DO NOT DOWNLOAD! CLICK HERE FOR THE NON BETA LOCO SNOW DODGEBALL! Snow Dodgeball Download Snow Dodgeball Download Original Dodgeball Team Dodgeball 5 Rounds, Elimination Style 4-12 Players (Prefered way to play) Download Team Gametype Dodgeball 15 kills to win 2 Players Download Dodgeball This is a BETA. I want to see if everyone likes this version as much as the first. Two sides seperated by a pit. if you jump in you fall to your death. Plasma granades are scattered all around each side. Throw plasma grenades to eliminate the other team. 5 rounds in team play. Each player starts out with only a sword so no shooting. This is real dodgeball that works. Make sure to try out my original dodgeball. I need lots of feedback to make this the best dodgeball map ever!
I like it but it doesnt look very neat. I would reccomend using the ramps but only use the flat end. Place them like a 'Z' to make a rectangle. Z
ya, its not that smooth and its easy to fall. right idea, but a little simple. Maybe add 1 no respawning power drainer each team? or how about floating needler on each? and finally... another level or a bigger field
He did say that it was a beta to see if people liked it. If they do, I assume he'll make a more professional version. Also, what's to stop people from grenade jumping across and slashing their way through the opposing team?
The gametype actually reduces your jumping ability. It keeps you from jumping across. If youtry it with the gametype you will see. Also you need to try my original Dodgeball map.
Fun but rough floors,try more interlocking also,did u make the plasma nades spawn right after their destruction,i seem to have ran into a problem where a have no nades,and more than a few times. also i suggest u add in spike nades as well,so there are more nades around and lower chances to run out GREAT IDEA!Put sheild doors flat along the ground so it is more of a sticking game then akill your enemy with the area of effect game
Both ideas are really good. Especially the second one. I will play around with those. Thanks for the input.
I like the gap idea, could use a lot of merging, and definately put over the cliff, this would encourage dodgeball only, and prevent peop0le from running away, I may edit this ^_^