Hello people Welcome to my new game called The Halo Custom Achievements Challenge. Here I will make up my own achievements for you to unlock, time to challenge yourself. Okay first on the list is... 7-Up - Complete a free-for-all slayer matchmaking game 1st with a 7 or more kill difference than the person in 2nd place. Now this is a little beastly for a first achievement if you not that good at free-for-all. When I mean free-for-all I mean Lone Wolves, Rumble Pit etc. No team games like Big Team Slayer, Action Sack etc. And it has to be slayer, no Crazy King, Oddball etc. To post, go to your bungie.net profile and find your match on your game history, if it is not there click on a random game and click matchmaking history. Find your game and make sure that it has followed all the rules, then copy the link and put in your post. Here is an example, I got an 8 kill difference so if someone else did this challenge I would win Bungie.net : Halo 3 Game Details Oh yes one more thing, it has to be done after I post the challenge, so if you grab an old match, it will not count. Another thing, it is the first one to post I will look at first so do it quick! If I find it is against the rules it will not count and I will go to the second one, and so on. Happy Killing
uhhhh.... no, too many rules, theres no reason for us to want to, and we dont want to go into a game after you give the achievment, if this was some reward people would. and are u gonna keep track of points? give points for them, and take out the "after the achievment rule" my entry
Why would anyone want to do this? There are only two reasons people do achievements: out of boredom and for a reward. There is no reason anyone would want to do this unless they have an incentive. Edit: Oh ****, I unknowingly copied Orange. Um...el hipopotimo hipo este con hipo... there... he didn't say that.
If it DOES go well (I doubt it) I will do more, but the other 2 comments kinda say no I will not if people do not like it. And also Orange what prizes could I actually give out, unless Admins were to help me with this (which is never) then there is not much I can do about prizes. Oh yes the reason I did the after achievement post rule is because people could pull a game out of the many hundreds and thousands you have played in the past, sorry it would just be too simple. But yeah if you guys do not like it the thread can be locked and I will not do it again.