i wouldnt be surprised if he is. You dont learn this stuff until 10th grade Bio. He's lacking in common logic and sense though for sure.
Yeah, but that's not what I had in mind. I meant more like Prototype, but you use a needle to do so. The jellyfish thing is cool though. Oh yeah, those tenth grade honor's students hari? I've met a few with like minds as his friend.
This is splicing. You don't injuect it and gain the abilities. You have to cut open the DNA strand and move the fragments into the right order, and eventually(As the cells replenish themselves) the subjuect may begin to experience strange mutations, such as thinner bones, lack of bone marrow, and so on. My ju key is stuck to the u key by syrup, so don't comment on that.
Doubtful that this would work. One cell with mutated DNA would not transfer through your whole body, although it would spread. Cancer is an example of mutated cells. The cells have mutated in a way so that they do not stop growing when they reach a certain density so the increasing pressure can become dangerous. Although the cancerous cells do create new cancerous cells, they do not influence any non cancerous cells. Thats why tumors are typically isolated.
You'd really have to enter the gene into the chromosomes of each cell in your body... I think. Sort of the reason some chromosome diseases can't be removed because it's located in every cell of the body...
Good point. But cancerous/mutated cells spread. Every new cell is mutated, therefore over time, the mutations could spread through a section of your body. Not a very fast problem, but it it does happen.
There is this thing called gene therapy, which accomplishes precisely the task you guys are all saying is impossible. It uses viruses to replace the DNA of all cells in a problem area with different DNA, and those cells are then fixed for good, since they're dividing with the new DNA intact. Viruses work by attaching to their target cell, and injecting the cell with DNA instructions to produce more viruses. Scientists have learned to take a virus, replace the DNA inside it with the DNA of a healthy human cell, and then unleash the viruses on the target area of the human body. The viruses do all the work they evolved to do, overriding the infected cell's reproduction, but instead of inserting instructions to produce viruses, they now insert healthy DNA which the cell uses and reproduces. So far, there have been several groups of human treatments, many of which succeeded in curing things like a genetic disease that leads to blindness or a genetic immune system deficiency(bubble boy disease). Of course, nearly all of the children treated with gene therapy for their immune system deficiency have since died of leukemia, but for years after the treatment they were healthy, and had mostly normal immune systems. In other words, the gene therapy cured what it was supposed to, but the genetic damage was so great that it led to cancer. bubble boy gene therapy article
Gene therapy still needs to go through lots more testing and experimenting and research. It currently is still very risky, and has a high failure rate.
Oh I know, I just wanted to throw that out there, that it isn't all cancer, "splicing", and impossible injecting bird DNA to grow wings when it comes to gene modification.
I've tried this once a few years ago. I basically called some friends over to try DNA mutation. We took specific genes from different plants and animals and injected them into our bloodstreams, hoping to reach some sort of "super human power". It started off as a false hope experiment, but little did we know that our actions would have serious consequences. My friend, Logan, started growing claws and developed a serious temper. Another one of my friends actually turned blue! A couple of kids from our town heard about our experimenting and decided to test it out for themselves. But they were only concerned about how their new powers could benefit them. Soon, there was a war between mutants and the humans prohibited us mutants from their cities. It became too much power to handle, so we decided it would be best to give up our powers. Anyways, we were the X-Men and we stopped evil mutants and junk.
You're a moron and you shouldn't talk. All this would do is give is cause your body to reject the sample and eliminate it. Assuming no deadly diseases were on board. Anyone who said anything other than, "nothing would happen" is an idiot.