Map Ideas and layouts*

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Y35 <3, Apr 17, 2008.

  1. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    This thread was made by Y35 to talk about ideas for forge/foundry maps
    I have been thinnking of some new ideas, eather a completely new map, or an old one redone. My first map is as followed *thanks for reading*

    Idea: Aztec Pyramid REDONE

    This came to me when i first saw all of these pyramid maps popping up woth the same boring layout( no offense) where its a block pyramid and stairs, and only the outside is accesible.

    My idea: OLD[​IMG]


    By creating a new pyramid by interlocking walls on an angle it may be possible to form a good enough point, and even a pyramid, this would allow full capability to walk throught the pyramid, In lame-O terms. Its a pyramid thats hollow :)

    It could be a few stories high, and with a good enough forger looking this over, they could add alot of great scenery+great interlocking=one beastly new map, its kindof a remake of all the house maps.

    --------sorry if there are any spelling errors--------

    Idea: Working Battlestation

    My idea: Forgehub is not totally new to the whole "elevator" system but its not old eather
    i have been thinking of a map that would combine strategy with the new elevator system

    Base: In the center of foundy would be an upright double box, along the 4 sides would be accompanied by a elevator. Each leading to a small box room on the second story, up here would be small confines that take hand to hand combat to the extremes, hallways, etc.
    On the first story is where one team would start out, with any object if its flags, bomb, so on, and their goal would be to come up the elevators, destroy the defending team and carry out the mission
    -The defenders would spawn on top and defend their "so called" territory. untill the evaders overcome them

    To help out the attackers the bottom part of foundry would become some type of barrier filled, weapon depot. A good forger will come up with an idea, sorry i have non lol.

    cons- defenders may camp the elevators, this can be solved by putting a shield door at the top, or having stairs in the corners as an opposite way to get up-down the map

    ----------Sorry for spelling errors------------

    Idea: Thinking of new maps

    there will be a new post some time near in the future
    thanks all, and if you have any questions PLEASE contact me, i am a happy member here at forgehub, its just that my tallents have not "shown through" yet lol

  2. Citizyn Raven

    Citizyn Raven Ancient

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    I have an Idea. Take a really tiny area and block it off. Fill it with all the weapons, equipment, and random sceneray, then add a crapload of fusion coils and propane.....oh wait....I've already done that
  3. xXmooregamesXx

    xXmooregamesXx Ancient
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    I have three ideas that I am dying to get out:

    Dodgeball Redesigned

    Not as lame as you might think. It would be on Blackout, with the fall areas as a divider. Honor rule free and it would be really neat.


    UNorigional, but on Avalanche. If I could get someone to make an AT-AT on one side, then I would make the rest. It would consist of:
    • One open base, with a tunnel to the other base (which has only entrance/ exit.
    • Hornets (X-Wings) and Banshees (Y-Wings) in the first base. I would build a hangar in front of the base.
    • An AT-AT on the oppisite base (somewhere in the middle)
    • Ice cave Blocked off, but tunnel elongated (through the middle)
    • The gametype would be assualt, trying to take down the Sheilds with three plants.
    • Watchtowers with Turrets all over
    Crater Lake

    I am keeping this to myself, but it is going to be an infection- based game similar to "Fon't Break The Ice!"
  4. Z7 Ellis Z7

    Z7 Ellis Z7 Ancient
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    Right now im making a whole bunch of resident evil maps, from the old ones (RE 1, 2 and 3) starting with an R.P.D (ive already done a Racoon City its on my file share).

    if anyone wants to help just add my gamertag Z7 Ellis Z7

    why dont you guys make some maps based around old games / films etc?
  5. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    hey im making an AT-AT right now, tho im using it for my own map, tho ik Biggles and Shock r making one too, were in a competition lol..
  6. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Im in the process of designing a "surfing" obstacle course for a mini-game pack.
    I'm tryin to work out the kinks in a course where the aim is to get through a mancannon/grav lift zero-gero strain without falling off.
    Gonna be thowing in switches and sutch to make it so you have to shoot stuff as you fly :)
    Its VERY VERY hard to do now that i think about it XD but ill figure it out.
    then there'd be a ton of territories on each teams end room once you capture it itd stop you from being able to moe so each team member who completed would get one point

    Incidently is the propulsion you get form a brute shot come from the gun or from the explosion(like a grenade jump)?
    Ie if you were flying inthe air nowhere near the ground and your fired a clip down would you rise?
  7. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    It comes from the explosion, not the gun
  8. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Ok thanks thats good to know,ill probly make some places where both teams "surfers" come within range of each other and they can try mess each otehr up with there brutes.
  9. Silver0range

    Silver0range Ancient
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    I've had a terrific idea for Avalanche. The basic premise of the idea is to build a level within the ice cave between the shotgun and laser on Avalanche; I have fully explored the level and there is quite enough vertical space to build 4-6 stories vertically. While the ice cave is asymmetrical, it could potentially be good for a wide range of objective games.

    My ideas for a map within the ice cave:
    • Make an up side-down pyramid type map, with the strongest weapons being at the bottom, and holes through the floor or fusion coils to blow up. As altitude is often an advantage, this could work well as the players with the weaker weapons will have a chance to kill the players with the stronger weapons.
    At any rate, I highly recommend that you explore the expanse of the indoor ice cave. In some spots, it is possible to hang out on the walls etc.
  10. Steffi

    Steffi Ancient
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    Hi there everyone

    Hey There!My name is Steffi and I am glad to be here with all of you

    ITs HxC TOASTER Ancient
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    Oh, I already love this thread. Ok my first idea...

    A Real-Deal Rollercoaster. I don't have the forge know-how to understand how to do these things so someone else should make this. It could start with a warthog sitting at a "station" for the rollercoaster. You get in the passenger seat of the 'hog and then shoot a fusion coil or something to activate a switch that starts the rollercoaster. It would automatically move you along a path without any input from the player. That would be a freaking awesome map and if anyone made this you would be my best friend forever. And as a bonus you would win the internet.

    My next idea could be utilized for many maps this is just something I would like to see more of. Homemade vehicles. Its kind of hard to explain but if anyone has seen the map Ride the Mech by BattyMan that is an example. To use all the new magical forge skills that have been discovered to make devices we can actually mount and use from a driver's seat is basically what I'm getting at here.

    That's all I can remember at the moment as far as my map ideas go. I may add more later, I'll see.
  12. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    Like the day Halo 3 came out?

    I haz idea also.

    Make a spaceship on Avalanche but make it 1 vs 1 playable from the inside. Put windows and stuff to look out so you feel like your playing Elongation!
  13. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    Y35 i liked the structure idea you showed me the other day i will definetely be using that in my next new symmetrical map it looks really cool
  14. dracoflyme

    dracoflyme Ancient
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    me and my friend are in the process of making a hannah montana stage, where there is a terrorist sniper tower on one end of the map. the game is to kill hannah montana as a terrorist. every1 is a terrorist exept for hannah montana.

    well probaly be done next week.

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