G'day there. Much like R0FLninja, I'm part of the upcoming Asset Map Pack, a unique game-type idea by, you guessed it, rifte gifle. You may find his name to understand, but his ripper of a game features all the best of infection, vip, a little bit of an Agents idea served on the side. Rifte was looking for a banner for the map pack, and R0FL took his stance on it, which is quite amazing. I'm not that kind of style though. I'm a logo guy, which means I love transparent backgrounds and simplistic yet stunning graphics. Here's my five takes on what I figured the banner should be. I made them all in around 3 hours of tweaking, broken ideas, and orange juice. Nice 'n simple. Took it off google, did some blurring, saturating and desaturating, with a tiny bit of sharpening and this was the product. Like I said, simple and stunning. 5 renders and some text. Not as great as the others, but an alright result. The game type wasn't called 'Protect The Asset', so being the perfectionist I am I made 2 'editions' of this one. I'm a huge fan of silhouettes, so I couldn't go past this. Admittedly not stunning, but simple. Another double edition, only much much less done. It's just a nice render I found with a fancy font. The only difference between the two is that the darker shaded one has some duplicating and overlaying done to it. Easily one of my favourites. _____________________________________ Even if it isn't a contest, so to speak, may the best artist win. Whoever has the best banner I suppose. Personally, I think R0FLninja's is amazing, but it's all up to the judges. You and I, R0FLninja, are too alike...
I'll probably be using all of these for something, thanks ohnoez. These are great. Still need one with Vergil in it though... I might do that one myself. I like the one that says, "protect the asset". Simple, but a nice overall result.
Would you like me to make the 'Protect The Asset' one longer? I posted this at another site and a member mentioned I should make that a more 'banner-like' size.
If you're gunna do a pure render sig like the bottom few, make sure that it doesn't cut off (crop) on more sides than one, it looks REEEEALLY bad.
Oh, and if you decide to make a full banner, make sure that it 1)Has Vergil or some kind of engineer 2)Includes ODST (no shields) 3)Banner should be 1000 x 350 or 1000 x 400 or so.
I like this one the best.. But it's a tiny bit too blurred on the right IMO. I like the pop-out style.. Although, I think the text could be moved in towards the center a bit. Personally, it looks like the dude on the right is giving the dude on the left a blowjob.. lol.. Maybe it's just me. I like the bottom one, but I don't like how the head is cut off.. I feel like I can't see the whole picture for some reason. Overall: Lookin' really cool. Good luck with the contest.