Debate Should people be able to make video games with socially unacceptable objectives?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Dow, Oct 27, 2009.

  1. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    Hearing about the possible game mode for Modern Warfare 2 in which terrorist must kill civilians, it got me thinking. Should game makers be allowed to publish content in video games that is socially taboo?

    Some examples could be:

    • A video game that involved sex with minors (Pedo Bear play land anyone?).
    • Something similar to the Modern Warfare 2 situation in which it is your objective to kill unarmed civilians.
    • Something that involved killing people in sick ways such as in the "Saw" movies. Or any game that involved a serial killer agenda.
    • Carrying out genocide.
    I'm sure you can probably think of more.

    As for my opinion, I would say yes, as long as it is all a virtual simulation, people should be able to make games with whatever they want in them. Given, not many companies would sponsor projects like this, but I still think it should be allowed.
    #1 Dow, Oct 27, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2009
  2. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Obviously such games would have a Mature rating.
    It is up to the consumer to be responsible and know what they are buyng, specifically if it's a parent buying a game for their child(s).
    #2 Shanon, Oct 27, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2009
  3. alienman911

    alienman911 Ancient
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    GTA san andreas was only concidered a big deal because parents let there 10 year olds play an M rated game and then freaked out when there kid found hot chocolate
  4. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    The game Kayne and Lynch already has done every one of these besides the sex scene lol. These games are already out there and I don't believe that they will be contained. I don't see an issue with them as long as the users don't disconnect with reality and try to react what they play.
    #4 Eyeless Sid, Oct 27, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2009
  5. Torkzor

    Torkzor Ancient
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    I think the only reason there is so much outrage about the MW2 level, is the popularity of the game, and the massive number of kids under the age that will definitely have the game. It already has millions of pre-orders (not an exaggeration) and upwards of 10 million people with have their hands on this game. It's just surprising to see such a brutal scene in a game intended for such a large audience.
  6. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Really this debate boils down to whether games are art or not. It they are art, then they are protected fully under the first amendment in the same way that movies, books, paintings, and music are. I believe that the story(campaign) components of videogames are just as much an art as any movie, and therefore the government can only censor them as much as they do movies.

    Restrict who can purchase them all you want, but you can't restrict what is in them.
  7. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    I say no, because sure, most kids wouldn't go out and do what they see... but there's those every so often "odd" ones who might get a little overexcited or might be exposed to too much of it, and might go do something stupid.

    It just increases the chances of someone ruining their life or even lives around them... People definitely don't need to be exposed to torcher or any crazy weird crap, so it's best to just stick with the violent games... not the extremely violent games.

    Plus, if you want to go chain saw someone in half/have a crazy ****, then you're too effed up to begin with.. some videogame that increases your plea for more will only damage.
  8. RidleyXX45

    RidleyXX45 Ancient
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    I belevie they should. And before you say, "What if they made fun of you!?" Here is what I have to say. What do I care if they make fun of me? If it's not true, why should I care?
  9. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Let me get this straight.

    10 people buy a game. In this game, you kill a human being.

    9 people shrug their shoulders, kill the human and finish the game, go talk to each other about the game then go home talk to their families.

    The last person does the same thing, then kills someone and says that the game did convinve him to kill a human being.

    Your response is to ban the game.

    Listen, if someone will 'ruin' their life by doing that because of a game. Then something is already wrong with them. Somewhere along the road of life, something ****ed them up. Maybe they never got the lesson of death from a dead pet or what have you. Maybe they cant tell the difference between reality and fiction.

    Whatever it is, not everyone has the ****ed up part in them that will make them kill a person after seeing a game do it.

    Lastly, I can say that a lot of people would like to take part in an ****. And a lot of people have had thoughts of killing someone in a painful way. It's only human to get that pissed off at someone. I can say with certainty that wanting to kill someone in a painful way is more or less human of this time and age, wether it is because of our violent culture or whatever is another debate entirely.

    And there is no harm in doing these things in games, as long as the person playing them is aware that nothing going on in it is real and of the real life consequences to doing it in real life.
  10. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    I think they should make a game where you go around and rape people.
  11. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    What would you call a game like that haha. Im not sure that they would dedicate a full game to this one thing maybe a flash game.
  12. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    No, I heard EA is developing it.
  13. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Yeah its probably going to become a professional sport soon.
  14. FreshLegend

    FreshLegend Ancient
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    my friends and i were saying they should make a game where youre a psychotic midget, raised by wolves. and you come to a city, and murder/rape all the people there. i thought it fit in nicely with this.
  15. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Already done. In fact, it's quite the popular genre.

    I'm not joking.

    Oh and it's not a flash game.
    #15 Telrad, Oct 28, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2009
  16. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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  17. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    For great justice!

    Only link I can find right at this moment. If you asked me a year or two ago, I'd of shown you the Amazon page for Rapelay.
  18. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Games are most definitely a form of art, as they are a creative outlet for people with imagination and ideas. However, the more important matter here is revolving around the moral decision to create these games, rather than the resulting legal allegations.

    The largest difference between gaming and any other form of art is that you are the one carrying out these actions. In a book you read about yourself shooting civilians, in movies you see the main protagonist shooting civilians, but in video games YOU are shooting civilians. This comes at a price, where one person in 100,000 or maybe even one person in a million will commit the same actions that they carried out in the game.

    There really is no good answer to this. These kinds of things will happen, although on an extremely small scale. It doesn't matter though if developers put some of these extremely sick simulations in a video game. People have killed themselves from playing World of Warcraft, a completely unrealistic game that has seemingly no correlation to someone's life. There will always be consequences to these types of things.

    So, yes, I believe that developers should be allowed to put this type of content in their game.

    Senior Member

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    they did its called michael jacksons moon walker

    but on the serious debate i think that they should be able to make game about anything like making drugs,selling drugs,murders, rape, gay interacial couples, porno, etc on the simple fact that parents should monitor what there kids play
  20. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    You nailed it.

    Yes, so they aren't mature enough... You see lots of kids under 17 playing GTA, Deadrising, Halo, etc.. (including myself).. And a certain percentage of "underage" kids will go play something extremely violent and will do something stupid just because they aren't mature enough. Parents aren't the only forms of protection.
    Yes, but a few are.. and some are just normal people who can't be exposed to some stuff.
    Wow, that is a very stupid statement.. I'm not gonna lie.
    Yes, but there's no need to feed the fire.
    You could also say that it's only human to kill other people... It's not human, it's people who are influenced by others to do things. It's called peer pressure.
    Yes there is harm. You're opening unwanted doors.
    #20 Monolith, Oct 29, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2009

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