YouTube - Playing Halo 3 with Red Ring of Death I have the red ring of death so I looked up some tutorials on youtube. I tried smacking the xbox and the towel trick and now it works! Not how I expected it to work though.. Well the xbox was running well.. no freezing or anything. I had to turn it off eventually to go to sleep.. Whenever I turn it on its either like this or normal with green lights.
well the xbox is already broken from the red rings.. might aswell use the towel trick to make it work again. also smacking the xbox works too.
You must've missed the whole friggin point of that. NO DUH ITS BROKEN, but you can get it fixed. With the towel trick, LIKE IT SAID, it'll fry the insides of your xbox.
OR you could just get it fixed for 100 bucks... instead of paying $200-$400 for a new one.... Save you $100-$300 depending on the xbox..
Or you could fix it yourself.... YouTube - The Shocking Truth Behind Xbox 360 Red Lights And How To Fix Your System!
X5, wouldnt it be better to post an ACTUAL instructional video rather than an advertisement for a website that supposedly says how to fix it, advertising/Infract?
i dont wanna seem like a nag, but so far within the last half hour ive been on, ive noticed that about 3 of ur latest posts have either been inquiries to get someone infracted or for some thread to get locked. wats up with that? BTW, ive used towel trick twice, and it seems like theyre right with not doing it. yes it may seem like it works at first (hell, my 360 stayed alive for a good 9+ hours the first time i did it, which was last week, tuesday..?), but afterwards, youll start to notice some effects, be it long term effects or ones that quickly arise. i used the towel trick a second time yesterday, Oct. 30th, seeing as today is halloween, and i expected the same results, but to no avail. It stayed with life for about 2 hrs, waaay less than the last time, which brought me to thinking, "hey, this is bad for my not doin it anymore." so yeah, im not doing the towel trick anymore. if it dies, it dies, o well. i still have **** zombies on ps3, lol. also, anyone have an answer to why my warranty (of 3 years!) for the limited edition Halo 3 edition 360 expired after only a year and a half??? if u can shed some light on my dilema, that would be great. i really anna get my 360 repaired, but idk how this stupid mix up could affect me.
Well theres 2 warranties, extended and normal, normal covers all errors, extended covers E74/ 3RRoD. that may be why. you can also dispute your warranty with them, and they may fix it if its their bad