This is the group picture from Insane's TGIF party where we decided to fire our lazars at Optimus Prime. Anyone else feel free to post any pics you took from the party. (Note:I'm the one aiming low)
I'm the one crouching on the far left, yay! Any more pics? There were some priceless moments of that TGIF.
I lost all of the films after joining Matt's TGIF afterwards... Anyway, I'm the Steel Recon with orange secondary. I suggested the map for the pic... and I don't remember who fired the nut shot.
Im the one standing on the right of insane with my awesum MLG pro red and white colors. I remember how we all thought the first lazer volley failed, but it turned out we fired together so perfectly it lagged and looked like we didnt. And i forgot to put on mai ReCoNz, aaaaarrrggggghhhh