Mlg paladin/cerberus

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by B3NW, Oct 30, 2009.


Which name do you like better?

  1. Paladin

  2. cerberus

  1. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Mlg Paladin

    Hello forgehub users!

    I am here to show you the progress of a project that I am currently forging with Steve.

    The maps name is undecided as of yet but we have two candidates for the name, both applicable due to the map itself, you will be able to choose yourself the names in a poll (If I have the option to but I doubt my usergroup will let me so it will have to be a tally otherwise).

    I will be updating this thread with images every few days, with images of progress and things of interest :p I will also be keeping a list of names in here for people who have helped in any kind of way, from ideas to actual hands on help such as testing and in-game ideas (AKA if your with me and give me an idea).

    - Backgound on map -
    The map is based on the map guardian. Ive taken the best bits out of it and im merging it all into one symetrical Guardian map.

    - Contents of post -

    This is an image of the progress as of the 29/10/09


    Image of progress up to 1/11/09


    This is the progress up to 2/11/09

    Redid roof of s1 to make floor smoother (Much better!)

    Done elbow on one side.


    11/11/09 - Poppy Day

    s4 being built, finnishing this then moving to the other side :)

    Progress up to 4/12/09
    Sorry i havent updated recently, I have had exams and still do untill the end of next week but I have got some progress done so heres the screenshots.
    This screenshot shows the progress on S3, theres a gap there which im gonna fill so it is going to be a flat ledge, so possibly some spawn points could go there, as of yet that is undecided, the ramp may also be redone, it was done by eyesight and there was a lot of room for error so I may have to redo that in braces then ghostmerge it in again :p
    This image shows the design for the bases on both sides now. This may change because it will need to be higher at certain points so players cannot get on top. Thats all for today folks! ;p​

    29/10/09 - Top mid with railings, bottom walkway and bottom mid complete with railings, s1 on each side is in the works.

    30/10/09 - Worked on s1 walls and roof. Added a something to make the jump from between s1 (Part going to bottom mid) to s2 (Part going to top mid).

    31/10/09 - Worked more on s1 & added stone collumb (right spelling?) merged bottom mid. EDIT: worked a bit more today, finnished s1, now working on the ramp up to s2, the jump up to s2 is perfect and works great.

    8/12/09 - No picture, worked on all the pictures up untill this date and from the last picture I did I rebuilt ramp from s2 to s3


    Main forging - B3NW

    The idea man - steve 11thselby

    NOTE: Will be updated when I get round to it! :p


    Please if you have any ideas, feel free to post them in HERE to keep this thread clean and for comments.

    Thanks for reading! :)

    ALSO please comment on which name you like better.

    Paladin is another word for Guardian (pronounced PA-LAH-DIN)

    Cerberus is an ancient greek Guardian (pronounced KER-BER-OSS)
    Note: I mispelt Cerberus as cerebus.
    EDIT: You guys voted Paladin!



    (Let me know in your post if you wish to test. Must be 30+ in MLG playlist or better than a 30 but skill level actual is lower)

    Poll closes at 6:00 PM GMT 2/11/09

    Oh and did I say everything on the map so far is interlocked into each other and when done, everything will be interlocked together, discounting the weapons and nades :p
    #1 B3NW, Oct 30, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2009
  2. Aaronator

    Aaronator Ancient
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    Back on topic.

    It looked really good. I think your idea for the whole map is a good one too. (maybe add in a couple of outer routes).

    But you should add a picture of what it looked like when I destroyed it.
  3. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    That looks almost exactly like guardian lol, that what you're going for? because its the same thing so far, and I'm not sure of what you'll make the bases look like, but it'll probabolly be epic. Good job so far.
  4. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Yes you did lol, except for steve of course. & I no longer have the film clip sorry :p

    Thanks, that is what I have based the map on so I hope it does look like it lol. The bases are going to be s1, s2, s3 & a new area s4.

    EDIT: Updating OP with layout.
  5. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    I like Cerebus. Why didn't you add a poll? Too late now I suppose. If you ever need anyone for testing just add me, GT to the left.
  6. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Im a warned member and that is one of the features taken from me. It wont be untill 3 or so months untill insane will even reconsider the perm infraction on my profile, but enough of that. Thanks for reading down to the bottom, I should have added the question at the top :p TBH I prefer Paladin out of the both, but I really do like both names, so I think a poll is the best way to sort it out :)
  7. Imnickjames13

    Imnickjames13 Ancient
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    Wow! Very impressive so far. I am just upset cause i was planning a map the had a middle area almost identical to yours. Although the rest of the map was going to be a lot different. Guess I'll be working on a new mid design during my classes next week...Can't wait to see how this turns out.
    Good Luck with it
  8. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    It will change but the circular structure is pretty sound. You can go ahead and use a circle middle on your map. Just because were using one shouldnt stop you! :) ALSO, any comment on the name?
  9. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    First of all, I would like to say that I am pleased to see something like this. Far too many maps go without any premeditated direction. I truly dislike that attitude. This, what you've done here, is a bit past that and is going in the right direction.

