Sandbox Rikuo Falls V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by striot, Oct 18, 2009.

  1. striot

    striot Ancient
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    Talapia Falls
    (renamed from Rikuo Falls) Created by ST_RIOT

    Supported Gametypes:
    Supports all gametypes. Recommend Slayer, CTF?, Assault?, King, Predator Juggernaut!

    Recommend 2-8 players.

    Map Description
    I have updated the description, but the major changes are as follows: The trees are more sparse, the walls are higher and much better looking, the bases have been dropped a level and expanded, and the sniper and waterfall high grounds have been made much easier to climb.

    This is a relatively small symmetrical map, with a base along opposite walls and a waterfall/pool running down the center. It is laid out in an oval. The majority of the ground floor is relatively open, with 'palm trees' (complete with coconuts) and the pool ridge for cover. A sniper perch can be scaled from the ground floor, across from the waterfall. Each base is a small cave at the top of their respective walls, with two ramps/entrances.

    The trees create a dynamic cover element, and they are strategically positioned to balance the high ground lines of sight. I have taken the feedback on the beta into consideration and removed some of the trees, but opted not to make them immobile. The gravity hammer is now absent, and the trees are thinner towards the middle, so I expect to see less lumber getting in the way. While the center pool is somewhat vulnerable to the surrounding walls, it should be easily defensible by ducking underwater, and the ridge around it provides a circular rampart cover system.

    A spanker or detached MG turret will occasionally come down the waterfall and rest briefly in the pool, hopefully not sinking into the depths. The Fuel Rod has been removed. Frag grenades fall out of some of the trees! The sniper rifle is now centered, and the hammer has been removed. The plasma grenades at the top of the waterfall were a little too powerful without nerfing their respawn, so they have been replaced with a needler. The overshield in this map is exactly the same as Beaver Creek. I always liked heading back to it every sixty seconds, and it's accessibility meant it was easy to get but easy to die trying. So yeah, it's recreated perfectly in this map, the only powerup available.

    Weapon list:

    4x Battle Rifle

    2x Carbine

    2x Brute Shot with emphasized respawns

    2x SMG

    1x Needler

    1x Sniper Rifle

    1x Rocket Launcher on delayed spawn

    1x Machine Gun turret, detached

    4x Frag Grenade

    2x Spike Grenade

    1x Overshield



    Sniper perch, and treetop hoppin

    Base, base, all your base

    View from sniper perch

    View from waterfall

    Updated walls:

    Thanks for the feedback on the first version! I think this one is a gigantic improvement. Traversal is vastly improved and the walls are higher and better looking. The walls are fixed to my satisfaction, if you can STILL get out in a reasonable fashion... I will work on it some more. The only issue remaining seems to be the trees. Let me know if you think they should be totally immobile, and if you play test it and find they actually get in the way (they de- and re-spawn pretty fast too, mind you), I definitely want to hear your input. Thanks!

    Need to test a real flag or bomb game - might be too small.

    I appreciate further comments!

    Download Talapia Falls
    #1 striot, Oct 18, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2009
  2. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    You have 2 different names for the map?

    Newho, great improvement, youve improved on the traversing, as you said and escaping the map (did you fix the jump from the top of the fountain on the wood with a few bruteshop jumps up?).

    Also have you changed the weapon layout? If I remember there were too many power weapons.
  3. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Haha I really like the tree idea!
    The huge blockade around the map looks great too.
    ...But I think you could have ghost merged in a few places just to make things a bit more smooth... but that doesn't matter that much.
  4. Reincarnation

    Reincarnation Ancient
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    This is an original idea for the most part, which is good. I like this, it looks ascetically pleasing and the gameplay would seem to be pretty good. Nice job, the name thing kinda was weird though. - 7/10
  5. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Its good that you fixed the breakibility, so this could be played competitively, however, most of the asthetics leave something to be desired. Most of the floors are flat but not without a few bumps, nothing serious. This still has the problem of the "trees" and creating a nightmare for anyone trying to walk across. Could you could at least put a weapon holder or reciever node atop these to make them a bit more stable.
  6. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    ive got a way anyone can break this map:
    its called a brute shot.

    many people never take this into consideration when they add brute shots into their maps.
    Solution: Since you cant add anymore objects (you hit the limit) take them out and replace them with another weapon.
  7. TheRayzerTag

