I have felt that recently the gaming industry is a let-down... many things that have excited the gaming community are not exactly how the developers made it come across during adverstising.... Just to name a few... First off... Halo ODST was supposed to be new and exciting and long lasting. After getting used to the new health, VISR, and other HUD systems it's just like normal halo... I have spent two weekends on that game, I've seen it all. MW2: No dedicated PC servers! For xbox, some gametypes(such as search) disable party chat use... not very many types of smg's lmg's or snipers, but massive amounts of assault rifles? L4D2: late demo.. bleh.. The list could go on... but for sake of time... Maybe it's just me, but it seems developers are becoming a little irrational and maybe a bit money hungry?
Personally I liked ODST, but besides that... you are getting disappointed in all games based on two games that haven't come out yet... Until they come out and you have played them and can safely say they were bad, don't complain...
I kind of disagree and agree at the same time, take a look at Borderlands, that game delivered, and so did Demon's souls, but other big games HAVE been big letdowns, like anything on the Wii.
Why are you complaining if MW2 on the PC won't have dedicated servers? Are you even going to buy it on the PC? And what do you mean exactly about the late demo part for L4D2? QFT.
Everyone is setting their standards too high. I wouldn't be surprised if next year, you expected to be able to grab a gun straight out of the television.
ODST wasnt supposed to be a full blown game, it was supposed to bring the money in so they could still develop. Its the economy really, they have to bring out more less worked on games for a bit cheaper than normal so people will buy them. Wether or not when we get out of this mess with some good quality games being made after, is another question,
don't buy mw2 for the pc, IW really screwing that version over thinking they can get away with consolization of pc games. No parties for snd is a great ideal, it will be like cod4 before nxe where teams aren't omnipresent. I do agree with you though that games are declining. They just aren't the Same. Could have used better examples like gta4 or gears2. Maybe it's online gaming, before it games still were addicting for being... How much was it 40$?now games rely on online to be worth it.
I agree with you on principle but your examples are retarded. MW2. No dedicated servers! Oh no! The game completely sucks because dedicated servers... Affect... Gameplay... Wait a second. That's something else entirely to a game being a letdown. That's the equivalent of wishing for better menus. L4D2. Late demo? ***** please. I think you have a problem with destinguishing your emotions. You are anticipating the game. You aren't being let down. Halo: ODST. I'll give you that. Kind of a huge let down as far as things go. You could have just gone straight for the fact that all games no longer care about entertaining and that seeing a brand new original game is rare. Everything is part of a franchise or is made by someone very well known.
Yeah I agree, I probably should've had better examples.. but Telrad is right, it seems that they "care" about the community, but not as much... The developers have a hold on one of the biggest industries and they aren't doing the right thing with it.... Not to even begin mentioning the publishers. Remember how huge halo CE and halo 2 were? They were breakthroughs of the industry, halo 3 isn't so much... ODST, even less... MW2 is hyped up to be all amazing with these new features, and I'm just not feeling it will deliver.... Sure, 70 levels, more prestiges, a few more guns, etc. is all great, but it's not something "new". It's still a COD first person shooter with new graphics, a few new features, and thats about it... We need a tier of "new" and "different" games to come out.
THIS. Back in the 2nd generation days, a game could get along by just having one good element like a storyline. Nowadays, with the popularity of online gaming growing, it is hard to put a 60$ pricetag on a game that doesn't deliver when it comes to multiplayer. This can make it hard for games like "Dead Space" to do well in the market being as once you beat the game, the 60$ you spent on it is basically worthless.
Even some games with online are not worth the pricetag. Developers push a multiplayer in the game and sometimes it sucks..
I think it was an article I read in the New Yorker ( I really don't remember) that even though game developers put the price a 60$, and even when the games to very well on the market, most developers are in the 'red' because it costs so damn much to make the game in the first place.
While some recent games have been disappointing, I think it's just a phase the gaming industry is going through. Sure, games like Halo 3: ODST were a letdown, but Uncharted 2: Among Thieves might just be the most amazing game I've played. All elements of media go through the same phases. For instance, there aren't that many 'great' actors in the movie industry as there used to be. Ten, twenty years ago, names like Tom Hanks, Clint Eastwood, Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, and numerous other actors dominated the industry. Fast forward to 2009, and we have a smaller number of 'great' actors. People like Will Smith, DiCaprio, and Nathan Fillion. We just need to set aside the recent disappointments and focus on the good to come, such as Mass Effect 2, Assassin's Creed II, and a number of games coming out next year.
Adding on to this, ODST was originally, and still is, a CAMPAING EXPANSION to Halo 3. It's not a full blown game, it's not supposed to look different, it's Halo in a new character, and in a new world - New Mombasa.
.wat? the game isn't out yet, we dont know the full weapon list. Of the confirmed weapons, yes there are a lot of assault rifles. But those are confirmed weapons so far, not the full list. and no party chat in those gametypes prevents cheating. Why would disable party chat in particular gametypes for no reason at all? and how does a late demo make the game disappointing? In summary, your arguments are not very convincing and do not make much sense, so i will have to respectfully disagree with you on the issue at hand.
Oh, we have a list of all weapons, some french guys(ya, them again) have the game already, they revealed most of it... There are a measly five or so SMG's and 4 snipers... And two snipers you get right away... you are correct that l4d was a bad example, in fact I was just ranting because I wished the demo came out when it was intended. But halo 3 odst was talked about as a rather long expansion if I remember correctly, 7 hours I believe? I forget where the source was, but I ran through the whole thing in about 3-4 hours total... But, you get my point, games recently just don't have the "pizzaz" they used to. I am finding games like fallout and oblivion more interesting now because there's always tons of in-game content, and then all the dlc, not to mention the breakthrough features(VATS, the speech systems, flexebility of game, etc.) On the other hand, half of this is probably because of the rapid expansion of multiplayer gaming... Remember when 6-10 people would get their xbox's and copies of halo CE or halo 2 and LAN it up? That doesn't happen near as often anymore because "why go to your house, we can play on live!" Playing with friends in person makes the experience ten times as awe-striking and enjoyable, something the "great, badass, totally convienent" online system has taken away. Sure, you can talk over mic, but it's not the same as in person...
Agreed on this. 7 friends and i try to get together on every other weekend or so. Extremely fun when we are all playing custom games together, although recently its been someone on CoD or some other game, which isnt as fun. But you cant to that really often, so online multiplayer is really the only way can be fun over a long period of time these days.