So when you're playing MLG with a team (or even your team), what role do you take up? Main Slayer Fight to live another day! The main slayer’s job is to kill, a lot. They are charged with controlling one or more of the power weapons and look to the objective last. By trying for kills first and foremost, the main slayer makes the rest of his team’s job a lot easier. They typically have these traits: - Superb BR - Power Weapon Master - Confident - Play-Maker Support Help me! Support players do a little bit of everything. While they may end up with the most flag captures, they may also end up with the most kills. Supporting your teammates means stepping into fights where it’s needed and not stepping on toes. If you know that you are not the first option to grab the sniper rifle, don’t grab it! A strong support player enjoys using the battle rifle above all else. Here are some traits of a successful support player: - Team Shooter - Main Communicator - Encouraging Objective It’s a rough job, but someone has to do it. The thankless position of any Halo team is just as difficult than any other. While we remind you that a good teammate can assume any position, the objective player’s role is straightforward: you put yourself in a position to rack up objective time or grab that flag. Here are some traits that indicate a strong objective player: - Team Player - Supreme Awareness - Melee Master - Does whaterver they can to WIN - Fluid Movement Note* You can also basically have a mixture varying through games. One game you can be the slayer, the other, support. If this happens commonly, you're a Slayer/Support. Summarized from
i liek to drive the cars, does that mean i am support? if so, then i am slayer support because i also liek to shoot the guns of vehicles.
As much as I try to not be the objective in the game because I find it boring I usually end up being it... If not then I'm usually a supporter if I have better players on my team but if I'm going in alone I usually am the main slayer lol
im a mix. im mostly support/slayer i get more slayer if i get rly hyped up and sometimes i can end up being objective it just depends on what my team decides to do
It depends a lot on who I'm playing with. My lower leveled and skilled friends, I've got to take Main Slayer and ask them to support me, or nobody will get any kills. Higher skilled friends, I just do my best to teamshoot, communicate, and stay alive at all costs, so I'm support.
You forgot the "cannon fodder" position, when you run in and do as much damage as possible before you die. roflmao, I ususaly play as a support/objective player.
I play the Backpack position.. Usually I play Main slayer And Objective. And yeh, Cannon Fodder For the win.
Main Slayer - Power Weapon Master - Confident Support - Team Shooter - Main Communicator - Encouraging Objective - Team Player - Supreme Awareness - Does whatever they can to WIN - Fluid Movement A good player can do fulfill any and all of these roles at any and all of the time. That's why I try my best and have all of the above traits. I'm a great leader, as well as communicator, but not quite the slayer as other people on my team. I'm the guy who puts shots on all of the other team before he gets in the hill and grabs the sniper to get an Overkill if he pleases.
I just do whatever it takes to win whether it be slay, support, or objective because in the end that is really all that matters.
QFT I'm usually trying to do everything. I play less objective usually, but I play secondary slayer behind Shanon.
I am more of a slayer kind of person. I only go for the objective if all of my teammates suck which most of the time.:lol:
Depends who I am playing with, but more Support, I stay back, and call out a lot, and get stuff done. I can do objective or anything, but Support give more freedom to die a little more, but to help out.
Im a mix I eye up the opposition. I find their strongest player and mark him out of the game. But I also play slayer when I'm playing clutch and when I'm on top of my game objective. I'm an all rounder tbh. EDITTTTT!!!!!!!! Ive been playing and my BR has overtaken my SR so now im main slayer.