    TheRayzerTag Ancient
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    I like that the map has a bit of a blue lighting 'vibe', with the waterfall and the reflecting treetops. It makes the map look... new and refreshing. I won't be able to play it (Xbox is being repaired X( ), but it's already in my download que. Have fun playin'!
  8. OMFG Im Booth

    OMFG Im Booth Ancient
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    Thats awesome, those actually look like trees. Good work.
  9. striot

    striot Ancient
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    Hmm, show me where you can brute shot out and I will fix it.. I am no expert, but I dont see how you can do it - every wall has an inward hanging lip on it. I guess it might be possible with stacking on top of one another.

    I wouldnt really mind removing the brute shots anyway. They are the only common weapon left that can easily topple the trees, which is both good and bad. I like the variety that the brute shots and falling trees add, but if enough people honestly hate a few radio antennas on the ground, I can swap the brute shots for some weapon holders. I don't see a good alternative weapon, maybe a shotgun..

    And yeah, there are still a few very minor bumps in each base that I want to fix. Is ghost merging different than interlocking?

    Yesses all around!

    Another note on the falling trees - the radio antennae can withstand direct rocket hits, depending on a few factors. The only sure fire way to knock them down is to hit the barricade with an explosive - something I don't expect to happen on a regular basis, nor to more than two or three at a time... unless a dedicated lumberjack with a brute shot consciously attempts to knock them all down. Interesting gameplay mechanic or still too annoying? You tell me.

    This is making me want to remove the brute shots even more, though..
    #9 striot, Oct 18, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2009
  10. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Please read my comment above, I can knock many down with a single grenade. Place a teleporter or weapon holder on top to make them a bit more stable, they will still fall but not as easily.
  11. striot

    striot Ancient
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    Appreciate the advice, but I did read it, as evidenced where I mentioned an option for adding weapon holders in my follow up post. I am holding off on adjusting them until I get some play time with more than two players in on it. Unfortunately none of my friends log much, now that we cleaned out ODST. I am at the item limit and have squeezed as much as I can out of everything else to complete the walls. I dont really want to glitch it.
    #11 striot, Oct 18, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2009
  12. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    I love the use of Radio towers and Barricades! Im glad someone finnally found a use for them
  13. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    alright so.
    first pic, top middle. the wall is slightly shorter then every other one.
    also there is a wall with a pathway by it (to brute shot jump successfully you mus be up against a wall then shoot twice while moving forward, you get a lot higher then just shooting once when you arent against a wall)
    hope this helps.
    oh and a weapon you could replace it with is a mauler? if you dont have those already (i havent read your post since i first saw the map which was bout 2 days ago so im not sure). Maulers i aslo beleive can knock down the antennae. if not you can always put another pair of nades in there to spice it up.
  14. striot

    striot Ancient
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    I have since fixed those walls with another layer of block, huge. I will consider the mauler too, thanks for the tips. I am not really worrying about it though since it seems to not be too popular :p
  15. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Its a good idea to do some tree you can destroy ! I will download it and see the gaeplay and send you more comments !
  16. Shlbamobinladen

    Shlbamobinladen Ancient
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    This appeals to me in sort of a funny way the trees sort of look like a joke, ouch I mean not in a bad way more like a insane in the brain type of way. I dont know but they are very original but even with all those anttenas i think the middle still might be a little to open. So maybe some solid trees out of colums? This bases look solid tho good job.
  17. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
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    i really love the idea of the trees and the waterfall. and the blue lighting. very unique and creative.

    while Darksoullll is wrong about the places you can escape from, it is escapable. I'll show you.

    Video Link

    It's also possible with a frag from the same spot. Just move or delete that tree and you should be good.
  18. striot

    striot Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ahh thanks for video, that was superb. I tried that with a frag but only a couple times before I got tired of it. I have since added another level of walls right where you jumped, so it should be okay now. You can download it on the OP or here: : Halo 3 File Details

    Thanks again everyone!
    #18 striot, Oct 22, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2009
  19. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    alright sweet deal man.

    but i have found various breakages

    you CAN bruteshot off the trees on top of the walls.
    haha :p
    just take them out since then i cant be a pain in the but to you anymore hahah

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