what? hes a genius! i completely understand now... lol, jk seriously tho, why debate about gravity? about 90-something% of the world believes its real and junk, why try and disprove the majority of the world?
Because people like to argue. Mostly because they are bored, or to dazzle the mind with new information and possibilities.
And before Issac Newton 90% of the world did not believe in gravity, and then he came up with the idea of gravity. But really, if you can't disprove it or make gravity a little less real then there is nothing to argue about.
I'm just saying, gravity isn't really a force. Similar to how if too objects collide, is it a "force" that stops them going through each other? No, they collide because that's what they do.
ayayayay electromagnetic force and strong force stops them from going through each other/merging. atoms bond together a relatively long distances, so most of everything is empty space. so why doesnt your hand go through your other hand? because of forces. what grade are you in?
Dreaddraco- Everything that happens in science that is of reasonable knowledge has been explained. THere are some things that we have not explained, but that doesn't mean they JUST happen, it means that we do not yet have to capability to explain it. and your example is unrelated to gravity and irrelevant in this discussion becuase it deals with an entire different property of matter.
Do you have any reasons why, this is an ongoing discussion, with lots of positive input, and then you yell (with no support) an opinion which would cause disappointment to certain people. So, if you have no reason for this to be done, dont post a comment saying so, because you must support you statement, or it will not be considered.
Lighten up little guy You want some support for my intellectual reasoning, then I'll give you some. At your own risk.Take this into consideration and have some common sense. Can you think of any way to disprove gravity. Can you argue if the concept of gravity is real? Sides, the maker of this thread was already infracted for creating a thread in which you can't really debate over. Although it is something to provoke discussion, you can't debate the existence of gravity without evidence disproving it. Nobody has provided a worthy case against gravity. I am not saying that gravity is real. Gravity is a concept so for all we know it may be flawed. But that is highly unlikely. So all this thread is in the end is a excuse for people to rank up. If you are going to go mindlessly post go to the Off Topic section. Lot of spam there. And close this thread. Did I seriously debate over whether this was a debate? Come on madz and by the way seriously lighten up. And don't quote me again. Happy now. Anyone want to argue whether or not this is a debate?
The main reason that this thread kept going was because people were/are too stupid to google things and find answers for themselves. NO, we werent debating anything, but It made me feel smart, as im sure it did to others, which brightened up my days. YES, I am happy now, since I now see that there are people on FH with the capability of thinking in logical complete thoughts (there are a lot less than you think) I think we can all agree that this wasn't a debate, but rather people saying things that weren't true, then being proven wrong, and still being idiots and sticking to their own opinion. NO we cannot debate the existence of gravity, but we had MANY early post fail to define it correctly, which is why more people posted. FOR THE RECORD, I thought my post was very light-hearted, saying that you hadn't posted any reason why this should be locked, compared to yours, which was on the verge of screaming through the internet. AND, your reasoning is sound, so this thread not need be locked, since we have a definition of gravity now, we can debate it meaning, and what it applies to outside of proven science (outside of the universe? different infinities?) just some examples. No, I wont quote you, but that doesn't mean I wont respond like someone who has been defeated. I dont give up. PS - [sarcasm]Posting in red in all caps makes you seem very light-hearted[/sarcasm]