what should i be for haloween? if its between the two poll options, ill be it and take a pic. im also open to suggestions but i wont take a pic of those if they are super duper gay. also keep in mind, i am going with my friends and we have to go with my friends little brother. so im not getting dressed up as a *****.
I voted your own ego because I want to see how you would pull it off i'm going to a halloween party as james bond >.<
Go as something for a six year old. Seriously, I'm going as a ghost... a white bedsheet over my head.
Go with the six year old ****. It more colorful, cheaper, and makes your **** look bigger. Whats not to love?
Go with a six-year old puppy costume, with a pimp suit over it. Be a bulldogggggg with a pimp suit. I'm actually doing that!
Damn straight. I have so much creativity, it comes out of my ass... Go as batman, but make sure the costume is small... SO it looks like your bat woman.
None can replicate the Chuck because when he does a push-up he is actually pushing the world down because that is how awesome he is Make one of those snazzy transformer suits