hey, this is my older map in sandbox called; ---------- The White House. ------ (i post this map in an older account here, but in a wrong way, so i gonna post it in a good way now) WARNING; THE WHITE HOUSE DON'T MEAN THE VIP IS THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA, I DON'T TALK ABOUT ANY PRESIDENT AND ANY KIND OF ATTACKERS LINKED TO THE REAL LIFE. I WON'T MEAN TERRORIST ATTACK THE REAL WHITE HOUSE. IT'S JUST AN OTHER REALLY FUN CUSUAL GAME, PLEASE DON'T LOCK THE THREAD. Derscription; the map is a reconstitution of the white house on the middle level of sandbox where a VIP and the guards spawn. Away in the desert the attackers spawn in a little woody camp, whit a lot of guns, mongooses, and a warthog. There are 2 and more entrance for every floor, so you can't camp anywhere. At 30 sec before the end, a hornet spawn. Goal; the attackers need to put down the VIP in 3 minutes Weapons list; -everyone spawn with a Br and a pistol -Shotgun x4 (30 sec) -Sniper x2 (60 sec) -Rocket x1 (60 sec) -Plasma pistol x1 (30 sec) -missile pod x1 (60 sec) -(all in infinite ammo) Vehicules list; -mongoose x4 (10 sec) -warthog x1 (10 sec) Pictures; Face of the white house (me saying "we need you") Global view The side of the white house (vents entrance and block to get on the top) The top of the White house (sniper spawn, and hornet spawn (at 30 sec before the end) The second floor The first floor The vents The basement (2 shotguns spawn) The attackers base Inside the attackers base The sniper of the attackers So if you want to play in a original and very very exciting game download the map, you will be happy! DOWNLOAD HERE the map; Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details AND HERE THE GAME VARIANT obligatory; Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Thank you for watching and for downloading, i am open to your comments and suggestions, let me know what you think about my map (ps; i ran out of object) (ps 2; i am french, sorry for the probable language misstakes)
This map looks very nice. Very, very nice. The problem is that you made the back in the front, and that's not what the back looks like. Spoiler This is the backyard. Spoiler This is the front. Maybe make a V2, fix the problems. You say this, yet the gametype is called Protect Obama. I'm getting mixed messages here.
holy... I was making a map... exactly like this, nearly identical. However, mine is a bit different. Great idea. Great idea.
Yeah I was too except it was in the planning stage, and why did you make the back part of the white house the front? Also the gloomy FX wasn't to good of an idea just because whats the chance of the people becoming spotted when their out in the dunes, maybe with that sniper you put in there. It's like they could go stealth so if the president/VIP went on the roof top they could pop his head like a melon (mmm melon). so maybe taking out the FX to help the defenders to see more out in the dunes. anyways mostly terrorists just attack the president by strapping C4 to them and shouting their war cry while their trying to tackle the VIP. So if you want realism take out FX and give the attackers vehicles (no tanks) anything but tanks, gauss hogs, banshees, or hornets. give them hogs(T) or mongeese but give them somewhat strong weapons, such as: maybe a rocket, ugh anything as long as you balance it out. and have it so the defenders have to transport the VIP to a certain spot (If you did that) so it's considered an escape. P.S you don't have to any of this it's just a suggestion.
I am not the creator of the game variant. So i don't think about that, i gonna change the name. for the front and the back, i was don't knowing that, i am not living in usa, i always saw pictures of the (now i know) back of the white house.... but you know it's the white house, that's the goal XD Don't take care about that, continue your map, if my version help you, it's cool. I am always open for better version
Woah. I was literally just about to post a map just like this. In fact exactly like this. It's the same map. I was playing it on customs and was going to post it and give it some popularity, as i had assumed that the maker hadn't posted it. Crap! EDIT; I had no intention of stealing it, simply giving it some well deserved downloads.
like i say just up to you "Don't take care about that, continue your map, if my version help you, it's cool. I am always open for better version "