Foundry MLG Presence v1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by versatile verve, Oct 27, 2009.

  1. versatile verve

    versatile verve Ancient
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    Download map HERE

    MLG Presence v1
    Made by
    Versatile Verve

    My favorite Quotes from friends about this map:

    Check out some more of my maps:


    MLG Relapse v1

    MLG Desolate v2

    Before we go onto the map, i would like to thank you for taking the time to view my map. Try to spare another 2 minutes to download it from in any of the links in this post. Also, you should totally check out my friend Noirtatsu's map: HERE

    This map is great for team games, lots of merging, geomerging, smooth floors, and well thought out design. Easy call outs:

    top red
    bottem red

    top blue
    bottem blue

    top gold
    bottem gold
    gold A
    gold B

    top purple
    mid purple
    bottem purple
    purple A
    purple B

    gold mid
    purple mid

    blue corner
    red corner

    --Pictures below "Also"--


    Weapon list:

    2 carbines - on pick up timer- every 90 secs.

    1 mauler - on drop spawn- every 2 mins
    8 brs - on pick up spawn- every 30 secs
    4 plazma granades - on pick up spawn- every 10 secs
    4 frag granades - on pick up spawn- every 10 secs

    Gamertag: Versatile Verve

    This is an overview of Presence. On your left you can see most of purple base. (Right of blue base and left of red) Blue base, in the distance. And most of mid. Mauler drop spawns at 120 secs directly in top mid. In both corners of the map on purple base side there are 2 wall corners merched to form a slanted corner like thing great for granade bounces. There is also an active camo, or overshield to signify what base belongs to which team. There is also a jump up here that allows you to stand on the top of the corners. But dont worry, A person in this spot has no cover and can be seen from pretty much any angle. (no hiding spots on this map) Also, the crane can be jumped on, but this will be evend out or made impossible in v2. it doesnt make a very big differnce on gameplay though.

    This is a side/overview of red base. Both bases are compleatly symmetrical with underpasses, and jump ups. 2 brs rest on each side of the doors, a carbine is located under the wall corner thats standing up as an underpass in the distance, and a double wall underneath the bridge is slanted for granade bounces. With a fence wall merged in for a jumpup. You can also find barriers infront of the bases for jump ups.

    This is a overview of gold base. (one of the side bases. Located on Right side from red, and left side from blue.) There is also an underneith to this base. With a window panel jump up sticking out of one of the boxes, or you can crouch jump onto the barrier. (You cant see them from this picture.) Also, there is a br in a weapon holder on the barrier. And 2 plazma granades on the floor in bottem gold. You can also jump up to the custom powerup from the A and B signs. You can not pick it up though.

    This is showing the middle of Presence. You can jump onto all the boxes in this picture except the one directly in the center that the bridge's connect to. Mauler drop spawns at 120 secs in center of top mid. You can also jump from the fences, to and from each base with a bunny hop crouch jump. Oddball also spawns and resets in mid.

    This is an overview/front view of purple base. (Left of red base and right of blue base) Purple base is the more complex base of the secondary bases on this map. The front box, seen in the picture, that connects to the bridges, can be jumped on from the main floor. Once on it you can jump onto the higher box which has the stairs merched into it. From there you can either jump onto the fence walls merched into the boxes, located on either side of the purple marker. Slide jump up the stairs. (You get a running start and crouch jump at the stairs. It will slide you up them, Send me a message if you need more help) or you can drop down to bottem purple, where you will find 2 plazmas, and a window panel merched into a double box for an easy jump up back up to middle purple. Or you can exit on either side of the base. On top purple there is also a barrier for cover from side attacks that you can jump on. There is also a br on top of it in a weapon holder.

    Download map HERE

    NOTE: i did use the amp wall. But that is the only thing i used from another map.










    Download map HERE
    #1 versatile verve, Oct 27, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2009
  2. Ambien Man

    Ambien Man Ancient
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    all of the aesthetics look great. Nice base design and the interlocked bridges in the center look good. I must admit i am getting sick of this layout. It is way to common and even if somebody does it better than amplified amp will still always have the popularity in my opinion. If I were you I would come up with some characteristics that make you map stand out from the pack because with your forging ability you could easily get featured.

    ps a weapons list would be nice

    and i would take out all of the unnecessary download links and just have one on the bottom and one at the top.
  3. versatile verve

    versatile verve Ancient
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    lol i have to admit, after looking at it myself, i see what you mean... "download here" does get anoying.. :p thanks for tellin me ima change that.

