Headhunt on Huntbox

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Kardofaces, Oct 21, 2009.

  1. Kardofaces

    Kardofaces Forerunner
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    An infection that takes it up the head.

    Download Link to Version 1.10
    (Change list at the bottom)


    The main attribute of this variant is the necessity to aim for the head. Humans are only given sniper rifles with limited ammo. That won't be a problem if you remember where they spawn on the map. They do so every 30 seconds with two spare clips. If you find this too difficult, set player traits to unlimited - hopefully the zombies won't get mad.

    However, once there is one man remaining, he will gain unlimited ammo. Since you'll probably be missing a lot and panicking, zombies move at 90% while you move at 125%. Eventually, the situation will get intense as the numbers turn in favor to zombies. And at that point, hopefully your aim won't be affected. You'll need to land the shot every time.

    The ideal amount of players is 6-8 but can support 10. There are three rounds each lasting four minutes.
    Scoring is Last Man Standing (4) and Infection (1).


    The map itself works like a figure eight. You'll need a constant path to walk on as you shoot what is behind you. There is a teleporter at each end where humans begin. This will allow you to reach each side correspondingly and not get boxed in. There is a lift in the tunnels that will take you to the upper level as an advantage point and maybe to give an opportunity to get away. As for zombies, you spawn underground. After twenty seconds, ramps will spawn to allow access to the teleporter. This gives humans time to get moving around.


    The map contains Flares, Deployable Covers, and Gravity Lifts. They will buy you time to get distance or escape out of sight. There is also hidden weapon that will make everything easier.

    If you go to the center of the map, you'll find a pallet. Grab the gravity lift before you break it. You'll see further down is another pallet you can land on. Once you've dropped down, you'll find a pistol that makes head shots a breeze. Grab it and throw the lift against the wall. Try to jump at the same time to bring yourself back up. If you fail, you'll have to break the pallet and die to the kill ball below.

    Lastly, this map was finished today. I have yet to test whether there are any problems.
    If you find any, let me know. If you find major flaws, this game type also works well on Construct.
    PS: I read a little bit of Sarge's guide and realized my variant is very close to how an infection game should be without even knowing.

    Weapon locations rearranged.
    Outside zombie spawns removed.
    Zombie teleporter raised.
    Removed camouflage power-up due to zombies able to grab it.
    Raised zombie gravity to 75%. (up from 50%)
    Human radar changed to Enhanced. (10 meters - 25 for last man)
    Fixed a missing tube ramp.
    Stopped the beeping when a zombie has low shield.
    Next zombie changed to Random (was Chump)
    Round time limited changed to 5 minutes (up from 4)

    Close the upper level so you can't jump down and leave the map.
    Continue the construction of the upper level to create a circular path.
    #1 Kardofaces, Oct 21, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2009
  2. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    This map isn't that bad. The only thing I don't like is that you can escape whether you grenade jump or not (Unless it is high gravity, like gravity that would make you collapse to the ground. I don't know if you have any more money left, but try and raise the walls. But the concept is good, but if people get out of the map that is bad. Very bad, but the map is good.
    #2 Ac3Snip3r, Oct 21, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2009
  3. Kardofaces

    Kardofaces Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Base gravity trait is 150%. Zombies are 50% (might raise it) There are no grenades.
    #3 Kardofaces, Oct 21, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2009
  4. DabilahroNinja

    DabilahroNinja Ancient
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    The map looks very easy to simply walk out of. I like the pistol risk = reward idea, but couldn't you just throw the grav lift down and grab the pistol midair?
  5. africanBoi

    africanBoi Ancient
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    like the design especially the pistol trap. You might find it easy to get out of, but a zombie should be able to get in and out to retrieve the lost players easily. looks fun, defiantly going to play this.
  6. Skittle085

    Skittle085 Ancient
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    It's definately a new idea and I like the map design. Sucks I couldn't use a sniper weapon to save my life, but oh well. I'm sure those of us who can will have fun.

    Dammit, you just got about two different songs called "Aim for the Head" stuck in my head. Grr.
  7. Kardofaces

    Kardofaces Forerunner
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    I didn't really care whether people left the map. I'd assume it'd be played among friends. If it means a lot I can fix it for you guys.
    If I understand you correctly then that would be very lucky. Usually the grav lift just continues to fall and won't notch itself on the ledge further below.
  8. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    You haven't tested it? Dude...

    You need to test your maps man. Nobody wants to download a map that hasn't been tested, because when people download a map, they want it to be finished. If we load up your map and the sniper spawns every 10 seconds, or half the ridge doesn't spawn, or game varients don't work for it, then what's the point of even playing on it? Testing is the most critical part of making a map. It's something you don't even do with one or two people in the party. You get a whole bunch of people together and play game after game on the map. Ask them what they want changed. Ask them what they like. Play for GAMEPLAY. And by that i mean, don't sign in a guest and check to see if capture the flag works. PLAY it with a party.

    If you haven't tested it, it's not ready for posting or downloading.
    #8 ZANDER1994, Oct 22, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2009
  9. Wizzer69Gizzer

    Wizzer69Gizzer Ancient
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    somethings not right here, wait a second, that doesn't look like a box at all!

    it looks like a cool map ill test it out later. :)
  10. Kardofaces

    Kardofaces Forerunner
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    Relax. Nothings ever perfect.
  11. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    Besides, I thought the whole point of a beta /was/ to get your map tested by a load of people, so you can release a bigger and better version later. That's what I've done with my recent map.
  12. Kardofaces

    Kardofaces Forerunner
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    Yeah. If enough people like it, I'd like to add more for aesthetic purposes and work out any kinks. I'm kinda new to the forge. The only thing I've learned from anyone was ghost merging. (if that's the right name / and I learned it the same day I finished the map and posted it here)

    The only other map I've made is Fire Bomb. A simplistically designed assault variant. I have another called ARENA which features a boxed Foundry and a Warthog used for splattering but it seems only the Last Man Standing has invulnerability to the turret or gauss cannon - which renders the game useless without some sort of honor from the players.
    #12 Kardofaces, Oct 22, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2009

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