If you look at the map, you'll realise linking the platforms with s1(bottom sniper on guardian) would not be achieveable. It needs to link to the sniper tower for gameplays sake (and because the actual incline of the ramp/overpass would be ridiculous).. Remember this isnt (keyword: ISNT) a remake of guardian. It is being designed for gameplay on MLG:KOTH gametypes.
Correct, it would be plausable to connect the platforms to s1 (bottom snipe as steve pointed out) because it would have to go through a wall and would be a massive decline down.
I'm just saying, the bridges at first seems a little overpower too me. But to get a better idea I should take a look at the map. Are you going to be forging tonight?
I will be online tommorrow, what time is easiet for you? I can be on anytime from 10 am GMT - 10 PM GMT for an hour, you call the time. Ive only got top mid. BTW I may need both of you to save the film clips I cant because my list only has about 3 spaces left. If your not in the game with me when I need it saved then I will send it to you in my file share.
Bad just then or all the time? Btw ill start postin screenshots of progress in the thread so everyone can give their critisism.
It's not a problem on the weekend. But during the week I work in the afternoon and have class at night (engineering by the way). So I usually enter at late night, after my class, like 1:00 AM GMT (because I live in Brazil, 2 hours difference). Anyway, taking about the map, make sure you make the bridges that connect to the sniper tower have no cover.
On the contrary, these bridges are mainly for access to the other raised hills.. If the bridge was like a walled in corridor, this would remove the threat of having them dominate the central hill from above. Putting walls along the inside of them all the way would restrict the L.O.S to the other hill aswell.. Also, wall slits could be used so it can give advantages to the people on the bridges. Opinion?
7PM GMT, If so ill go online then, be sure to add me or I will forget. BTW, UPS lol? Hmmm 2 different opinions. I think having a barrier (Like the rest of the map) is enough cover. We can decide when we get to the point when we are testing, if it doesnt look good or doesnt play well barriers/cover will be removed. I have a way that I can still be host but it will involve me leaving everytime, starting the game and inviting. Hopefully if were all in the same game still Dragull wont steal host from brazil lol, but me and steve are both in yorkshire so that shouldnt worry me too much.
I'm rarely host. Yes, if you want to be just an access a walled corridor would be the best option, but it would be also quite strange. Small closed spaces aren't much competitive, open spaces will little cover work better, but a high spot with easy cover makes it overpower. Slit wall also would be quite powerful, since you could easily shot anyone on the other side and it would be hard for them to shot you. That's the worst option, or you close it entirely, or you leave it widely open. Thoughts?
1. Okay thats good 2. Well see when it gets to the point, that is what testing is for 3. ^ 4. I forgot to take a screenshot but ive got quite a bit of progress done, you can ask steve his opinion, he seemed pretty please so far.
Yup it looks good, we were just debating what bottom mid would have to stop it looking so open. I forgot to quote, but Dragull said something about enclosed corridoors dont work in competitive maps. Guardians Blue area is all enclosed really.. and that works well. In MLG I always hold blue/gold on my own and leave the team at Sniper so i can Spawnkill stealthily from behind the different cover because when people spawn blue, they either go into gold, or into blue top or use mancannon.. which when they dont know where you are, you can get around them so easily using the cover.
The bottom mid you sent me, im remaking it because I did a bit of work on the map before you sent it me, but I do love the design, im not quite sure about rockets tough and the structure there, I made a half wall tilted so its fair for both sides and its the perfect height to jump over, use as cover but still through grenades under a pallet (maybe 2 stacked) heigh slit at the bottom.
1- Its enclosed, but not a corridor. 2- Guardian was taken out from MLG for a reason. EDIT: please, take a picture of the map so far for me. I would really help.
1. Correct. 2. Correct @Edit, I will take a screenshot and edit this post with it, progress is going good so far!
Not sure if you plan on changing this since I havnt really been following the thread, but you need to make the walkways on the bottom floor thicker. There needs to be more room to strafe easily without having to worry about falling off. And adding a railing wont completely fix this because you still will not be able to jump strafe.
Gaurdian's bottom mid didn't allow for jump-strafes, and I had some of my most amazing shootouts down there.