Foundry Parcours vitA

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by Petque, Oct 24, 2009.

  1. Petque

    Petque Ancient
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    Hello everybody! :)

    Well, I made a race map eight months ago, but I forgot to show you this map. So I do it now!

    The race is hard, the hardest race I did. She is long too. If you fall, you have to take the TP and start the race from the beginning, so be careful!
    Here are some screen in game :

    1) Here is the beginning. 5-6 Mangoustes are waiting for you.

    2) Go up on the bridges, turn right and again right, and here's the first difficulty: you have to jump from shield to shield (there are 4 bouclier). If you are ok, go straight on and turn left. Go up on the bridges, and turn left.

    3) Go straight on and you arrive in the open box. However, the grilling box are not glued, so you have to go far if you won't fall.

    4) Continue in the open box. At the end, turn left (form 180°), go the bridge down and turn left.

    5) Go straight on the bridges to arrive in the li'l corridor. In this one, turn left and left again to go out of the corridor.

    6) Once you are out, go up on the bridge, go straight on and at the end of the road, turn left..

    7) Go up on the bridge. At the end of it, jump on the wall. On these wall, go straight on and you will arrive on a circle road but which descend. At the end of this road, go in the open box.

    8) Go out of this box, go up on the wall and turn left. Go up on the grilling wall and go straight on.

    9) Turn left, then right.After, go straight on to go in the open box.

    10) Go out of the open box, go straight on the bridge and turn right to enter in a open box. From there, jump on the shield door and land in the corridor.

    11) Drive in the corridor, charge on the shield door and you'll be at the other side of the obstacle.

    12) Go out of the mangouste and go in the TP.

    13) This is the end of the race. Jump on the ground and take the TP. You'll be at the beginning of the map. Congratulation!

    Click here to DL!
  2. TailsIce44

    TailsIce44 Ancient
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    This just seems really difficult and not the i want a challenge difficult the messy not exactly very organized difficult. Im not trying to be a douce at all but my buddies make me play race maps ALOT and im not saying make it godly awesome and waste a month of your life making a map but we needs a lil more work.

    Whats cool is its on Foundry Nice!
    3/5. If you maie a V2 ill raise regardless
  3. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    this looks like the most haphazard racing map in existence. im not sure if you were trying to make it difficult and interesting, but you certainly didn't make it clean. you might want to go with the other approach next time.
  4. Petque

    Petque Ancient
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    It's an old map that i made in January. I wasn't inquest by the aesthetics, now i try to do something "beautiful" but before it didn't mind.
    but if i do a V2 it'll be hard because i do this map with the unlimited money glitch so i have to start everything from the beginning . . .
  5. Fluffy Pie

    Fluffy Pie Ancient
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    He made this 8 months ago if you didnt read... but anyways it looks like an ok map for it being 8 months ago but you could have made it abit cleaner now that it was 8 months later when you posted it...
  6. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    There were maps a lot better than this 8 months ago. This looks like more of a mongoose obstacle course than a racetrack. I can't imagine someone being able to complete more than 2 laps without falling off. If this were an obstacle course, I would say it's pretty decent for being made 8 months ago, but as a racetrack...confusing.
  7. EziODST101

    EziODST101 Ancient
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    Wow this is the most complicated map I have ever seen. I LOVE IT! 6/5!!!

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