Ignite A Fritzster & Deathstars Map Download Supported Gametypes MLG TS MLG CTF 5 Flag MLG King MLG Ball MLG FFA MLG Bomb Weapons Brs x4 Plasma Pistol x1 Mauler x1 Plasma Nades x6 About the map Hell it’s about time! Here’s the Ignite map for all you patient souls who’ve been waiting since the announcement last year. And I couldn’t have done it without my co-forger and good friend DeathstarsOG. The Ignite map started as a humble attempt to improve the pro circuit map MLG Amplified. The idea rose to concept right after my big hitter Regicide map started to take flight. Many great ideas intertwined and a lot of events elbowed their way in front of the Ignite project formerly known as Ignition. The map initially got picked up and dropped many times before the first map pack of the MLG forge forum. Originally the map was to be included in the map lineup of the Transforgers design team, but that all dropped flat once again. Ignite needed to be finished one way or another. I had no other choice but to salvage what was left of the Transforgers design team and couldn’t look for any better help than DeathstarsOG to finish what I started. I can’t tell you guys how much of a help Deathstars has been to me during this project. There have definitely been instances where I would have let forge mishaps and design flaws go right over my head, but Deathstars was always there to catch them and ultimately make 1000x better. Thanks very much Garrett. Ignite plays MLG gametypes at heart, but is also an excellent free for all map for warm-ups and fast paced gameplay. Unlike the map’s predecessor Ignite is able to play flag, king and ball with detailed spawns. Team slayer is not left out as that was the first intention behind the map’s initial improvements. The prototype MLG Bomb v5 gametype plays smoothly as well. The spawns are what Deathstars and I have paid most attention to during our long sessions of beta testing. Long durations of film watching and understanding the spawn system on foundry have paid off; this map may just simply play better than MLG Amplified. And who should know? I made that map after all. Map Video YouTube - Ignite Halo 3 Map Map Concepts Map Snapshots We had a supa fanfabulous time developing and playing this map. Garrett and I hope you will have fun on the map as well! Download Ignite here!
Well, with months of work finally behind us, John and I are excited to offer the community just what it has been waiting for. Just to expand on what Fritz has said above, spawns are a major improvement over Amplified. With over 30 hours of gametesting and countless hours forging, we are proud to present IGNITE!
That center piece. Oh my ****ing Godddddd. So far, I'm digging the look. One of the better and most unique looking two-base MLG Foundry maps I've seen. I'll download this tonight and play a few games and get back with a full review on the gameplay of it.
Holy Christ Wagons this is a masterpiece. The whole middle structure as far as the other aesthetics go in the map is a tremendous feat no lie. weapon layout looks solid. Tres Bien my friend Tres Bien.
I wasn't digging the middle too much. I don't really know why, Its just when I played it, it just didn't seem to work for me. That may just be me though. anyway, I thought of a few geometry changes that I would like to show you the next time you are online and a neat idea that you could implement into the map if you are willing to change the middle (which I doubt).
The design is definitely unique. I'll wait until I play it to make any final decisions, but it looks pretty cool. Downloading now.
Im in awe... This is amazing, everything about this is unique and ut looks like it will play great! The center is awesome and the map concept pictures are amazing. I can really see this being played by MLG pros...
very nice fella's a little birdie told me this might just make the queue this year for mlg, i really hope so this map is badass. Not only amazing to look at but iv already run a few ctf matches and it played so freaking well it was like nothing iv played on an mlg map. Great job guys and if MLG decides to add the map cudos because there picky as ****.
Wow, youve put some great work into that, BTW who worked on the theory side of things may I ask? Right CnC.. I do like the middle structure but however it maybe not play well, someones already said it didnt play well for them and my worry is its too aesthetical to be good, I recomend a fix in a v2 of that. BTW You should submit this too atlas, but do it soon or you wont be getting many hits from forgehub, the thread will die evntually. Be sure to comment in my perfect MLG map with some ideas because by the looks of this you are brimming with them Ill give it a download, weldone! BTW.. Any ghost merging, or is that pure geomerging glory?
Hmmmmm.. RapkillaHardiss showed this map to me and I believed that he was the maker of it because he told me he was making a map on Foundry that was uber pro-I guess he lied then. Map looks very amazing- especially the middlepiece- that is just str8 pro dude =]
Sweet map so this is to replace amp? and will it be in matchmaking? And the centerpiece is great and this doesn't look set up like an ordinary foundry mlg map so nice job there its very original. Also i really like how you made the crane i laughed when i seen it, i dont think most people noticed that but its really good.
