Assassination Game Idea (Yay or Nay?)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by GlenSP, Oct 25, 2009.

  1. GlenSP

    GlenSP Ancient
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    I was considering making a series of maps focusing on real life assassinations, including JFK, Martin Luther King and John Lennon.

    I would ike to stick close to what the original street layouts etc. were like, and have an assassinator and a victim, just have a large problem: how do you involve a larger team? 'Cause there isn't any real point in a map made for 2 people, therefore where do other players get a role?

    Do you think it's a good idea, regardless?
  2. Security

    Security Ancient
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    First of all, you are a sick man.

    Second, you could make the assassin spawn in a different place every round and have to kill the VIP before he got to the end of a path or something.
  3. GlenSP

    GlenSP Ancient
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    Still doesn't really solve my dilema...

    I pretty much have how the victim would be forced to act and the assassin forced to assassinate anyway...
  4. Zee-V70

    Zee-V70 Ancient
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    A thought--make the assassination so that it's not inevitable, just incredibly possible. Just make it one-sided VIP: the assassinatee (one assassinated) will be the VIP. People near this person can enter vehicles, but none can do damage. However, after 180 seconds, a custom powerup spawns so that you can kill the assassin or something. The team that lacks a VIP can pick up weapons and spawns with Swords: one person can spawn in several buildings, all of which house a sniper rifle: The rest of the team are "spectators" (people watching it on TV, etc.) in a sort of spectator box.

    Something like that, it'll be interesting to see the results.
  5. GlenSP

    GlenSP Ancient
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    Will people tollerate being a spectator though?

    Because that was my initial plan, but I know how boring it is to be a spectator...
  6. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    Then how at all would it be enjoyable? Same thing over again, but it's already happened, in real life? Sorry, it doesn't sound fun at all. And even if there's a way to include more than a few people, it still would be monotonous. Also, if you want to make this, please figure everything out on your own or with your friends, as Forgehub doesn't appreciate or approve of threads relating to assassinations or murders that are seen in a negative light, it offends many of our users.
  7. GlenSP

    GlenSP Ancient
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    Ermmm, ta.

    You assassinate a Russian millitant in the CoD:WaW campaign, I hope that didn't offend any users.
  8. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    Please, that is a fictional game. I opened your thread up, keep discussion on your map idea.
  9. Bigb779

    Bigb779 Ancient
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    What about this.

    Have one team be the assassins and they spawn in a building with plenty of windows and places to snipe. The other team has a V.I.P that is the target. The team with the V.I.P has to protect them and prevent them from being killed. They can have guns, but nothing too overpowered and if your going to have a sniper, have only one sniper rifle available. The assassins have some time to get in a spot, and then it begins.

    It would take a headshot to take out the V.I.P and his team or two body shots. Health does not recharge.
  10. GlenSP

    GlenSP Ancient
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    Based on something that really happened...

    But that's besides the point, straying off topic.

    Gonna start building tomorrow, so I sorta need more ideas before then...

    EDIT: Bigb, that's a pretty awesome idea. I think I might go for that one. Like a team of bodyguards and a small team of assassins.
    #10 GlenSP, Oct 25, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2009
  11. MousseMooseROCKS

    Senior Member

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    Make the extras the bodyguard that can only kill the assassin when close to the VIP. The bodyguards should be able to drive anywhere. But give the assassin a radar so some bodyguard doesn't drive to him and hit him in the back.
  12. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    Create a VIP game and call it "Assassination"? Sure. But don't tie it to any assassination that's deep in the hearts of Americans.
  13. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    Anyways, you could have security guards to take out the assassin before he kills the VIP, and make the assassin spawn in a differnet place every time.
  14. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    i reckon you should have a One sided, influential VIP. The VIP, has no shield but has damage resistance 200%. (like hes wearing a flak jacket) The bodyguards, in his vicinity have shields, otherwise they have normal damage and no shields. The bodyguards spawn with magnums, and cant pick weapons up.
    The assassins, should be one shot kill - No shields, Normal Health. The assassins spawn with sniper rifles.

    The map should have the VIP be escorted around numerous structures. The aim is for the bodyguards to get in the way of the bullets and prevent the VIP from being killed. The VIP needs to reach 5 Go to Destinations to receive points. At one of the points a mongoose could be available which requires a bodyguard to drive.

    The assassins should be spawned in random buildings around the map (place around 8 starting points for attackers in differnt buildings with NO respawn points) This is so the bodyguards dont know exactly where the shooters are.

    Other game settings should be:
    • All players only have 1 Life
    • If a bodyguard gets shot. The Assassins team lose 2 points.
    • If the VIP is killed, Assassins gain 10 Points
    • When the VIP reaches the goto points, The VIP team gains 2 points.

    Overall, each round allows each team to gain 10 points. The score to win should be 40 points. And the game should consist of 4 Rounds. 2 Attacking rounds and 2 Defending rounds per team.

    #14 Stevo, Oct 26, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2009
  15. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
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    In my opinion I don't really think this would make a very fun gametype, but that's just me. Instead I think that you should build an accurate setup of Dallas, act it all out, then record a clip of it. I belive that a film clip that is filmed from the same angle as the real footage would be more entertaining. But you're going to have the issue with people being offended so you would have to put "remembering JFK" or "John Kennedy, never forgotten" in the description, this way people won't people won't be misled to thinking our happy he got assassinated.
  16. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    I agree with Chaos, a short film would fit this much better.

    The actual gametype would be very boring for almost all players, (sorry, my opinion)
    Why you actually thought of this, I don't think I want to know.
  17. GlenSP

    GlenSP Ancient
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    I think this is most viable. I'm going to start the map later tonight, and I'll contact you when I'm finished in order that you can beta test and help make a gametype. Thanks.

    I think that's a really good idea, and might try it if I have time and the forging expertise to create a realistic map. I still think it's worth trying to create the game, as I have recieved a few decent suggestions.

    Just to clear some things up... In my opinion, finding the fact I am reenacting the assassination of an influential American figure offensive is equal to finding WWII games offensive. As a, let's face it, glorified American private, you murder hundreds of Germans that also had families and feelings. They were events that happened, simple as that. I'm in no way glorifying assissinations, therefore cannot understand why people find it so offensive.

    Senior Member

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    good idea for a machinama

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