Schism Of Light

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Given To Fly, Oct 25, 2009.

  1. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    Schism Of Light
    (You've never seen Chasms like this)

    Schism was made for the Hub of The Dead contest, and since Hollow got featured, I sevearly lowered my expectations. It's a cave of sorts, but not anyone that youve seen before, This map has a Middle area, and a drop off zone, and It's set up for Most gametypes.​

    You may say, "Oh cool, a nother... Cave..."
    Well don't think of it like that,​

    It may not be as original now, but I started on it immediately when Hollow came out, and mine according to testers is "Beautiful, Wonderful aesthetics, and an awesome middle." I mean, why are they making caves with sand as the floor? WTF?​

    lol anyway this post isn't very pro because I don't really feel so enthused about my chances. ​

    Weapons ~
    • Br: 2​
    • Mauler: 1​
    • Brute Shot: 1​
    • Spiker: 2​
    • Spike Grenade:4​
    All weapons are 1 clip, 45 sec Rspn.

    Works best for Infection: Save One Bullet,
    Also works for Double Team Gametypes.

    Urban Myth was just like: Hollow x 2!
    Me: No.
    Urban: Yep
    Me: Lol Thanks,​

    Anyway If you read al the useless dribble in my post, heres pics as a reward.​


    And Thats about it, Thanks for checking it out,​

    InvokingTexan likes this.
  2. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Well it may be another cave map but its a very good one. I like the grass, adds a nice feeling to the map. Looks like a decently big cave map compared to other ones and i always download every cave map i see so good job!
  3. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    Damn, this looks purely amazing. Im loving the cave-esque maps lately, but this looks damn good compared to others. I like that this has grass and an actual cavern area in it, as well as hidden spots and nitches along with it. Also I can see the resemblance/innovation from The Hollow,and that looks pretty epic as well. Good luck to you with this, this has a whole lot of potential. Going to get a game on is ASAP and report back. For now I can say incredible job on the aesthetics, looks awesome.
  4. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Just because something has been done before doesnt mean you have a right to discredit yourself. I like the round design the map has to one of its walls. The map does have some objects with the wrong side showing, but so what? You did a good job with the forging, and if you were looking for a feature, you could still get one....

    Edit: =D
    #4 Gollygeeanelite, Oct 25, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2009
  5. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    Not much you can do with double blocks, lol one side had to show,
    Anyway thanks you gguys I didn't expect to have 4 posts within ten minutes, lol yay. I'n happy because I never heard 1 bad comment while testing, except for team BRs, and that was with 3 diff teams, so things got goofy, lol anyway ya thanks guys again
  6. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    Dude feel better about your chances haha. I personally like this more than mine to be honest, yours is set up for many gametypes and is twice the size. The Hollow's feature doesn't kill your chances at all so don't worry.
  7. PwnsauceAddict

    PwnsauceAddict Ancient
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    Wow this looks like the greatest entry so far. I was just about to post mine but yours almost makes me not want to. Great job and good luck with the contest!

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    I thought its was fun. I mean ill take climbing and running on jagged rocks and walls over flat boring ground any day. Thought the area where u drop in and where u have an over view of the middle was a fun spot to chill. We all died slowly one at a time, and that gave me some chills. Was well worth my time, so you don't have to feel bad about anything with the originality of your map cus most of them that look like yours are not as fun as this map. Hope you win the contest, cus this map deserves it :)
  9. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    holy freaking bejezus that is smexy. you sir put my cave to shame =( Any way this looks really beautiful i'll dl and run some customs later and see how it plays out, but as of late really bueatiful maps are also having great game play so im not too worried about this being any different.
  10. Shad0w Viper

    Shad0w Viper YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE ME!!!
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I just finished a forge through and I must say I'm extremely impressed. The diversity and smoothness of each area really adds to that overall feel resulting in a true cave experience that I think far surpasses "The Hollow". I can't say anything for the gameplay just yet but I should have something to say in the next few days, but if it plays half as good as it looks then I'm sure I'm in for a treat come judging time. Keep your chin up, you've made a great map, and don't let the fact that there are other similar maps out there take that away from you.
  11. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
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    I don't know why people get so bent out of shape just because there's been several cave maps posted Post-Urban Myth's the Hollow. It's not like the forgers are exactly copying his map; they're just using the same style to create more organic geological structures, probably because they were inspired by Urban Myth's work. I don't see how its a bad thing. Myth probably feels proud of this.