O.M...G... (jizzes all over face) that is possibly the nicest map ive ever seen i am downloading as we speak ascthetics 12/5
i helped? i wasn't aware of that.. hmm. oh, theres another garrett.. ok. well the center piece is super duper orgasmicatic, yeah i made that up keep em coming, they always produce.
You're guessed whether a rather complex structure within the map will work well or not, then immediately suggesting a v2 fix before even testing out your suspicions for yourself? This map has been in development for around a year, I somehow suspect that Deathstars and Fritzster might have tested how the middle structure pans out in gameplay terms just a little... I've only played 1v1's on it so far, but in my experience the entire middle structure provided some incredibly interesting and effective LOS variation in both long and even mid-short range BR battles. It takes some getting used to, and I'm still getting comfortable with which surfaces are walkable on it and which are more dividers and cover since I only found this the other day, but I can already see it coming together with the rest of the map nicely, and again that's only from 1v1s. As with all MLG maps, submission to Atlas isn't generally too worthwhile, since the only playlist that they really belong in is MLG, and to be in this playlist you have to be selected by MLG, it's not really an Atlas deal. Still, the whispers surround this in v8 are pretty rife right now, so we'll have to wait and see about this being seen in MM. I think Ghost Merging was utilised in this map, though I'm not sure where, I got that impression from the MLG Forge Forums thread, though obviously I could well be wrong.
Great map! As I first saw the pictures I thought "What the hell did they think of the middle structure?" But when I played it, I saw that it is just a freaking original jump-up to purple/gold. + Middle structure: eye-candy, original and nice jump-up + The bases: Not too closed but not too open. Just perfect + Purple tower, aside from P4 - Gold is hard to get up to - Lines of sight are partly useless What I suggest: * Removal of P4 * CTF respawns at Purple/Gold don't make a lot of sense to me. * Maybe add a jump-up to back g1, something like that: I really suggest MLG to use this map instead of Amp and Ons for v8.
"Lines of sight are partly useless" ....WAT?! I can't even read the rest because of the colors but I'm assuming it's as wrong as that statement. Regardless.... Love the map. I've really liked the longer lines of sight with so many more setup options than Amp could have. The middle does a good job of blocking and retaining lines of sight that are desirable and undesirable, and I"m guessing you purposefully did something similar to...I forget the map name at the moment /), but it's by Iv0ry and has angled bridges going at a angle you can walk at...but to be honest it's just not as easy to get up to higher areas as it was in Amp. On that vein, I'm not a huge fan of P3. Maybe it'll grow on me, but I have trouble getting up there easily, which may be the point but I can't see MLG allowing that...also, I don't see why there's a P4 grenade jump. I'm sure you've heard it many times...it's not really unbalanced, but I could see bringing a ball up there. Especially considering the much longer lines of sight, you guys have done an awesome job with the spawns. I rarely, if ever, spawned near someone, or as often happens in Amp, right in the middle of a BR fight or grenade. My favorite part of the map might be the jump ups to the bases. I just love the slide jumps on the sides and the jump at the front that makes it easy to access but opens up the bottom nicely. It's hard to shoot and run away, as there's not really any more mazes to loose the guy in, and personally I prefer that a lot...the maps should show more skill than the shoot-and-run-away style some play. Overall I give it a 5/5 needs moar intearl0ckz, lolololol0loll0lololol
I played this last night and I must say, the bases were the best I'd seen, The middle was basically the opposite of Requiums, lol and I didn't care for the sides of the map that lead to the back rooms. (fenced walls) I thought when I was playing, that this is Requiums little sister. I love this map for gameplay tooo. Good job, but essentially, its the same map as most foundry MLGs. Fritzer, I challenge you to make a Sandbox MLG map. It would be epic with all your possibilities.
in my opinion i think the map has really good forging and aesthetics. The blue, red and gold bases look nice. The platform of p2 really looks good and the rest is just crap. I don't think this would be suitable for an mlg map, and amplified plays much better than this. I don't like the fact that you have to jump from one of the bases to get to p3. And the middle really looks like ****, that center piece serves no purpose. I think you just put it there to try and make it look nice; well it doesn't. You can't use the middle piece in any way, all it does is it blocks line of sight. I'm kinda dissapointed that you changed the original layout for ignite. Why did you change the design !?!!? That was what we were all waiting for. This is the picture of the map I was waiting for.. you told everyone that this is what you were going to forge and then all of a sudden you change it. Anyways, i'm not against you or anything, I love all your maps except for ignite. Once again.. The forging is outstanding but the design sucks.