    And its true with me aswell, im getting a little tierd of the same old layout aswell. When i made this though i was trying to get it on the mlg playlist. (i had big dreams :) ) and so i tried to stick to standerd mlg formats, but ive noticed now that it gets old. In my last map i tried a new forging style, FFA, which i dont make alot, but I think taking the idea of an asymmetrical FFA map and turning it into a asymmetrical, yet still ballanced mlg map could make a whole new perspective on forge, Im currently trying that on one of my new maps im working on. I think im on 2 something lol. :D anyway, thanks for the feedback.
  4. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    Just two things to note when making another post.
    -Don't use black letters
    -Don't advertise other maps unless it's all lart of a map pack.
    I like the feel of this map and it always seems to me that foundry maps never get boring. And I especially love the blue side (by the crane).
  5. versatile verve

    versatile verve Ancient
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    thx, and why not black lettering?? lol just wondering?
  6. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    Because it is unnecessary and it is harder to read than just default or any color that isn't the same color as the background.
  7. PulseKiller

    PulseKiller Ancient
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    Dont use Amplifieds back wall and wing boxes when making a map. There is really no point in doing it because not only will people find out, but it is just a stupid thing to do when you put so much time into making a map. And dont tell me you didnt use it, because I recognize that blue fence box anywhere. And atleast give credit for using it. It really isnt a big deal that you used it, I just want to let you know that other people will probably comment on it and it just isnt worth doing.
  8. versatile verve

    versatile verve Ancient
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    Pulse: If you actuly read the thread, you would notice I clearly stated that I did use the amp wall. Thanks for taking the time to point out the obvious.
    Why did i use the amp wall?? Because I felt it is one of the best walls on foundry, infact, it is one of the only ones I have not been able to get over with edge ghosts or ghost jumps, so I desided to use it. If it realy bothers you that much just dont download the map. I will be making a new wall for v2 and ghost merging a single box into the crain but untill then, please do not state something that does not give me any feedback on imrpoving the map. Obviously I am already aware I should make my own wall for v2 if I stated that it was the amp wall in the thread. Thank you for your concern that I did not know this and good day.

    As for others, i love the constructive critisism, it realy helps when planning out a v2 keep the comments on what i can imrpove coming. Just not the stuff I already know lol. Please read before you comment. :D
  9. PulseKiller

    PulseKiller Ancient
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    I didnt see that you said that you used it, my bad. And I never once attacked you for using it so stop being so defensive. I am just stating that noone will take your map seriously when you used part of another map.
  10. versatile verve

    versatile verve Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry about that, I was in a bad mood when I posted that, anyway, thanks for taking the time to tell me something i can improve.
  11. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    It seems to me your starting points are off key... you need to place them uniformly and make sure that the players start the game in the correct place. If you need help with that PM me. I would have played this tonight at my customs night but that single problem.
  12. Grim 104

    Grim 104 Ancient

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    Great, and may I say that this reminds me of "Hang Em' High" from Halo: Combat Evolved.
  13. versatile verve

    versatile verve Ancient
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    Thanks for the feedback, and GO43R, I know what you mean, recently the starting has been a little messed up, im not sure why though cuz the starting points are placed for red and blue teams in oddball, ctf, and team slayer. Ill look into that today but I have no clue why, i had a problem with the oddball acting like i never placed it also for a bit but.. Ill fix that.

    And I think i know what map your talking about. I liked that map alot Grim. Thx for the comment. :)
  14. iRage is FORGIN

    iRage is FORGIN Forerunner

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    why not use the wall of amp? its ok if he says he did (which he did) because that isnt taking credit right?. would it be ok if he used the wall of amp to brace his own and then create his own from scratch using those braces? because thats what i'm doing for my latest map and i'd hate for people not to take it seriously (i will give credit to amp as an influence btw)
  15. versatile verve

    versatile verve Ancient
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    personaly, i dont see using the wall of a map as something bad. its like when some1 clears of the map 2 make a canvis, all the amp wall is is a blank canvis that helps to section off part of the map. The part that shud b origional is the map itself, not a wall. But i do feel credit is deservin. I dont see anythn wrong with using braces, and thx for the feedbak.
    since that post ive made my own wall for foundry but havnt used it in a map yet. but yea, i think it wud b fine if u used it as a brace. i really see nothing wrong with it, its not like ur taking a ramp or stairway or wall from amp for the map itself, just a wall 2 block off part of the map. ;)
  16. iRage is FORGIN

    iRage is FORGIN Forerunner

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    who was it that made amp? because i want to name them in my credits, i need to know who made: MLG ons, MLG amp and MLG Ldown, because they where my inspiration. can anyone help me out?
  17. versatile verve

    versatile verve Ancient
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    sorry man. i got no clue, it says it in some mlg montages sometimes thu. n____ somethn and p__ i think idk.. ill pm u if i find out. i like ons and amp, i dont like ldown so much, its supposed 2 b a remake of heritic kind of but i didnt really like it.
  18. iRage is FORGIN

    iRage is FORGIN Forerunner

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    i think that heretic is an awful map so if Ldown is a remake then its the best ever because it turned a terrible map into something great. i just love thge way that it is so intricate- something which other MLG maps don't posses, also it is one of the more original maps in foundry for MLG. especially it's shape
  19. versatile verve

    versatile verve Ancient
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    dont like heritic!!?!?!?!?!?!? *gasp* i love it for slayer!! they shud put guardian bak in for oddball thu. Heritic's def my best map with slayer thu. its all about br's and fast thinking. Perfect.
  20. iRage is FORGIN

    iRage is FORGIN Forerunner

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    i think guardian oddball was good too, i'd like to see an MLG citadel too, but i doubt it would happen. i don't know what it is with heretic but i just hate it, maybe the sword or the sticky starts or the purpleness (if thats a word) i really don't like it.

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