Who thinks that there should be matchmaking in ODST. From the ODST disk there should be machmaking in the menu, and it would have all the playlists from halo 3(playing as a spartan with your same armor and rank)plus ODST playlists. You would be an ODST playing in the same halo 3 maps with an all new rank for your ODST. And in your service record it should show your rank for your spartan, and also your rank for your ODST. Bungie made servie tags and Armor Perms for firefight,so why not use them for something more.
Not necessarily. It is basically a really large hyped up expansion pack. If all you had to do was buy halo ODST and not Halo 3 then it wouldn't be worth it. So Microsoft would be making more money and they wouldn't have to spend extra money getting MM coded in there as well as new ODST outfits. FireFight is enough for me! LOL
Good point, but what if people want to play as elites? I think they are going to add extra emblems and emblem bg's though, like in the firefight lobby picture from Bungie.
I think a true MM for ODST would be awesome, not some, your a spartan w/ no shields yadda yadda, but an actual ODST with ODST wepons and armor and health system, that would be AWESOME