Hindrance Hindrance is a tiny, completely enclosed map in the middle layer of Sandbox. It works best with 2 people, but a 2v2 works out alright. It features several changes in elevation, making for fun gameplay. Weapon list Br-----------x4 Ar-----------x2 Mauler------x2 Sniper------x1 Rockets----x1 Frag--------x4 Sticky------x4 Outline This is a rough outline I made prior to making the map. dotted lines indicate a wall at a lower level. An arrow indicates a passage at a lower level. Rockets spawn bottom mid, whil the sniper spawns top mid. Pictures Action Shots Download Hindrance
you would know if you actually played the map. That being said, the only "long range" weapon is the sniper, and it really is fine. The map is made up of long hallways, so it works just fine.