Debate Same Sex Marriage

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Projectt2501, Jun 20, 2008.

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    ZOMBIECOW11 Ancient
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    I see you have sources which I applaud you for. I however from personal experience do not think that gays can just be born gay or born straight. This is because almost all of the gays I know or have known, all of them had strong female influence and normally a lack of male influence. This to me decreases the validity of the argument for gay marriage. Also, my religious beliefs oppose gay marriage which may do. The rational behind this is that if God put us here on this earth to be in pairs of man and woman and to reproduce, it is against God's will that man and man or woman and woman marry or have intercourse. This only means that I believe that if the government allows gays to become officially married, then it is a disrespect to many religions. Thus that is why many vote against it. These thoughts however are strictly from the perspective of one with my religion. I am simply rationalizing why many other and I oppose gay marriage. Also, the reason of why gay marriage isn't allowed in most states is because the government can only allow things by the consent of the "people" - or the people voted upon by the people. This rule applies for everything in America, why should it be different in this case?
  2. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    I used to wonder how homosexuality could be a genetic mutation or whatever. I didn't think it could be a choice. But then I wondered how a homosexual could want to go through all the ridicule and dicrimination they face. I can't believe how horrible dealing with all of that would be. If it's so easy as gay or straight, Heretic, why would they continue to stay gay?

    Your "God" also promotes slavery. I'm sure you fight every day to gain that back, right? And religion, unfortunately, controls a lot of the government because congressmen and senators and whatnot need to have some sort of religious background so all the inbred hicks will vote for them, instead of looking past the fact that our nation was formed upon a basis of religious freedom. It's just depressing to know that people still slant their opinions in general elections on meaningless little phrases like "I want to thank God".
    #362 Norlinsky, Oct 30, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 30, 2009
  3. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    LOL@ Gay is a choice therefore gays shouldn't be allowed to marry!

    1: Tell me, at what point did you choose to be straight and why? Did you carefully weigh the pros and cons and come to a rational decision? Flip a coin? Just go with what feels right to you just like the gays do?
    2: Could you, right now, choose to become gay? Note that becoming gay is not the same as performing gay acts any more than liking green beans is the same as eating green beans.
    3: Why do you think gay people choose to be that way, knowing all of the hate and prejudice that they will face because of it?
    4: At what point in their lives do you think gay people choose to be gay? Childhood? Teens? Later?

    And most importantly: IF IT WAS A CHOICE, WHY WOULD THAT MATTER?
    #363 Ladnil, Oct 30, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2009
  4. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression.
  5. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Interesting article that I came across about the issue:


  6. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Ironically enough, that would mean a child raised by a male couple would be straight. Based on your conclusions.

    Why is that? What does it matter if it's a choice or not. If you can choose to be gay then you can choose to be straight. Don't be prejudiced and say that being straight is the default.

    Hey guess what? God isn't going to do anything to stop it and He hasn't done so far. So, what does that mean? Should you start the religious war of intolerance?

    It's also a disrespect to homosexuals to be this ignorant.

    Nitrous covered this.
  7. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    Humans. It's a disrespect to humans to be this ignorant.

    You can perceive gay marriage as a threat all you like, but same-sex marriages aren't going to make opposite sex marriages less meaningful than they are already. The church doesn't have a monopoly on marriage, however it may seem so. I don't see Christians rallying at the DMV claiming that Gay driver's licenses make straight driving licenses less valid. So the question isn't why same-sex marriages detract from Marriage as a whole, it's what gives Christians the self-entitlement to protest in the first place.
  8. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
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    Well one problem is that Christian churches will no longer be able to preach against gay marriages and relationships because it would be offensive to them. Well thats how its been for thousands of years and now we have to change it because Gays are sick of not being able to marry. This is truly ridiculous, how is it moral now for 2 manly hairy dudes to have sex and get married. Now my son will grow up and see all of these gay people married and think thats okay, and it isnt. IT IS NOT GOOD, MORAL, AND IT NEVER HAS BEEN.

    Plus like stated earlier, if gay marriage was meant to be, how would reproduction work? Even if you dont believe we were created by God, you have to admit that its just a known fact that gay relations werent meant to be or we would all die out sooner, but hey, we will anyways with gays spreading aids like crazy. Then men with secret gay lives go and get aids and bring it home to their wife and children, yeah, its okay huh?
  9. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    You have to be kidding me. This is the epitome of ignorance.

    First of all, churches can preach about whatever they want. No one is going to stop them.

    Second, what if your son just happens to be gay? Will you strangle him with your hairy, muscular arms of manliness? Give me a break.

    Third, if gay marriage is legal, everyone won't drop what they were doing to be gay. That's idiotic.

    And lastly, straight men can go have affairs and bring STDs back to their wives. Also, what do you mean "children"? Are fathers going to give STDs to their children? So you're ok with pedophilia, just not homosexuality.

