Forger's Cell Created by buddhacrane Recommended Players: 1 Required Gametype: Forge Not satisfied with his own hand in the recent Paratroxity, which set a new standard in complexity and design for truly great puzzle maps, buddhacrane decided to take the principle one step further. Though, perhaps further is the wrong word, for what we have here is set more at a strange tangent to previous puzzle maps than anything else, extending as it does in to the realms of something both familiar and strange at the same time, that is the Forge that we call home. There is only one rule here, you must not leave the map geometry at any time. Beyond that, you are free to do as you wish, though tread carefully, a trigger happy item deletion could cost you dear. Forger's cell sports 9 complete puzzles for you to master stage by stage, though the creator will tell you that a proficiency for puzzle maps of the past will do you few favours here. This is a true departure from the conventions of Halo 3 problem solving, exploiting the wealth of possibilities inherent in the Forge process to create something that not only challenges the mind, but puts everyone on an even footing as far as puzzle maps go. Another ingenious aspect of this Forge-puzzle is the ability to unlock checkpoints as you solve the puzzles and actually save your progress as a new map, ready to be picked up again later without losing all your work. This is one map feature where we strongly urge you to utilise the link to buddha's original map thread located at the bottom of this post, wherein you will find a comprehensive rundown of this puzzle epic as well as some typically cryptic tips and nudges from the man himself. I should put my thinking cap on if I were you. Download Forger's Cell Original FH Thread If you have any thoughts on this article, or the front page in general, that you would like to share with us then we invite you to post your opinions in the Front Page Feedback thread.
This puzzle is so hard, I cannot figure it out for my life and I'm on level one, I think. This brings new respect for puzzles. How did Buddhacrane make the objects un-selectable though so that other people can make puzzles like this?
I have yet to play the map but I can assume it involves the glitch where if an object is set not to spawn at start, the first round you open that map in Forge the item is there but unable to be grabbed. Only until you start a new round will the object resume its normal course of not spawning at start.
Cool, but I don't think this idea will go much further than this... just like Distortion. Great job on being unique, though!
Good job Peg! Hes never going to shut up about about this now, its all he talks about in the lolbox. I may download if I run out of crosswords to do.
Loving the puzzle map features here. This one truly is unique and totally deserved the feature though, because it's made for forgers. It's basically a test of your forging knowledge, and the more experienced of a forger you are, the farther you will probably get on this map. My only complaint is that it could have been longer, but the puzzles that are included are great and have variety. Perhaps the most genuis aspect of this map, however, is the ways in which BuddhaCrane overcame the honour rules that would normally apply to a forge puzzle. Even if you start a new round or try to delete the spawn points, your efforts will be futile as for progressing in the map. Nice job Buddha, I had a fun time playing this, and solving it on my own. Do I still have the record for solving the first room the fastest?
Can't say i did not see this one coming. Its amazingly innovative and its smooth as anything. Nice job Buddhacrane
i think people will attempt to recreate maps like this, but i doubt any of them will be as succesful, cheat proof and challenging. And distortion actually had quite a few spinoffs, some that were pretty different than others.
I can't believe it Buddhacrane! Yet another amazing feature for you, and to say it's the first after the Conflict map's. I bet you're very proud of yourself for this accompishment. I know I am. Although I think I've hit the 100 custom content limit, oh jeez. I guess I can make some room. Forger's Cell looks like one of your best! (What the hell was I thinking when I posted this?)
when i first read this i though WOW, that's amazing. i was rather put off by the fact that you can't spawn anything. That being said, it is still amazingly innovative, and definitely deserves a feature, if for nothing else but thinking outside the box, and actually pulling it off.
That is correct, that's exactly that I did. The hard part was devising a contraption that prevented you getting passed the first room if you did restart the round. I found a way though That and getting rid of all those damn spawn points! I'm sure no one thought puzzle maps in general would catch on either Don't underestimate those wishing to push themselves for a challenge. The fun of creating a map like this is that it will not only challenge the players who try to complete them, but also the forgers trying to design and build them. I had a lot of fun trying to make this work, and I hope others give it a try too! There's plenty of room for new puzzle ideas with a brand new concept like this. Just think how long we've been going creating new puzzle ideas in regular puzzle maps! Actually, you can spawn a barrel! I had to be very careful what I allowed people to spawn. You don't realise how much of a can of worms it would be to give people too much flexibility and freedom in a map like this. Maybe if I make another one I will look more at that side of things. The problem is that once I let you spawn an item, you're free to use it for the rest of the map. ---------- Anyway, thank you all for your positive comments and reactions. I'm happy to help people stuck on certain puzzles so PM me if you need any extra hints. Remember to "Think with Forge!"
Yeah! I knew this map would get loved, and I knew this map deserved so much respect. Its a whole new idea, and even after someone has done it it will take another genious to do it again. I really loved this, and even though its short you will spend more time on it than on any other puzzle map you have ever done, if simply to replay and try to understand it! I first said that this was the most ingenious puzzle ever built, and apperently everyone agrees. Congrats, and nice job. Edit: Agh! I went to the voting bar, and learned that there is no button for "Holy Fricken S***!!"
make an item not spawn right away, then when you start a forge game its not selectable, just start a new round and you will see sorry if I'm ruining anything Buddhacrane edit: i haven't gotten on the map so i don't know if that's how he did it, i just know that's one way to
Well, buddha is so beast that if you do start a new round he found a way that the first teleporter will make you die!! Yay!