This is a conquest map in the crypt of Sandbox, it has its own flare of originality which i personally haven't seen done before. Inspiration for this map is Schism of Light and the Hollow. It utilizes the lights on the crypt walls but the main focal point is the center. Look at the waterfall side of middle cave Ruins side of middle cave Finished Dome: New pics of middle: Updated Pics!! A. entrance to middle section B. entrance to middle section Side Cave from blue: Side Cave from red: A look at the bases: Blue: Red: Middle Territory red: Middle Territory blue: This map is almost 100%, it is ready for testing, after the testing sessions im going to add finishing touches. Like blue and red pillars to designated sides. Maybe some iron work in the main hall ways. And other odds and ends. This map may be one of 2 maps to use the BTC style of conquest. A large partied conquest map some of which will be featuring vehicles such as mongoose and others. Larger weapons such as Rockets and Lazer will be added as well (not to this map but others) for more questoins on the BTC style as the creator (and i forgot his name atm but BTC is not my idea its just a common interest i share i'll update with the creators name later haha)
I've never actually played a game of conquest, but that looks really nice. Props on that one. I'll definetely check it out once it's released. I love the main room with the grass and waterfall. Looking great!
wow. this i my opinion kicks the hollows ass. i mean wow. haha no offense the the maker of the hollow. but like you said the hollow inspired a ton of maps like this. even i made one,not conquest but i looks like this. so greeat job du. 5/5
Vale lol honestly i was just sitting their and just thought it's underground kinda like a meadow vale. so Descended Vale idk i may be grammatically incorrect but a vale is an opening in woods or clearing i think. It's also like a shroud of cover.
Looks a bit open for conquest, but hey, I'm game. By open I mean wide, BTW. If you need help testing, just let me know! Nice name by the way.
Yeah i guess you could say this is kinda like a btb conquest, although the middle section isn't that much larger than the hollow so idk, oh and yeah when i get to the testing stage i'll send you an invite.
I like the waterfall middle room. I have never seen a waterfall conquest map. Btw, I don't see any resemblance to the hollow. If you need testers I'll be glad to help. Gt: RockyOrange77
I think it looks good, the second picture looks the best of the lot. The waterfall, is a good idea, but isnt that great, i dont like shield doors made into water. It just looks weird. But good job so far anyway
Thanks for all the feedback guys, i'll be sure to invite all to help test this. And it shouldn't be lacking Gunner Grunt will most likely be giving me pointers on the spawns and that so i really hope this map is super smooth and doesn't have anything that ruins it. Also the middle section is about done, so i'll update with newer pics today. alright yall the new pics are up, iv also almost finished one of the bases and 1st cave where terriory 4 is on one side and 3 on the other. Update Pics: This is getting close and closer to testing so anyone who wants to sign up this is the place.
Well its been about what? 2 weeks and this bad boy is now open for testing. So if anyone wants to sign up now is the time. I'm shooting for maybe next Wensday December the 2nd at about 10:00 P.M. EST
Invite me for testing. The starting territory looks a bit too open but i think it may work if everything else is set up right. Looks fantastic though. Invite.
Wow look cool to play but i think its looking like hollow but in better ! I really love the river . Good fore men . Cant wait
I'm definantly down for testing. December the second is a... wednesday if I can count. I'll see if I can make it.
Are you blind? Anyway, I do have to say it looks quite alot like Schism Of Light but hey, that was featured so.. Still, I think this map would massively benfit if it has something different which sets it apart from the other cave maps. Yeah it has a waterfall but thats purely aesthetic. Try and make it so it has a unique stucture, never seen before in a cave map. You'll get more recognition for your hard work that way.
Well lol this map was in the process at the same time Schism was so it kinds just kicked my ass in that aspect. But yeah im planning another cave conquest map that should feature some things that have not been done b4.
I must say that this looks very nice. I may be able to test, but it's doubtful. Is it completely symmetrical?
I would LOVE to test this out mostly because I am making a Conquest map of my own and I would like to see how the gameplay is for a map like this. It actually looks increadible and so realistic, so that's another reason I would like to help out. Sign me up-Cougar1642