Prayer Tree Map Link : Map Description : This old cave are Healted by the Prayer Tree.The people whoes can reach the Prayer Tree Will Be Owner Of It. Fight For It. Game Mod : Team Slayer , Capture The Flag and King Of The Hill . Weapon List : BR x4 Conv. Carbine x2 Sniper x1 Shotgun x1 Rocket x1 Mauler x1 Plasma Pistol x1 Plasma Rifle x2 Spiker x2 Needler x1 Brute Shot x1 Ghost x1 Energie Drain x2 Regenerator x1 Buble Shield x1 Frag Grenade x4 Plasma Grenade x4 Spike Grenade x4 Sword x1 Camo x1 Now The Pics ! Red Base Blue Base Rocket Structure Rocket Spawn Ghost Structure Ghost Spawn Midle or The Prayer Tree + Sword and Camo Spawn Action Shots Thank You and Comments My Map For a v2 ! Map Link : Halo 3 File Details
Your text is a bit... large. Edit: You fixed it now I like the aesthetic layout of it, it looks very cool, although I can see one or two sloppy areas. I'd download and tell you more but I don't have sandbox
Wow! This map is fantastic! This is the first map that reminds me of my beloved Backwash back in Halo 2! The tree might look cooler if you put leaves (reciever teleporters) in it. You also might want to add a bit more cover, unless you hit the budget : )
What is with all of the sick ghost merging maps? I'm a little peeved that I didn't do /any/ in my recent map. Can anyone link to this easy new technique everyone seems to be discovering? Seriously, those structures look fantastically forged. I begin to suspect that it's that easy to make something good. Tell me your secret now! Grrrr. If I have to criticise this, the weapons seemed really random (or rather, you picked one of /everything/ ) and I'd have prefered it if the bases weren't entirely symmetrical. Ocd at work, kids. D:
Your stuctures intrigue me and bring back memorys of foundry. I like you took advantage of sandbox's wide variety of items, you have some variety. Your tree looks different then others because you used double boxes but you made it look nice. I will download and test whenever I can. I know you put a lot of work into this and your post should reflect so claen it up a bit and put a personal touch to so it seems unique. Like fix grammer problems in your first sentence. And give a more detailed weapons list with spawn times and asm/sym settings, if you have any.
Wow the aesthetics on this map is top notch. I really like all of your structure ideas. From the post it seems like the weapon placement might not be perfect, and i really dont like turrets in competitive maps. Ill hopefully be able to test it soon and get back to you.
This map look Awesome!I love all of the structures. Very original. I'd suggest keeping to only two types of grenades, having three or more tend to have people looking at the grenade selection bar too often, thus effecting gameplay. I'd also suggest cleaning up the weapons on the map, because from the looks of it, it seems as if you just wanted to put down as many different weapons as you could, even though you might have pulled it off very well. And also (and I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything) but in your weapons list you have a bit of spelling mistakes: Energ*Y* Drain, Bub*B*le Shield. (again, I'm not trying to piss you off, just trying to be helpful) Very nice map!
The map looks very good. The only issues I have with it are the turrets and the sword and camo being so close together...couldn't you just put a hollow point and put the sword in there?
This map is great, I am fascinated by the simple yet complex aesthetics of this map. It feels very halo 2 to me. I think you might reposition the sword so that you cannot power play the camo and the sword at the same time. And i love how people want you to "claen" up your grammar...
Its a good map. Center doesnt really look like a tree but no trees people forge ever do... hardly. I like how each corner has its own special stucture, i think its what really brings the map together. I really like rocket spawn structure but enough with that kind of stuff I think this map would play really well so i cant wait to play it.
The merging really makes this perfect, and everything fits into the theme of the map. The ghost and the assymetrical weapons are perfect. But can you jump up onto the structures?
Yeaaahh im the blue guy!! ( in the pics im always dying, but i won the game XD) An other sweet map Jess, keep forging originally like that. Very smooth forging, the layout is great and the gameplay is awesome.
maybe if his name wasnt recon speller than nobody would bother him about is spelling. just sayin. and also, now that we haveghost merges, maps will become more based on gameplay than just smexy merges. and this map stepped it up, it really looks like nice flow. my que is full, i will download later. edit: just noticed the french comment, congrats on learning a new language, its hard.
this is an amazing aesthetic map but i don't know about game play will have to dl and get back to you. Tree is really cool looking btw I agree with guy a few up needs sword or camo moved or at least set on timers greatly different so they are unlikely to both be their at the same time
Lol, claen. I know it is hypocrytical. But come it is one thing to mess up in a comment but in a post that you are using to show off your latest creation? Come on now!
Hi, it's me again. I'll speak in french for you. J'ai utilisé les eplosifs pour saute sur la structure qui resemble un roux, peut-être tu peux fixer ca ; )