Worked on Uplift some today, made some railings, added more flooring to the upper platform, and put an H on the Helipad where the hornet spawns, which looks mega super awesome.
hey rifte i thought of an idea for another asset map ill invite u to a party over xbox live next time i get on to tell u
Lulz, I still think it looks like a turtle more than a dinosaur. I think you should get some more interior pic's, jakob, i went forging inside of it the other day, and he pics given in this thread dont give the map enough credit IMO. BTW Rifte, Im gonna get on inna hour or two, do ya think we could get some Monolith testing goin, before you post it?
Yes, it can. I'm trying to start an Asset map on Longshore (escape vehicle being a mongoose on a dinghy ) or one where you actually have to escort your VIP on Rat's Nest. There's no escape vehicle for that one, it's just safely getting your VIP to the one destination point. As they get closer and closer to the destination, they'll be closer to the attacker spawns and it'll become harder to get the Vergil there alive.
I have an idea for a map then. I'll start forging it, and I'll contact you if it works out. For now, I have to retire for the night.
I will take some pics of the map to try and get pics of some things i want to point out about the map
Yeah Jakob, people seemed to think your map was sloppy, but I did a forge thru on it and found it flawless,considering it's supposed to be that way which it is, the rubble falling from above is really cool, and I can't wait to do a testing session on it.
i made another version with more hallways on the lower level and had to take out the falling rubble but i still have that version for different gameplay i took some pics for my map
I did some testing on Monolith today, it was really fun, but we got destroyed. Ill be posting some updated pics of Uplift Reserve tommorow.
monolith is in my opinion more fun that protocal in its own way i had alot of fun testing it. The other one that you are working on is also very fun and i am waiting for it to be reveled to the public to say any more about it
UPDATES -2 new maps added (Last Bird Out, and unnamed) See OP for more details. -Uplift Reserve updated
The new unnamed one with the dropship looks SICK. Seriously, can't wait to just see it. I played on the Rat's Nest one before, needs better preview pics. They kind of just make the map LOOK boring, but in reality the gameplay is sweet.
hey i think i came up with a good name for my map like i said earlier prolly infrastructure but idk yet but ive been working on the 1st base its about 70 % done and i think your going to love what i did or should i say how im connecting the 2 bases together i wont be on tomorrw till much later so i wont get a whole lot done tomorrow but hopefully ill have the map up and ready for testing byabout the 5th becuase i want to make sure all is perfect. i cant wait for these maps to all be done they are all so well made and so much fun to play on, ill c u later
sadfaic. Yes, it is awesome but don't question my picture taking skillz. >:L ShHHH. Don't give out spoilers yet, silly. Are you online later tonight? I will be, and I would like to see this.