Halo 3: ODST Genre: FPS Platform: Xbox360 Single Player / Campaign : When this game was initially announced as DLC for Halo3, my first reaction was; "Awesome." Then they announced it was going to be a full $60 game, my reaction was; "Angry Face." Then it came out, and I broke down and bought the damn thing. Halo 3: ODST is a FPS based in the Halo universe, after the events of Halo 2, but before the events of Halo 3. And instead of taking on the perspective of the chief, you play as a lowly Rookie, and his fellow ODST squadmates. The story itself has a lot of holes in it, for example how the ODST (Orbital Drop Shcok Troopers) squadmates can do things equivelent of the Master Chief himself, or how a ROOKIE [no less] can take down entire batches of Brutes without being hurt. But that's besides the point, the games actually does a good job of creating a story. Even though you don't realize sometimes. You start in a drop ship, when you're described your mission, and then shoved into a Pod and launched at one of the Covenant Carriers hovering over New Mombasa, a city in South Africa, when, suprise-suprise, a malfuction occurs and splits you and your team apart, landing everyone in different places. And a good 50% of the game is spent playing as the Rookie six hours after the drop running around finding clues to unravel the mystery of what happened to your squadmates, and thanks to the Super-Intendant, a super computer, you're allowed to WATCH (actually play through) what your squadmates encountered. The overall tone of the gaem is magnificant, when you're playing as the Rookie, you feel alone, the town seems vacant, and since it's at night time, it's dark. Awesome... hello Halo 3: Horror version. But when you find a clue, you play as the squadmates, and it feels like an epic battle for humanity's very survival. And then you go back to playing as the Rookie again, and you can't help but feel angry. The Rookie section of the game is great, from a theatrical or thematical stand point, but to actually play through it... well... sucks. Other than that it's everything you'd expect from a Halo game. Multiplayer: This may be controvercial, but I'm only going to review Firefight, in my honest opinion the extra disc that come with Halo 3: ODST is just Halo 3 Multiplayer. Anyway, onto the review. Firefight is one of those things you can play about 5 times and feel as if you've done it a million times. And often times it can last for hours on end, it almost sets itself up to fail by lasting to long, without much randomization. Sure maybe you'll get a different set of enemies this round, but it's all a stratagy, and frankly it takes to long to get to the end, and ends up ruining it's enjoyability. Overall: This game definately delivers if you're looking for about 6 hours of campaign on Legendary. But other than that... this is just a rental if you ask me... but Bungie has your balls in a vice grip if you like Halo 3 online, as you can't play matchmaking without the ODST disc now, and it has 3 new maps for Halo 3 on it. So thank you Bungie for ****ing over your fan base. 7/10. For more reviews go to City14.com =D it may be shameless but i write game reviews for city14, so i figured i'd post a few here.
You sort of switch your persona around a bit throughout the review. Much of it is you trying to sound intelligent and professional, while other parts have you making crude remarks or directly attacking Bungie. It'd be better if you stuck with one through the entire piece. You also did not go in depth enough. Telling us how the game begins and explaining the theme and tone is not considered a review, but more a summary.
Meh. And to all the remarks about this being a bad review... I know... I kinda rushed this one because I wasn't all that happy with the game. So I know it sounds weird, I'll post one of my other random reviews later. Besides this is not english class, I'm simply trying to help you decide whether or not you'll enjoy a game.