The perfect MLG map?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by B3NW, Oct 16, 2009.

  1. PulseKiller

    PulseKiller Ancient
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    Not only were Guardians bottom walkways not that long, but they also had a low ceiling above them allowing you to ceiling strafe, decently thick railings, and a large bottom mid with plenty of cover.
  2. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Its w.i.p the barriers arent done yet in bottom, there will be some tough.
  3. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This isnt a direct remake of guardian as the map is going to be symmetrical anyway.. there are going to be huge changes, but hopefully all will improve gameplay. Once the map has actually been built, it will be no where near finished. With 3 of us putting ideas into this, we'll probably need to forge and test each of the ideas for playability.

    I dont think its been said yet, but the title of the map is MLG Paladin.

    Also, if we might end up renaming... Cerberus (pronounced KER-BER-OSS) has the similarities we're after.. Its an ancient greek Guardian which happened to be a large three headed dog.
    #123 Stevo, Oct 29, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2009
  4. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    This. At the very least, use columns as your railings down there so there's more bulk to it than the wedges most commonly used as railings.

    Is the map supposed to be comparable in size to Guardian? If so, you may want to measure Guardian's(or Blackout's) top mid with a respawn area, and compare it to the size you have here. Yours looks very small right now.
  5. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Yes and we will keep testing untill all cover and LOS is perfect.
    Yeah I like Paladin more than cerebus but it depends on what everyone else likes.

    I havnt measured top mid but it is pretty much to scale. I beleive it to be to scale and steve does to, I didnt even mention the fact and he said wow you have it the right size lol, but I will measure it and get back to you.

    + I wont be online untill sunday but I will be on my xbox probally. I may be online tommorrow morning and maybe just after lunch but I wont be on later friday evening and I wont be online all of saturday but I should get on at sunday lunch.
    #125 B3NW, Oct 29, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2009
  6. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    I'm actually very interested in the pet project you have going. Send me an invite.

    Gt g043r

    I seem like a random joe but, I'm much into the style of MLG, I been forging since about the time halo 3 dropped out the sky. Last but not least I seen over many projects. I can either help fix your spawn issue or find someone that can.
  7. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Hmm, thanks for the offer but we have a team of 3 already and its kinda crowded, if you would help during weekdays tough that would be good, dragull can only advise on weekends due to awkward timezones and his job etc but if you would be able to help 6:00 - 10:00 GMT then that would be a great help. BTW the map could get a lot more publicity if a Loyal like you were to post the map. Hint. :p

    EDIT: Turning off comp now so if I reply slow it is because I will be on my phone or dead (asleep).
  8. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    I'm mainly suggesting towards play testing. It is easier for me to fix something with the game playing. I'll explain it as i see them.
  9. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Okay i misunderstood. Your welcome to test the map as is anyone who is able to offer critisism back.

    EDIT: I have measured gaurdian top mid with a circular respan area, the radius is 3.5 up to the barrier. On my map the radius is 3.5 to the outer edge of the barrier (note the barriers on my map are considerably thinner. That is all :p
    #129 B3NW, Oct 29, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2009
  10. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Aye I was going to say the Top Mid section looks very similar. I think we should start a new topic B3NW, and attach the Map Layout, Along with the progress pictures and a Poll on the name. Cause personally I think Cerberus would be a damn fine name for a map :p

    Paladin just reminds me too much of those knights on Age of Empires 2 xD

    Oh ****, yeah, the reason i suggested starting a new topic is so we can keep people posted on the progress of the map. This topic doesnt have a "front page" so to say, so it means if people are new to our discussion theyd have to read through 13 pages of posts just to get at what we've decided on lol.
    #130 Stevo, Oct 30, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2009
  11. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    I think that is a good idea. If you want to post it while im working on the map that would be good. Just let me know if you need more screenshots.

    BTW: A couple of people on the forum have already seen the W.I.P map but there trustworthy and they really like it so thats good :p
  12. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ok good stuff. I'll get some more up-to-date screenshots and post a new map preview topic later today.
  13. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    on your guardian remake its looking really good, its getting alot of attention. though i was wondering if you were going to give it a guardian feel. like where green is are you going to use tin cups, and make some tree like structures or something. Id love to take a look at the map and walk around. I made an almost perdect guardian remake called MLG Pyriform, i think it really captures guardians feel, you can look at it if you want, i know yours is more of an inspiration than a remake, but i still think you shouls give the feel of a grassy, wooded area. Cause right now everything looks great, but its kinda bland, i think some tree like structures would spice it up and make it a feature potential map instead of just a great map. like i said, id love to take a walk through of it.
  14. shockwavekp44

    shockwavekp44 Ancient
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    I would like to see an MLG map with many different elevations and a tunnel through the middle which the map would be designed mostly for CTF. THere will not be a varity of weapons because of the elevations so that means different lines of sight from base to base. Maybe if you feel comfortable with it you can forge a Sandbox typed MLG map instead Foundy. It would produce a different kind of feeling that Foundry (YOu dont have to though it wouldnt burst my bubble). There should many ways to get to anothers base but not to many so that the spawn areas are exposed leading to spawn killing.

    No Dont do this please. It wouldnt feel MLG with SMGs in there.

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