PARTY DOCKS Map: Party Docks Gametype: Slayer Description: This is a party house located on the halo 3 mythic map, Longshore. This party house, or the party docks, includes a variety of fun activities including: Jacuzzi Turntable with dance floor Pool Table Kitchen filled with drinks Giant plasma screen TV P.S. If you do actually plan to have a party here, I suggest that you make a slayer variant where you can't pick up weapons because most of the scenery like beer cans, billiard balls, and records for the turntable are made of explosives! =] Hope you Enjoy! Pool Table Jacuzzi Turntable and Dance Floor with awesome techno beats Living Room with too many beers that came from the kitchen "Hey Mom, I'm on TV!" It's a mongoose commercial Outside view of Living Room Outside view of Jacuzzi and Dance Floor
Put together extremely well. Everything was nicely interlocked and/or geomerged. Only problem was that it was rather small, but knowing the limititations of items and money, it worked out well. Good job Geranamo.
Ha really cool, love the pool table idea and the jacuzzi. Pointing out some things on the map would be easier, like where is the TV? Im geussing its the mongoose pic?
I hope you do realize that having modded is not allowed here on forgehub, and will most likely result in a fileshare ban. I recommend you take the gametype off your fileshare, ASAP. The map itself looks incredibly made and very unique, I love the jacuzzi. Im not against mods or anything, and Im certainly not trying to ruin your map, but seriously. you could get your fileshare privileges taken away from this just by having modded content in your fileshare even if you didnt make it.
This is really original for trying this on Longshore and you executed this very well. Even though you're not supposed to put modded content on Forge Hub I think they SHOULD understand. Nice job. - 9/10 P.S. I'm going to Par-tay Tonight!!!! LOL
Wow. The thing that immediately caught my attention was the pool table. I've never seen it done like that, and it's very nicely done. The jacuzzi is also very nicely put together. It's a very nice club, with every aspect of Longshore used. But, you cannot post a link to a modded gametype on ForgeHub. You can, however, suggest that the No-Weapon gametype to be used.
Alright, I kind of knew that I couldn't put a modded gametype on forgehub, but I do want to point out that assassination can be very annoying at times. Thank you for all your comments and the gametype will be removed immediately.
I love the TV! This map was well put together with the objects Longshore has to offer. This is my favorite longshore map Ive seen yet.
I love the map, but please change your white text. Us FH Light users find it very annoying to have to highlight text just to read it. Other than that, this has to be one of the best aesthetic maps I've seen in a while. I especially like the hot tub.
I'm guessing your using the different FH Light X version of forgehub? Sorry, I'm using the kind with a grey background so the text looks nice but I will surely change it to a little darker color. Hope you will enjoy the map and thank you all for your comments
amazing probably one of the best maps that we will ever see on longshore way to go keep the excellent forging.also great job useing the water for the jacuzzi and the fish tacos place for the kitchen 10/10
Lolz! Love the Jacuzzi! I was wondering, i'm making a clan base/hangout to put on Forgehub for homeless clans and i'm wondering if I can use some of these ideas? Also, what are the dingies for?
Go ahead! I have been wanting some recognition for some of my work so if you feel it is right to mention my name in the things that your putting into your map, for example like the real water in the Jacuzzi, that would be great =] The dinghies are mainly for fun and inside jokes. You should try to come up with some, I'm still finding more and more jokes involving those dinghies everyday.
Totally awesome. Can't wait to just mess around on here tonight with a bunch of my Xbox Live buddies. Thanks in advance for the lulz that ensue.
HAHAHA ! tHE JACouzi are great but dude how did you but object in the water me when i do it all my things are deleted ! ????!
Luckily I know what your talking about...and luckily I can understand your grammar and what you wrote. I have had much trouble putting boxes in the water on Longshore but not doors. Every kind of door you ghost merge underwater, to either make it float where you want it to go or merge it in with part of the dock, will not disappear when you let it go. On the other hand, double boxes will. I found out if you have at least 1/4th of the box sticking up out of the water, it will stay where you put it. Hope I'm answering the right kind of question you asked =s P.S. When I say boxes, I do not mean fish crate boxes...those will work...I mean the double boxes and single box, open kind.
jacuzzi picture is not showing try re uploading it and i actually REALLY like this map great job on this looks like it would be interesting 4/5
Lolz i thought they were massage chairs! Anyway, I used the dance floor, TV, and jacuzzi, and I will be posting shortly. It's called Omega Hideout, so keep an eye out! I'll give you credit for the ideas, I make everything on my map from scratch.
This map looks amazing. I am downloading it now. This is a cool map to just chill in. Great job on this. Nicely forged as well might i add.