Kidbomber, I don't think it should be reserved only for a personal fear for a couple of reasons. 1) People may share the same fears. For example, the only real fear I have is of heights, anything other slight worries (such as people walking around in my backyard) aren't phobia because they aren't debilitating. I'd MUCH sooner go out and confront someone trying to break into my house than look out the window of a 100 story building, and I've done the former. I realize that people may have multiple interpretations of the same fear, but if you're forcing them to only post their own fears that limits art overall. They may have a great idea for another fear but don't actually have said phobia, or they may just be dismayed by someone else's interpretation of the same fear they have. 2) The phobia may be embarrassing. By lifting the "ONLY POST IF IT'S YOUR PHOBIA" people can more freely express themselves without it directly linking back. If someone has a fear of cotton balls or money or something, they can make something for it, but won't have that bit of worry about it being humiliating. Your thread though, just my bit.
I appreciate the comment, and from what I see now that this wasn't planned out well, nor the activity that I wanted it to be. You may lock this now Sarge.