DOES WANT INVITE CODE Seriously, though, it's probably overrated, but I'd still sell my soul to get an invite.
Uh... Then, it probably doesn't help to much that I got into the Google Wave program, huh? I got an invite from a friend of mine and it's pretty dang cool except I don't have a lot of people to test it with. If you got into the Google Wave program and want to help test it out with me then send me a PM.
Haha you would have it matt. To me, google wave looks like an updated version of facebook. I mean, you have one huge wall that shows what everyone is saying just like facebook. The only difference is that now you can go back and see previous walls. And then you have real time writing, which I don't necessarily like THAT much, because I am pretty big on going back and editing my ****. The replay editing is cool I guess, but again, the reason why you edit posts is so then they say something different. If people can just go back and see what you said before, why even have the edit button? Options options options. Thats all it really is. EDIT: Also sort of reminds me of a thread basis. You type in anything, or see the newest posts section.
Deathtoll and I have it. While I can't speak for him, I find it a bit hard to use at first. It looks nice, but they could have made it a little more user friendly, maybe that's just me though. The extensions are cool, but science there are only like 120 of them and only about 10 of them are any use, it kinda needs work in that apartment. deathtoll and my other friend had it crash a couple times on them, but it is not that much of a problem. Also since it is only a beta there are no personalization options besides adding color to folders. It also sometime randomly stops your typing and bumps you back to the top of the wave. The waves also get cluttered very easily and so does your inbox. Overall while it is fun it is a beta and needs a lot of work so you are not missing too much. But if you really want one you should just look around, I got two invites form some random dude on the internet from a overclocking forum. So don't count your self out!
Bump. Okay, I'm in, and I have a couple of spare invites. My friends are dumbasses and wouldn't give it a fair chance IMO, so who here wants an invite? Just write down your email address. You should get the invite within a few minutes after I invite you. (If I invite you)
Finally got one, although I haven't had time to play around with it. All of my invites are all accounted for, unfortunately, except for one.
What's so good about google wave? I've had it for two months and lost interest in a night. What is supposed to do?
It's like skype / messenger / Email thing in one, but easier to use, in a browser, and generally better and prettier. It'd be better with friends, and I'd imagine that it'll be more user-friendly as time progresses.