Awesome, i cant wait to post my maps and stuff,( oh that link how to post maps by theta is not working ) but how come the pistol is just for the trainees? We all know pistols are da bomb that pwn evrything!
Hey guys. I hail from the Sarcastic Gamer community, and being a big halo forger I found out about the site here by the assorted Youtube videos. I've been lurking here for a while, and just now decided to join. I hope to upload some of my maps soon.
This whole forum seems like one big spam forum, but it is cool to just be able to talk about random stuff to random people
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Hey guys. I just recently bought Halo 3, and the Forge mode really caught the attention of my artistic side. I can't stop tweaking around with custom maps, and then watching as my friends gaze in awe at my time-consuming projects.. well, in short, I figure this is a pretty good place to meet other people like me, and a way to get pointers every now and then whenever I need them. I can get along with almost anybody, and forums are my second home, so I think I should fit in pretty nicely here. I'm glad to meet all you guys, and I hope I'll make a few friends during my time here
I've been a member here for quite some time but have finally started getting involved with forging my own maps and critiquing others. I've found a new addiction to the internet and it is ForgeHub!
Well its about time I found this site. It will be great to get the creative juices flowing. Oh and by the way, I am currently unable to partake in Xbox Live events :cry:. Obviously if you haven't forged Sandbox then you don't know the true meaning or potential of Forge, and I haven't mg:,but soon I will be receiving my reserved copy of Halo 3:ODST and then I'll have all the maps:happy:. Nice to meet you all. If anyone wants to befriend me on XBL. Send me a request but I'm poor :lol: and who knows when I'll be on. My GT is Teh PeliCAN Man. EDIT: How do I get a pic and words in my sig all at once? Its not working.
well, what is it you are interested in? There is a lot here on FH for you. First, I recommend creating a thread in the Introductions forum and introducing yourself and telling us about your self. Second, If you came here to learn hoy to Forge, go to the Forging 101 sub-forum. Or if you came here for maps head over to the Halo Maps Maps section of the forums. Thirdly, Graphics and Arts? Here yuh go. Fourthly, Welcome to ForgeHub. Fifthly, My name is RedNeck. Sixthly, I can't think of what else to say. Seventhly, I'm done. Eighthly,
lol redneck, your antics can be quite the hoot >.< anyway hey skyblade i've already posted links to all the map posting guide on your page and like redneck said introduce yourself, I might already know you but the rest of forgehub doesnt