: I use the 3rd stone bridge to form a "roof" for the power-up before i respawn the 2nd bridge so it can't float away. Not shown for clarity. 10.) Preform the same techniques as before to get back through the map and grab the teleporter's tear drop. Bring it over to the two stone bridges you have set up. (Now the teleporter can only be pushed so close to the wall this is the other reason why you need the 2nd bridge) Get the teleporter as close to the gap as possible, so when you drop it it will fall on the platform like so. (get close) (and drop) 11.) Now pick up the teleporter again and it will be pressed up against the 2nd bridge. 12.) You can use player "two" to help guide the teleporter to the perfect spot 13.) There you have it, a merged teleporter [SUP]1[/SUP] More info on Ghost Merging [SUP]2[/SUP] More info on Save quit technique [SUP]3[/SUP] More info on YouTube - Counter-Merging Tutorial (Youtube) Questions and Comments welcome
It's good that you made this, some people may use it if they don't already know how, but that seems like a lot of work for something that doesn't matter.
but couldnt you just put the stone bridge against the wall, and then ghost merge the CP into the wall, so it sticks out a little throught the stone bridge? this seems like waaay to much work just for somthing thats really easy to do another way.
You're right, there are other ways to achieve this effect. 1.) I Basically wanted to try something new that I haven't seen before. 2.) I also wanted something that was clean and didn't effect any of the geometry that I've placed already. 3.) Finally I like to challenge myself when making each map, so it is a little difficult and time consuming, but I think it just looks better. Because this is new, people asked how I did it when they visited my map. This is the basic reason I posted this, to show others how to achieve an effect and hopefully better the community.
Nice technique. Just to let you know, powerups are only able to be picked up when ghost merged because the teardrop it on the side of the wall your on, if its on the opposite then its completley fine and cant be picked up, so if you were to get under the map and ghost merge it on the other side it wouldnt be able to pick up by the player and would be the best merge for a powerup possible.
YAYA!! I made that note on the tutorial. It is definitely the best way to get pixel perfect placement!! You would just have to go out of the map grab the custom power up then preform the ghost merging technique for power ups from "step 2" Oh, and when making the video for this tutorial it only took a total of seven minutes to do all of this including the save quit! From creating all the objects, placing the power up, and placing the teleporter!!
Very nice! small details like this are what make great maps amazing! And now that people know how to do them easier...
Woooooo ! Thats to conplicate for me ! Could you put a weapon holder in the floor of snadbox on my map for me ??? Map Name : Hysteria . Thank You !
I don't think you can do that unless you have the floor made of boxes. If the teardrop goes into the wall or floor ONLY IN THE CRYPT, NOT OTHER LEVELS, the object pushes itself back out after a save and quit. Sorry.
I laugh at the fact that you think people will go through all that trouble just to place some useless non-grabable powerups and teleporters into a wall.