Ok people, I entered my pumpkin from last year into a carving competition (it's totally allowed in the rules, btw), and as it turns out, this particular competition is judged by voting! Democracy at it's finest, and here's where you come in. I need all of my internet friends to go here: PUMPKIN CARVING CONTEST UNFORTUNATELY, I submitted my pumpkin early so you have to click through until you hit the pumpkin that looks like this (it should only take like 5 minutes): Vote that you like it at the bottom of the page. You can vote daily, so anyone who's feeling exceptionally generous can keep coming back to help me out! Voting is only open until THURSDAY, so don't put it off! Thanks in advance to anyone who gives up a few minutes of their time. P.S. I am NOT encouraging you to down-vote all of the other pumpkins, as that would take WAY too long, and especially don't down-vote the pumpkins that are really good. Though it looks like someone has already down voted mine... :-(
Voted, also here you go, you can go here, and vote straight for yours, you don't have to search: https://youroldhouse.thisoldhouse.com/gallery.jsp?project=pumpkincarving&category=&pg=119&year=2009
Jesus how do you do things like this O_O mines always a smile and two eyes lol,. a nose is rare. well done. gonna go vote and BM the page. hope you win!!
You aren't doing so well. I voted for you, but felt somewhat guilty doing so because there are so many amazing pumpkins there.
You know...sometimes people ask me, how am I so good at, uh, voting for pumpkins? You know what I tell them?
Dont try put me off voting. I like it, but couldnt you just photoshop a pumpkin? EDIT: After looking at all the others, I like yours still but youve got no ****ing chance against those dragons etc..
I VOTED! I VOTED! +1 goodness. man I have far too many good deeds left to do...I think I'm going to give up.