    I see your design there. I cannot totally tell what each part represents, but I have faith that you all do. From what I do see, it looks to me like it'll work. Theoretically, the design should make for fun gameplay. However, not much can be said about that until there is actual gameplay.

    Secondly, I'd also to acknowledge the group's roles. I think it's great, having people specialize. It should bring out each others' strengths to help cover each others' weaknesses.

    The picture looks good so far. It seems that your are putting the effort in, and it is working out. So, good luck with this project. If you need an extra tester, I'll gladly join.
  10. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Thanks for the great positivty, those sort of posts drive me to do better :p

    Im updating the progress in a second because within the past hour ive done a bit of work and I wanted to watch family guy, so yeah :p
  11. Dragull

    Dragull Ancient
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    Its going to be symmetrical.

    Now, 3 things:

    1- The bottom mid should be closed where no pathways cross. This will create a place where people could use to recover some shield but not camp, because its already quite open.
    2- The top mid seems a little bid small from here, but thats probably because of the picture, in game we can get a better idea.
    3- I like Cerberus, although I was thinking about naming it after a Metallica's song, its getting popular doing it: Sanitarium, Blackened, One, Unforgiven... xD

    But Cerberus is good.
  12. Imnickjames13

    Imnickjames13 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I personally like paladin.
    My middle will probably change anyway though. the map is in the beginning stages though. I've been looking at MLG maps and saying wait what makes this such a good map and trying to mix a few together. Which is probably how I got the Gaurdian inspired middle. With simple Onslaught inspired bases
  13. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    I map based on guardian. i dont think i have ever seen one i actually liked, so far this one looks like its coming along good. Once you add more pics i will edit my post but so far good job.
  14. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Its layout looks similar to guardian as it has the centre platform and the sniper tower. But in reality the design of the map is going to look entirely different. With the extra Hill zones and Overpasses. I think the playstyle of this map is going to be something very new.

    We've tried addressing that so far dragull.. Originally, bottom mid was sort of enclosed, with each of the walls merged into the arches and had an inverted Stone platform as the centre piece. However, after seeing what B3NW put in instead i think it would work well.. The only bit i did dislike was an angled wall. But what we have so far could at least make it into the testing stages to try and see what works better, an open bottom with simple cover, or an enclosed bottom with intricate cover.

    Hey man liking the new thread, good stuff going on and we're receving a lot of good comments which is nice. Keep me posted on when your forging and i'll join and see how its going. In the meantime i'll keep dreaming up new ideas.
    #14 Stevo, Oct 31, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2009
  15. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Yeah steve nocked that one on the head, basicly steve gave me a mock up of what he thought the middle could look like, I took the good parts, changed it a bit but he didnt like the cover I put in the center (It was a half wall ghostmerged diagonally so from all sides it looked the same from the other side and you could jump over still and through nades through the gap underneath, I personally liked it but I could see where he was coming from. We will rethink the middle during testing.) Oh and please post the actual ideas in the original thread, keeps this thread cleaner :p

    Thanks for posting again with your opinion on the name. I was looking through some MLG maps like ARGH how am I going to do this. Then I thought why create something totally new when you can take one of the most fun MLG maps and make it fairer, more fun and still play really well in MLG. :p

    A* map. Ill let you know in a PM when I update the thread, or you can subscribe to it and it will automaticaly let you know.
  16. Imnickjames13

    Imnickjames13 Ancient
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    And who knows maybe this can be Guardian's replacement on the pro circuit? Guardian is such a fun map to play. It's just a shame that it is so unbalance. Hopefully this map can fix that and still deliver all the fun that guardian did.
  17. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I hope your right man... Its gonna take a lot to do though I think.

    B3NW: I think you should take a few peoples Gtag's down for the MLG testing. Ideally, people who are 30+ in MLG would be a great test on the map, because thats when the games start to get really serious.

    Also, what've you managed to work on today?
  18. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes that is the aim. It will take extensive testing and rebuilding things to make it perfect. My worry is that sandbox is too bland to make the map look good. I will have to use lighting to keep it nice and enjoyable. Ive noticed in lots of sandbox maps, that when light isnt used it feels cold and just too eerie really, You may or may not understand me with that part but im basicly aiming to have the map feel inviting :p UHH some ****ing 7 yr old trick or treated me and made me drop half a packet of sweets on floor & walked away when I offered her some crisps ;l

    I shall, ill edit OP with todays progress and a list of people offering to test.
    #18 B3NW, Oct 31, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2009
  19. Imnickjames13

    Imnickjames13 Ancient
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    Also maybe use columns as flooring in a certain section and tins cups elsewhere to breakup the bland sandbox scenery to make the map mor inviting and callouts easier.
    Or if running low on columns the backside of some objects like ramps and wedge corners to give the map some color.
    I always feel like this gmakes maps seem more inviting
  20. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Im not sure, Tin cups have awkward physics, It could dsirupt ply by dragging nades and weps into the middle of them when someone dies. As for gold columns, im not sure where I could fit those in. They contrast really well, and im not looking for large contrasts. If you have any other suggestions could you direct them at the link in OP please?

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