The argument is that a child is innocent and pure. A child is not a part of the war. A child is incapable of thinking for themselves in advanced issues and situations. A child is not the enemy. Neither are civilians, which is why terrorism is not supported. But children are another level of extreme. And yes, a child's life is typically considered more valuable than an adult's. That just the way is it.
I watched the video for it and even if you have a hand spasm or something and accept to play the mission. (IW said you have the option to skip) You don't HAVE to kill the civilians. You could walk through the mission. Yes, you would have to see the other dudes do it but you don't have to. Its not like you can't beat the mission if you don't kill 80 people. So I am very happy for that, although I will probably kill the people because it is fun. Lol
Okay, guys, let's stop for a second. It's a game. It isn't real. Understand? Now, stop flaming each other and stay on topic.
It's the principle. You're simulating massacres for entertainment and pleasure, and whether you like it or not, people will be influenced by it.
I understand, but people will always be affected by the real more than the fake. Worrying about stupid **** like this is useless. If you are offended, you can skip it, or don't buy the game.
What the **** are you on? How can you compare a child to a tree, yes they are both living, and yes trees do create oxygen which we need, but seriously. They are plants they dont do anything but produce oxygen for the world, provide food, and then provide homes. Thats it. Children on the other hand are a lot more complex. They are innocent (and no a tree cant be innocent, because thats an adjective that describes humans , and trees are obviousley not human) and have a huge amount of possibilities for there lives. Like one kid may create the cure for cancer, or create world peace, or even become president, even though that must not be to hard considering obama became president. But anyway you really shouldnt compare children to apple trees.
Duckman, although we agree with your statement We have decided to stop fighting and just state our opinions in a respectful matter.
But apples are so much more defenseless than children... I couldn't shoot an apple. I'd rather shoot a million kids before an apple. From experience, kids are annoying and stupid. Apples have never done anything against me. They've only satisfied me with their scrumptious taste. Kids bite and scream and whine. Now I think about it. I'd be happy to shoot kids in MW2. While eating apples. OT: Not putting me off the game, but at the same time, I don't think I'll practice in real life. Also, is the arcade score mode back in MW2? If so, I'll gladly beat the high score for this level.
That's like blaming food for fat people. The only people that are going to take affect to it are the ones that are already pretty unstable. If you put a dish of donuts on the table, I'm sure most of us could take just one or two. The only ones that are actually going to go overboard are those who are already morbidly obese. The donuts didn't cause them to be fat. What are you gonna do? Sue the crispy cream factory?
Yeah, if you do go on a real murdering rampage, you're pretty ****ed up, and you can't shift the blame onto a level of a game. If you're ****ed up enough to be persuaded to do so by playing this, then you shouldn't buy a game with 'modern warfare' in the title.
I agree... If you think this might persuade you to go and reenact columbine, then don't buy the game!
I just played this scene (aswell as the first four missions) **NO SPOILERS** on my freinds xbox. Seriously i had a hell of a fun time doing this level actually. I actually shot everyone i could and when i saw people crawling on the ground i didnt shoot them i walked up over the top over them aimed my gun and shot them in the head. I found this scene funny. If this is blown so out of proportion by the media....