...Or are most maps now that are submitted to Foreghub made on Sandbox. Seriously, its becoming really boring and dry seeing the same design, colours and style submitted day in day out. (yes I know I have submitted a few maps all made on sandbox, but I admit they weren't that great). People should try forging on some of the other 26 maps that are on the halo 3 disk. Longshore is my new forge map. All of the cool structures and different objects make it a great map to forge on. Sorry, bit of a rant Crypto nv
My guess is because Sandbox is the ultimate forge map in Halo. It has three levels to forge on and most people think it's superior to the other maps forge wise. It was a similar situation before Sandbox was released, lots of maps were on Foundry.
Well most people forge on maps that are easy to forge on. Thats why you have the most sandbox maps, followed by foundry. Then you have your large DLC maps, such as avalanche and longshore. Then you have your midsize DLC maps with immovable objects, like blackout. Finally your have Pre-DLC maps and DLC maps without many immovable objects. Its just the way things work.
Sandbox and Foundry will still be the most used maps for Forge. They were made for Forge, so obviously people will use it. They have the most immovable objects, and a great budget. They can be completely cleaned out, so you can forge something. Sandbox in particular, you can forge in three entirely different areas. It all depends on the type of map being made, for where the medium changes.
Well I think its because sandbox has 3 levels. People make maps in the sky bubble for obvious reason and same with the main area. Now with no-clip merging found out people will be merging in the sand alot more and will be posting there maps. Not saying you cant no-clip merge on other maps but I think sandbox is the main one to do it on. Plus people like me like having their own original map unlike on a map like ghost town with the original achitect to fill up most of the space. I think thats the main idea why people use sandbox, my opinion only though...
Thats actually the opposite. Sandbox and Foundry are the hardest maps to forge on. You have to completely create your own structures. All other maps have default geometry. In order to make a good map on Foundry/Sandbox, you have to be creative with aesthetics and layout and capable of difficult merging.
Is it just me or have I heard that same rant 8 times since joining less than a month ago? If you people can't stand the same map designs coming out in forge. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT OTHER THAN MOAN! Christ! Just because sandbox has the same coloured items doesnt mean you cant be creative. Im sure if your creative enough, with all the merging and no clip glitches found, im sure someone can find a way to make lighting more interesting. By merging lights into immovable objects you can actually get rid of the whole lighting effect and just have the walls coloured. Mixing both lights together gets a really nice purple. Try noclipping them and see what that does. Experiment, dont just moan.
People forge on the maps because there a blank canvas, they can be creative and make anything in the blank space they want. Unlike many other maps where the geometry limits them. Much more maps will be coming out on the NON-DLC and shitty DLC maps because of ghost merging. Its just a matter of time untill people get bored of the "same old" and want to get more interest in their maps by doing it on a map with limited items. Just the other week I saw a nice standoff FFA map that killjoyed ghost merging but it had quite a nice layout.
Pretty much half of the maps in Halo only have movable objects to work with. And sandbox and foundry are the only one's without geometry. Plus there are a more items to choose from and more items to place on foundry and sandbox.
You shouldn't base a map on its default map. You should base it on its final outcome. You also shouldn't just look at a map's aesthetics.. Just because it looks good doesn't mean it'll play good.
Although most people find it easier to make their own map, as opposed to alter the geometry of another map to make it.
Dude you dont get what he is saying at all he means by this, there is no creativity on sandbox anymore really. i mean look at it this way. if a forged map is forged on the sky bubble than its 2v2 and looks almost the same as the others. If a forged map is forged in the middle that its 9/10 times a big team map with the same old structures with the same gameplay. And it just goes on like that. Now ill admit the "cave" maps comming out now are a creative idea but just like all the other sandbox maps, they all kind play the same and feel the same. Is what he is trying to say is why is every1 playing on sandbox when about 75% of people complain about it everyday. Now i like to forge on sandbox but defenitly like foundry better, but a lot of people complain the way i just put it but still continue to forge the same kind of map as all the others, Now i have to agree, there so many fun forging maps to forge on why is about 90% of maps comming out just on sandbox, it kinda makes browsing maps boring cause they all look the same, and its not so much the forgers fault because there's just so many sandbox maps its kinda hard to think of new stuff. myshotsakill out-
Or people need to be more creative... It isnt Sandbox, it is people not doing anything special. Prime example is MLG maps. 90% of the MLG maps made are nearly identical to Ons and Amp. People just want to try and replicate things that work instead of making a brand new map. That was my main goal with Cynosure, to make something different.
You musnt be looking in the forge map section then because if you think all the maps at the moment that are coming out are all the same, then your mistaken, infact theres been much more creative maps coming out than there was when sandbox first came out. I do agree with the big team thing, most the structures are the same and the gameplay the same but sandbox has brought out so much capabilities. Crypt - Enclosed maps such as small competitive maps and griffball. Middle layer - Vast open spaces for maps for the like of btb and infection. Sky bubble - What I call enclosed with no boundaries maps, the deathfloor stops people getting out the map but no physical boundaries in the way. That is the aim of my MLG Guardian remake, to not copy the likes of Ons & Amp, but to use what works with them and put it into a symetrical Guardian, which is much more creative than the norm, 2 bases either side with 2 high structures with walkways to the side and a nice medium structure in the middle connected to the sides. I will admit I like insane's Requiem map due to the middle structure being original and the whole foundry horseshoe geometry being used.
Yes there are too many mediocre maps made on sandbox, because this is the simplest to forge on. Most people begin a map without any idea what it is going to be, but other maps confine the forger to certain objects and scenery. Sandbox is still really four maps: the crypt, ground level, skybubble, and dunes (the most rarely used). Using sandbox is actually good because it allows you to create an entirely new map, rather than some variant of a default map. You just have to look through posts if you want something new and different, think of The Hollow.
Actually, as B3NW said and what others have said.. the maps coming out at the moment are 10 times more creative. After getting the mythic maps the day they came out and hitting straight into forge.. I knew everyone would go straight into the skybox and crypt.. because they were the two "new" things about Sandbox. I decided to make a map on the box using the tunnel into the crypt as a main feature. And when i released that like 5 days after sandbox came out.. it turned out i was the first to use the crypt tunnel. Its really not hard to be creative, I have noticed that most peoples maps consist of odd structures that are randomly dotted around and it does make appealing well forged maps, but they do look the same. Now though, people have started creating maps with intricate detail, and masses of rooms. The latest featured map by Zombie is in my eyes STUNNING! and its made in the skybox.. on sandbox.. and it isnt "the same old boring map". Both you and the OP need to open your eyes and set your boundaries back a bit. Stop following the trend of being too bored of Sandbox because your not gonna get anything better.