Can you create a minefiled? - Halo Physics

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Stevo, Oct 21, 2009.

  1. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ok, with the new merging option being Ghost merging. I've found myself thinking what can change gameplay?
    In effect, I thought it might be possible to create a minefield using Fusion Coils...

    Goal 1: Dummying the Fusion Coils, Is it Possible? The first step to creating a minefield is to establish whether or not Fusion Coils can be Ghost Merged(GM) into scenery. I have noticed that GM is used on Immovable objects, but i've seen it possible to merge movable objects into scenery at times. I think dummying the object would be most difficult, but as someone has described before, you can enter monitor mode and press X at the same time as going into human mode so it brings up the object window, spawn the fusion coil, and hopefully it should be a dummied fusion coil as it drops down.. Hopefully though, it wont blow up.

    Goal 2: Placing the "mine" Using the dummied fusion coils, see if its possible to merge them into the ground without them popping up instantly. They cannot be entirely pinned in for the Minefield effect to work, but using immovable objects to pin it in can be used but will need to be deleted once the "mine" settles.

    Goal 3: Setting the scenery Once establishing how to merge them into the floor without them instantly popping up, create a floor space at the same height all around.

    Goal 4: Establishing whether the Minefield Works. Once the floor is constructed, walk across the floor and step on the fusion coils. If the physics that are used in planks etc, that when touched they move, the fusion coil should launch out from its semi merged state. Does this fusion coil explode from the pressure or forced movement through the scenery?

    Goal 5: If Goal 4 Fails If goal 4 is unsuccessful, experiment with other ways to try and detonate the minefield, if the fusion coil launches out of the hole and doesnt explode, is there anything that can be placed above the mine (like on the roof etc) that might cause the mine to explode (another fusion coil merged in the roof, so when the bottom one launches up and hits the top one they both detonate causing a fatal explosion?)

    I would try this myself, as i dont think anyone's actually attempted this before, and i believe this could be a very game changing experience due to play style. Placing power weapons in minefields could be the next best thing in creating forged maps.

    If anyone is interested in trying this, please let me know and tell me how it goes. When i get my xbox back, if this is successful, we can make a youtube tutorial :)
    #1 Stevo, Oct 21, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2009
  2. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    First of all, the only way I think we could ever merge a fusion coil into the ground, would be by force spawning an object over it, while you are physicaly underneath the map. Either the fusion coil will slide gently underneath the map, or it will explode. If it goes underneath the map, then you're good. The No-Clip glitch does not work on any immovable objects. Even if you use the X + Up-D-Pad method. All it will do is make one fusion coil have 0 gravity, and the one you are holding will be just like any other fusion coil.

    I like where you are going with this though. If we did get underneath a map with the fusion coil, all we would really have to do is push it up against the ceiling under the map, and save + quit. Come back, go under the map, and get a box to spawn right over the fusion coil. The only problem here is you would have to go back once more and spawn a wall directly underneath the fusion coil, so that the box can spawn later into the game, and the fusion coil will not fall. The only reason the box needs to spawn later into the game, is so the fusion coil will not be in motion when it spawns. This will make it so that any motion around the fusion coil after the box spawns, will cause it to shoot up in the air. But you would have to find your own way to make it blow up.
  3. Klaydude11

    Klaydude11 Ancient
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    That could actually be a really good map. If you can get it working try and make a one flag or assault gametype to go along with it. Walking across a minefield with a bomb...
  4. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    As Conker has kindly explained, it can't be done to our knowlege. But even if you could merge like that, the coils aren't proximity bombs, you would have to blow them up yourself.
  5. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    As i say, thats not necessarily true. Vibrations have been known to set traps off, mainly using things like mancannons or gravlifts etc..

    If not merging into the floor of a map, they could just be merged into objects. These could then be forced out of the object using a mancannon or grav lift when disturbed by the vibrations.
    So in effect it could still be a minefield. It would just have to be raised off the floor on a second level floor etc..

    The detonation of the fusion coil, may or may not suceed. I havnt really spent time in merging movable objects into scenery or other objects.. But I have seen that people can merge movable objects into scenery (like radio antenae into blocks) which shows merging the fusion coil can be achieved. If they can be merged, the detonation would be due to the force of them being pushed outwards and into something. Whether or not it needs to obtain a certain speed to blow up or whether it can just blow up from the pressure of being pushed through an object is what i need people to find out.
  6. Duckyz

    Duckyz Ancient
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    ive tried dummbing a fusion coil, it just turnsn into an anti grav glitch

    and there are easier ways to do that glitch
  7. A Fluffy Pillow

    A Fluffy Pillow Ancient
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    There is one guy who made something similar to this. He didn't geomerge them though, just interlocked them under a doubble box on foundry touching a pallet. So basicly when you stepped on the box a the fusion coils came up out of it and exploded. However I'm not sure you could make them detinate individualy, check out the thread:
    It's the second switch. Also I couldn't find the one on foundry I was thinking of but whatever this should still be fine...
  8. Klaydude11

    Klaydude11 Ancient
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    I got the forge menu in human mode and it does automatically dummy objects. I couldn't remember how to make no-clip object so I made this instead: Kikowani Elevator.
  9. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Search: 'OIVIARxPRx minefield' on youtube
  10. CLIFF X13

    CLIFF X13 Ancient
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    YouTube - Halo 3 ''The MineField" Advanced trap This is the video mentioned in the above post. It is a fairly straightforward trap that isnt really hard to make. Great tutorial as well. The downside is that is only works once each round and that it takes quite a lot of time and objects to make.
  11. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks for the interest guys, i didnt actually think anyone had already done this :(

    Id love to try and make on in a sandbox map though, and try and make it re-useable.

    EDIT: Just thought of how it could be done. Im guessing to make it reuseable the fusion coils need to merge into the block again? And they cant do that unless the block disappears. If the block were a crate, and pinned in by teleporters, the box would technically move and thus will reset after a short period of time allowing the coils to be remerged into the crate. The mancannon would also need to be switch for a gravlift, that will also be destroyed with the explosions of the mines.
    #11 Stevo, Oct 23, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2009

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