    This map looks damn good. The atrium in the first pic really has me intrigued; it just seems like something from a movie, but I can't remember which.... anywho, If I ever DL an infection map in my life, this will probably be it, since it also plays for other gametypes. I imagine Territories being sick on this map, am I correct?
  12. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    That means a lot coming from you dude, you have no idea. As for gameplay I can tell you that it was pretty good as far as I could tell. Nobody complained, but I think it was Urban who kept getting pulled apart by shotguns. And even then I don't believe he complained. Otherwise everyone enjoyed it and we all basically went out 1 by 1. Amd it's possible for people trying to camp the drop-off to get sliced, I got at least 1 kill from jumping upward, (One of the pics shows it)

    Thank you to everyone here who's been commenting so far, because I haven't heard really a negative comment here either, but then again it's not a post until someone does. :) Thanks Forgehub
  13. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    I'd have to say this is amazing. I have an conquest idea similar to how you built this if you may be interested. But anyway i love this map, played a few customs last night and they were intense. I love the drop off part i never even noticed it till i ran up their.
  14. Fatgezzer724

    Fatgezzer724 Ancient
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    the map was a eerey feeling to it in a good way. the kind of map where a zombie can hide in a crack.
    looks like there are a few camping spots but i always find they get out numbered soon enough.
    i could imagine playing this next weekend. Remember to post on atlas:)
  15. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    Accually, I don't understand atlas, so if someone were to do it for me??
    that would be great

    YEE MAN IZ BAK Ancient
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    Wow, you did a really good job on capturing the cave look. I agree with Gollygeeanelite, never discredit yourself. This Looks 'As Good If Not Better' Than Hollow. The grass blends smoothly with the rugged stones.Im looking forward to getting a few games on here. Great job, No doubts in my mind this 5/5!
  17. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    Atlas is pretty simple, just take their template for map posts and fill in where you need to and just wait for comments and news about the maps going into the playlists.
  18. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Yeah I played a few games on this an its very well done I mean really its done well. I had to go in forge make a hole in the map to actually comprehend how large this map is.You can get lost in this map with all the well made passages and my favorite area is where you come to an intersection and your standing there wondering which route to take lol. What surprised me the most is that its huge and its still looks great on the inside. It play very well and even though save one bullet is not my cup of tea in infection this works very well for it. You need team work in this map which seems to have been lost in most infection maps and its fun to play on either side. In my books thats what a good infection game has balance and fun for either side. Very good work I hope you win the contest. :]
    #18 Eyeless Sid, Oct 26, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2009
  19. Arbacca

    Arbacca Ancient
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    Reminds me kind of my own cave map. I never posted it, but it looked vaguely reminiscent of it due to it's floating nature. I will download, and may get back to you if it's an utter disappointment.
  20. xxINFERNOxx

    xxINFERNOxx Ancient
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    wooow, this map looks amazing and far surpasses any other cave map that has EVER been posted. Im serious dude, kudos to you. The map itself has some amazing astectics and a great, proper use of ghost merging. With the new 'ghost merge' glitch uncovered, we can expect to see more awesome maps like this :) I especially like the grass area, has a great 'cave' feel. I remember seeing you make this on your party details and had no idea it was going to be at this level of greatness. Oh, btw this is Xi ShoGuN haha. But, anyway, great map! 10/10!

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