    You're a moron. Go back to your church and keep sucking Jesus's ****.
  10. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    While I am inclined to agree with the rest of your post, I think this is way out of line.
  11. A Punker

    A Punker Ancient
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    My thought is we are here in America... Yeah people can be gay thats there choice and if they stand proud about it I respect them for knowing who they are. I find myself wondering that even though we live in America and we support everyone, why can't we have our backbone of beliefs and issues we will not compromise for the sake of others... I mean come on alot of other countries will kill those whom are gay so be lucky to have the ability to be with each other.... I too man say no gay marriage... Also that means I am saying that my uncle does not have the right to marriage so do not say I'm insensitive when I just have my own beliefs and standards of life.
  12. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Personally, I thought it was icing on the cake. I mean, people kill for religion, why not go gay for it, too?
  13. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
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    First of all, you can pass an STD by sharing a drink you idiot. I didnt say everyone will turn gay either.

    Second of all, you are not born gay, maybe stupid, but not gay. My son will be taught, like he is supposed to be, that gay is bad.

    And lastly, they have already been discussing the fact about churches preaching against gay marriage and 1 preacher has already gotten into trouble, so shut your mouth if you dont know what you are talking about.

    I dont believe that comment would help any sort of debate either.
  14. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Um, pretty sure you made a point saying that gays would go around passing STDs to eachother, but any straight people could do the same. That's like only persecuting gay drug dealers. And yes, you basically said that when you stated that our world couldn't survive if all of us were homosexuals. Because we're not. And we're never going to be.

    See last page. And explain to me how homosexuality is bad. I can understand that they can't reproduce and all, but how is it BAD? Also that's teaching your kid to be intolerant of others, which is ignorance. Might as well teach him to hate blacks, Hispanics, and asians while you're at it.

    Show me an article about a preacher getting in trouble for preaching against homosexuality. I guarantee there's a catch somewhere.

    I think it helps this debate, by the way. Gay4god.
  15. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
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    You are ridiculous, you cant be gay 4 God. He calls it an abomination. And I agree that not everyone is gonna be gay, but still. I dont hate gays, disapprove of them and dont really talk or do anything with them. That doesnt mean I should teach him to hate races. Gay is not a race and my wif is hispanic, so yeah that would make plenty of sense.

    How is it bad? Well a ***** wasnt meant to go into an anus. It wasnt meant to be. Thats why male sex organs are made to reproduce with female sex organs. Sex wasnt made to be fun, just for reproducing. humans took it thaere themselves.
  16. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    Humans weren't meant to reproduce through sex, that was apparently Adam and Eve's fault for taking the apple from the tree of knowledge, a punishment.
  17. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Didn't God ask some guy in the Bible to kill his son, even though it's one of the Ten Commandments not to murder? So if Jesus came up to you and said, "SUCK MY MEAT STICK, SON", I guarantee you would do it.

    And if sex isn't made to be fun...why does it feel good? I mean, we'd still do it if it didn't feel good. Breathing doesn't feel good. We do that.
  18. Nosirrom Mij

    Nosirrom Mij Ancient
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    A topic like this is so counterproductive. The only thing it inspires are radical responses from both sides of the issue.

    In regards to religion, this is America. The basis for our way of life is that people can live free of religious persecution. That means, despite your religious beliefs, they are irrelevant in affairs like state or federal sponsored marriage. They do have the right to refuse to marry gays in their churches, temples, mosques, etc.

    Now, for the rest of us who respect that the world is rich with diversity and culture and respect people for being different can form a simple arguement.

    Regardless of how scientifically human beings were meant to reproduce between sexes, it doesn't change the fact that others are drawn to the same sex. The argument is, why should we care what an individuals sexual preference so long as it is in a safe consentual form (meaning not sexual deviates like pedophiles and rapists)? And why should we care if they want to get a state or federal sponsorred marriage?

    It's irrelevant issues like these that bring out the worst in our country. Perhaps if we put as much piss and vinegar into other issues like foreign policy and health care we might actually find the time to resolve things like this.
  19. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
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    You are now the ignorant one my friend.

    God told him to kill his son as a test of faith, a bit drastic yes, but when he went to do it, God stopped him. You dont even know what you are talking about. That makes you the ignorant one.

    Yes sex feels good, but it was ment for 2 people(man and women) to do inside of marriage, to reproduce.

    Also, Adam and eve being punished had nothing to do with us now reproducing through sex. Her punishment was to feel the pain of childbirth. Reproduction was still through sex back then. You guys need to go read the bible before you start telling me what happened.

    Anyway, this is why I usually stay out of debates here. I always get verbally attacked for my religous beliefs. I will no longer be in this thread, I just posted my opinions on the topic since this IS a debate forum. You have no reason to keep telling me to perform sexual actions on Jesus. You Norlinsky have made a prime example of immaturity and ignorance, even after calling me ignorant.
  20. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Woah, guys let's settle down. I have chosen not to infract anyone(NOTE: Other Staff/Guardians may disagree with this). Let's all settle down.

    First off, what you said, Nor, was a bit much. However, to all the rest, homosexuals may feel "gay is bad" as extremely offensive. Either way, neither is any form of debate.
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